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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 510x680, fico-score.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54677741 No.54677741 [Reply] [Original]

do americans really do this?

>> No.54677748

Boggles my mind hof fucked mutts are, and none bats an eye

How is this not seen as communism lol you pay for the poors so they can get a house, but scream when its about social security

>> No.54677764

No link. Likely fake.

>> No.54677767

Sucks to be a home owner. Markets will tank in a couple years. Say goodbye to your zestimate. Deflation is on the horizon.

>> No.54677779

Put their tv over the fireplace even though the viewing angle sucks? Yeah it's pretty common

>> No.54677785

This is the future you chose


>> No.54677786

What is this for anyway? Why those fees?

>> No.54677787

Kneeling to niggers is america's national past time.

>> No.54677798

i legit have an 840 credit score
so the obvious question
how do I lower it?

>> No.54677819

Americas entire foundation is taking money from hard working white men and giving it to niggers

>> No.54677836

>America bad
Thanks, i hope putin is paying well

>> No.54677842

I'm European and hate putin, but I've been to america alot
It's just as bad as everyone says, in many ways even worse

>> No.54677843

Unironically do what the people who are getting discounts do. Be an absolute nigger with yours and others money.

>> No.54677848

>you can't criticize a country losing all its former unique values and adopting communist policies

>> No.54677891

So you agree with the policy of taxing good mortgagors and given it to bad mortgagors?

>> No.54677899
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>> No.54677941

I don't get it either, the TV is way too high.

>> No.54677978

You will never be a Glownigger

>> No.54677979

Who the FUCK puts their television above the mantelpiece? That is where a large mirror goes. Putting the television their makes the room look smaller and also means you have to crane your neck to watch from a seated position. How tacky.

>> No.54677991
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>> No.54677995

So I spend the last 6 years repairing my credit from being a retard in my early 20s, and this is what I get? I should have just stayed acting like a retard. At least shit was fun back then, and now I’d be able to get loans and a house anyway. Fuck this country and anyone who has any part in this new mortgage shit.

>> No.54677999

yeah americans always put their TV so high and are too retarded to realize it's tilted.

>> No.54678012

>americans put their tv on top of the mantelpiece
absolute savages

>> No.54678032

Their fireplaces are all fake anyway, either electronic or a gas stove, like their mc mansions, its all fake and a reprimand of european originals

>> No.54678044

The word mantelpiece for that thing always seemed odd

>> No.54678048

This screenshot can act as the post-collapse book -cover when they ask "what went wrong?"

>> No.54678085

He's paying very well and he even gave us some white Ukrainian girls.

>> No.54678117

please dumbass europoors still haven't discovered basic shit like central air

>> No.54678126

Normal people, get out more

>> No.54678137

Who benefits? Basketballs and beans
Who ends up paying? Whites & the few Asians in the US

So 70% of the US benefits

>> No.54678139

The average IQ doesn't benefit

>> No.54678303

>ukrainian women
Lol. Lmao

>> No.54678318

Yeah as basic as a carbertor, mutts are fucking behind in everything

>> No.54678337

touch some fucking grass
lmao thats so kiked

>> No.54678363

i see this more and more lately.
like why the fuck would i want to have to crane my neck to look up at the god damn ceiling for 2 hours while trying to watch a movie or whatever?

people are fucking retarded

>> No.54678408
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>> No.54678411

No one under 70 watches Fox news

>> No.54678425
File: 73 KB, 870x745, wealth-by-generation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one under 70 watches Fox news
no one under 70 matters economically

>> No.54678433


>> No.54678437

Nobody benefits. Cost of shelter goes up as more and more retards enter the housing market

>> No.54678456

this is really a discussion for /pol/ since it's about racial conflict (jews vs everyone else)

>> No.54678463
File: 76 KB, 600x600, poster,504x498,f8f8f8-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pepe is tired of watching everyone play hot potato with the endless derivative ShibaCumGMElonKishuTurboAssFlokiMoon Inu coins. The Inu’s have had their day. It’s time for the most recognizable meme in the world to take his reign as king of the memes.

Pepe is here to make memecoins great again. Launched stealth with no presale, zero taxes, LP burnt and contract renounced, $PEPE is a coin for the people, forever. Fueled by pure memetic power, let $PEPE show you the way. In Lord Kek we trust.

>> No.54678484

>scumbags that put their television above the fireplace feeling personally attacked
You fucking freaks. Get some decorum.

>> No.54678494

I will never turn my head up or down to look at a screen. These people are delusional

>> No.54678521
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>> No.54679493

It's the perfect angle for stoned sofa gaming bro, plus I'm a friendless shut in, no one will ever see my television placement faux pas

>> No.54679515

Stuff like this will keep getting passed by politicians without Americans even getting a chance to vote on it. Truly a 1st world democracy and the land of the free.

