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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54680879 No.54680879 [Reply] [Original]

I want to make 200k working from home

>> No.54680902

you just know

>> No.54680908


>> No.54680912

>white female
every time...

>> No.54680915

when you think about it, it's crazy that white women prefer to be fucked by feral niggers and dogs over white men

>> No.54680920

Dogpill the bitterest pill to swallow

>> No.54680942

>acts surprised
>what're you doooiiing doggo!

>> No.54680944

crazy how mediocre white men are at sex huh

>> No.54680972

>white men turned their nations into mongrel shitholes where no one has kids and you literally need to be 0.001% to have what used to be a middle class life
>surprise pikachu face when women act out

>> No.54680974

Tbh nigs fuck anything. Aids.

>> No.54680979

mayocucks are just too effeminate. they are completely castrated and cucked. if they weren't so fucking arrogant i would actually feel bad for them

>> No.54680981
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>> No.54680996

that's disgusting.
mmmm that's culture.

>> No.54681028

>has never felt a woman wrap and lock her legs around your waist as you let her know youre about to come because she doesnt want you to pull out.

>> No.54681037
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That's why you train bjj

>> No.54681040

Being white is inferior today, whether its a job or women you need to be non white to get it. This is just further proof that there wont be white people in the future besides the incels living in the cabin inawoods.

>> No.54681101

Women sexuality is the most ill thing that nobody talk about. Imagine your sexuality being the product of thousands of years of rape

>> No.54681115

>retarded statement that doesn't promote any actual discussion
>bait webm
>99% of replies are off topic because there was no topic to begin with
>mfw this is half the threads on /biz/
Are there any jannies on this shitty ass board?

>> No.54681123

Nah white people will just mostly exist ib upper middle class communities. Everyone below the equivalent of ~5-10m of today will live in abject poverty in a brown sludge mass. Most likely eventually we will get genetic editing in which case most babies will be some kind of mixture of attractive med / nordic european since those are the most aesthetic phenotypes. Or the elite will just mass cull everyone after automation.

>> No.54681127

>mmmm that's culture
mmmmm that's zoophilia

>> No.54681188

Entire thread is literal niggers and changs lamenting their lack of pussy. LOL. FUCKING LMAO EVEN. Cope more shitskins. Just swing honestly, you might reincarnate as a bug in a white country.

>> No.54681294

You just know...

>> No.54681306

that's because white "men" are weak faggots.

>> No.54681410

Fuck off retard. Today's "women" are literal mental asylum wrecks.

>> No.54681699

The concept of feminism is the biggest blunder of the white race, and you whyteboy will pay for it by getting outbreed by other race out of existence.

>> No.54681703

you just know

>> No.54681726

You know it by default

>> No.54681741

the mere existence of the master race really does make everyone else seethe for the entirety of their short lives.
its incredible.

>> No.54681758

there's already desperate research on how to change your eye color from all the mud people.
given no woman wants a brown baby, and china's lack of barriers for CRISPR research, the world is just going to keep getting whiter on the surface level but behind those facade eyes will still remain an 85 iq brownie.

>> No.54681829
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>it's crazy that white women prefer to be fucked by feral niggers and dogs over white men
Uh oh browncel bros, we got too cocky

>> No.54681851
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Discord tranny thread