>> No.54679516

This hasn't been passed or put into law, right? I thought it was just a proposal. Democrats are scummy fuckheads.

>> No.54679545

It's passed and put into law in 10 days

>> No.54679547

It won’t get approved this shit is just some bullshit to make boomers mad

>> No.54679554

somebody has to pay to keep the boomer dream alive

>> No.54679597

Why do muricans always mount the TV over the fireplace?

Why do no Europeans do the same?

>> No.54679606
File: 91 KB, 545x304, ohn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's real


>> No.54679607

this will go well just like george w bush's homes for minorities program just before the subprime crisis

>> No.54679610

Portugese anon here, we started doing this a month ago it's not just amercians
Mortages with a higher debt budern started getting subsidised, the real estate bubble can't crah or else it's over

>> No.54679631
File: 914 KB, 1984x494, Screen Shot 2023-04-21 at 13.47.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source (in portuguese):https://www.doutorfinancas.pt/creditos/quem-vai-beneficiar-do-apoio-do-governo-ao-credito-habitacao/?src=adw.ch.performancemax.costmlistAB&gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw6IiiBhAOEiwALNqnce-TAFMHpkV7nr7vvy2AvYx6yYd95f56OSvMUmoKq2dLV0flhMqI-RoCgw0QAvD_BwE

>> No.54679646

>the real estate bubble can't crah or else it's over
cheap houses sound comfy though

>> No.54679654

I meant it's over for this fakeconomy, it's good for actual people, especially young people (which the government hates and wants you to emigrate to northern europe)

>> No.54679674

What the fuck is this autism chart ?

>> No.54679694

when americans do this it's actually shocking, Portugal is a socialist country so this type of blatant robbery on the citizenry is expected

>> No.54679735

Death to America sir

>> No.54680871
File: 1.49 MB, 1532x858, doAmericans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they what?

>> No.54680901

Look at this pleb. He doesn't even have a lifted couch.

>> No.54680927

get the fuck out of here, i don't believe you

>> No.54680937

Literally McCarthy era tactics

>there’s an issue with the US

>> No.54680945

But he's not wrong. I'm an American and I'm completely sick of this communist nigger worshipping shithole

>> No.54680946

to subsidize mortgages for borrowers with low credit scores, not kidding

>> No.54680977

You use toilet paper instead of a bidet, learn2wash your ass disgusting subhuman.

>> No.54680983


Oh well that settles it I’ve stopped caring

>> No.54680989

it should be the other way around desu

>> No.54680994

The guy on the right does what is rightious. He lays his own way and has a good credit score.
The guy o. The left is a fat pig. He runs up a huge credit card bill to buy fancy clothes and be a glutton.
>Let's give the guy on the left more money.

>> No.54681026

I benefit from deflation and inflation. Imagine not hedging your bets against both, pathetic dumb faggot

>> No.54681087

antifragile arab

>> No.54681360

the blackpill of capitalism is the fat pig produces bigger numbers for the growth ponzi even if the righteous man has a more sustainable lifestyle

>> No.54681426

If I already put 20% down with good credit, does this affect my current mortgage?

>> No.54681438


>> No.54681602

Jews are astoundingly single-minded

>> No.54681610

bill gates must sink his mega yacht to save carbon

>> No.54681612

mutts are le scum, what's the surprise?

>> No.54681644

How is this not the same as 2008 with subprime mortgages? genuinely im retarded pls help

>> No.54681750
File: 1.36 MB, 951x624, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck is this so popular, is everyone actually retarded?

>> No.54681781

>Literally McCarthy era tactics
>>there’s an issue with the US
Where else are they supposed to put the TV? the floor?

>> No.54681805
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>> No.54681834

>Sucks to be a home owner.
Home buyer, you mean? If you already own your home or have a fixed rate mortgage, how does this affect you?

>> No.54681847

Black people are basically the American religion. It's honestly really bizarre how we worship weakness and inferiority, and there's no problem that can't be solved by whipping the normal and productive and having them give more work, resources, and love to their inferiors. Basically anywhere mediocrity can be found, you'll find a shrine to this cult, but the blacks are the high priests.

>> No.54681898
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I don't think televisions belong in the living room, but I'm also not a TV watching boomer, a projector is better because you can take it down.

>> No.54681927

Tv is cancer, they belong in the trash

>> No.54681928

correct me if I'm wrong

is this not what happened in 2008?

especially in detroit?

they gave a bunch of mortgages to people who can't afford it even with this discount and then everyone went underwater and detroit went abandoned practically overnight.

>> No.54681969

where nyc? Yea it always sucked , come to the heartland, we like big trucks , non tranny beer , hate niggers and love jesus christ

>> No.54682021

mcarthy wasnt wrong though, he just didnt do enough. there were way more commies than even he imagined.

>> No.54682059


>> No.54682118

George lincoln rockwell talks about how when he befriended some jews they led him astray and ended up persecuting jon communists which damaged his credibility.

>> No.54682187

It wasn't exactly like this but there was a similar governmental program started by Bush 2 to allow poorer people who didn't qualify for mortages due to poor credit to get mortgages.


Although I would say the primary cause of the housing bubble was actually the invention of structured debt instruments for mortgages.

>> No.54682498
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yes they are glued to their ((( legacy media ))) on the goyvision and believe anything the screen tells them.

>> No.54682570

It just funny to see democrats have resorted to the same tactics

The seeds of 2008 were planted with Clinton repealing Glass-Stegall

>> No.54682728

Most people aren't aware of how the U.S. works which works to the government's favor. People in the U.S. aren't citizens. They're called citizens, but really they're not. It's more accurate to describe U.S. citizens as property of the U.S. government. If you live in the U.S., the U.S. has a claim on pretty much everything you own. Charitably they let you borrow it for a little while, but ultimately it all flows back to the government if they desire it. If it it gets jammed up, they invent new systems to shake it out of your pocket. The whole system is dystopian beyond imagination.

I own the hospital that delivers babies, I own the company that makes baby supplies, I own the education system that provides materials to the children as they grow up, I own the businesses they'll eventually work in, I own the property they live in, I own the insurance companies and services they need day to day, I own the hospitals where they go to as they get old and sick (and I reclaim all their wealth in the process), I own the companies that provide services to the elderly, I own the assisted living facilities, I own the funeral companies, I own the cemeteries.

Putin is awful as well. The problem with the world right now is there is no escaping the grip of any of these "post-money" oligarchs. You can't just go to an island and be like "I'm going to work from home and ignore it all, I just want to be left alone." They'll keep an eye on you wherever you go, remember you're property, and if you so much as sneeze in a way they don't like, you are fucked. There's no escape. And don't bother trying to rub elbows with them. You aren't part of the club. You aren't invited. So you can't go, but you can't stay either. Doesn't matter if it's the U.S., Russian, China, wherever.

>> No.54683017

This anon understands

>> No.54683343

Yes I deliver furniture into upper middle class homes and this is extremely common. Already seen it in a house today.

>> No.54684244


Some houses (not apartments) there isn’t a free wall, and tvs are big. Old houses were built around the fireplace being the center of attention so it the biggest emptiest wall. I don’t do it or like it but there isn’t a choice sometimes.

>> No.54684262

Yes, tv over the fireplace sucks unless you get a mount that allows you to lower it to eye level. And the mortgage bullshit needs to go to the supreme court, lawsuits over this are already being prepaired.

>> No.54684320

>If you live in the U.S.
And outside of it. You get taxed anywhere on the planet if you're "blessed" with US citizenship.

Also, anons, look up Cede & Company if you wanna see something funny.

>> No.54684354

It counters the dysfunctional status quo, which is that lenders set prime rates artificially low and make it up by setting usurious subprime rates and charging ridiculous fees.
>Why the fuck would they do that?
Racism + the American middle class is litigious and socially vindictive and can also just go to a competitor who's willing to undercut you. Basically, lenders jack up rates on anyone they can afford to. This change will allow them to keep their rate structure the same and when middle [America/class/wit] people complain they can just say it's the gubmint's fault.

>> No.54686006
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I almost got one but I hate bitcoin.
It's joever

>> No.54686040

you got what you voted for

>> No.54686069

OP is literal proof that America is a shithole on the way out. I hope you get raped by a pack of GRU.

>> No.54686530

Pay in cash
problem solved

>> No.54686591

Loan level price adjustments have been a thing for the last 15 years, if your credit score is lower you're still going to pay a higher LLPA, now it's just less higher, but still much higher than an LLPA of someone with a good credit score. Fox News just phrased it like this so the working class gets mad at people slightly poorer than them instead of the billionaires who own the media. Good job falling for it though, free thinker lions not sheep

>> No.54686650

Apparently. I'm wondering though: do they only check once at the time you apply for the loan or constantly over the life of the loan? If it's a time check you can easily tank your rating a few dozen points by opening a new card or two, or even just spending money to pump your credit utilization.

Don't post here if you don't even follow the headlines, you mouth breathing retard. https://www.foxbusiness.com/real-estate/former-obama-housing-chief-slams-bidens-unprecedented-mortgage-plan-not-way

>> No.54686661

Being poor does not hurt your credit score, missing payments hurts your credit score. I used to work in public benefits and some of those poor freeloaders have pretty good access to credit.

>> No.54686796
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>how do I lower it?

before you buy a new house get a bunch of new credit cards, take out a bunch of cash in cash advances, wait a month or two for the scores to update, this will put your credit usage up quite high. then use the cash from the credit cards as a down payment for the house

>> No.54686809

Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is

>> No.54686894

Democrat policies are truly evil

vote Republican, no matter who it is