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54675599 No.54675599 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54675625

Let me ask you this: why do large corporations get to keep a dossier on everything you've ever purchased and what kind of job you have, without your knowledge or consent, just to then turn around and sell that information to large banks and lending institutions? You profit nothing from this transaction. Does that sound right to you?

>> No.54675794

Very much a scam. Ever notice it was only invented like 40 years ago but they're constantly evolving it today to charge you more money for shit you need like insurance, interest rates on mortgages, and how much to charge you for rent.

Even if you think all of the above is reasonable as a filter, then great. Why is it such a mysterious secret as to why your credit score fluctuates weekly. How do I go from 825 to 850? Nobody can tell you a surefire way. Have 20 years excellent credit history but get sent to collections for a missed unknown bill? It drops 100 points. Why is your credit score checked (and dropped) just for asking what your credit score is more than once a year?

>> No.54675913

Having good credit is a sign of someone who is profitable to the banks. You should be maxing the amount of debt at the lowest rates you can and invest all of the cash that you earn.

When I transferred my balance to a 0% card for 18 months instead of pay it off, my score dropped 80 points.

>> No.54675941

>missed unknown bill? It drops 100 points.
Happened to me. Opened my eyes to how uncaring credit agencies are about you

>> No.54675960
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>> No.54675963
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You didn't really think it'd be that easy, did you goy? There is always a price to pay when you deal with the devil.

>> No.54675991
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Yeah generally

>> No.54676025

>apply for credit
>credit score down
>reduce your utilization
>credit score up
>criticize the government
>credit score down
>eat bugs
>credit score up, 2x points bonus

>> No.54676049

another thing boomers didnt have to live with. i swear boomers deserve to be euthanized for leaving us this god forsaken hell

>> No.54676072

>good credit is a sign of someone who is profitable to the banks

It's the retards with a 500 credit score who are constantly paying higher rates and a slew of late fees and other penalties. People with a high score aren't nearly as profitable, but they are more of a sure thing.

Good credit = low risk = lower profit, higher certainty
Bad credit = higher risk = higher profit, but lower chance they'll make good on it

>> No.54676081

boomers created it they didnt leave anything

>> No.54676118

>You profit nothing from this transaction.
I get reward points.

>> No.54677097
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It just measures whether you retarded or not with other people's money, which correlates with basic decency
You don't need to do anything to have a good credit but open a credit card and pay it off, while not paying a cent in fees and getting cashback back

>> No.54678211
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>> No.54678240

But Anon, you gave them permission. Didn't you read your ToS when you were given your card? You can always go back to paying with paper money.

>> No.54678272
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>probably paying higher rates
I never paid to begin with, retard. $250k free cash to me and all I had to do is ignore phone calls and hide my assets.
>But you keep paying your goy tax, retard.

>> No.54678627

My score is 825 and I've never done anything other than pay off my entire balance before its due. I've never paid interest. I get a permanent 2% discount minimum on all purchases because everything I purchase I run through my card.

If your credit score sucks it means you're behaving like a degenerate.
>inb4 NEETcel coping about jews because they can't do something as simple as pay off their bills on time.

>> No.54678668

>when the minimum you can get is 300 but you still got a 4.

>> No.54678686

>I get a permanent 2% discount minimum on all purchases because everything I purchase I run through my card.
we all get that, regardless of your credit. as long as you can get a credit card, you get the 2% back.
also, businesses get charged a fee every time you use a credit card by the credit card company. the businesses factor that fee into the price before they sell to you. so you aren't really getting the 2% discount. retard.

>> No.54678690

How is this not a social credit system?

>> No.54678714

>the businesses factor that fee into the price before they sell to you. so you aren't really getting the 2% discount. retard.
Damn that sucks that cash customers and debit card customers have to pay more because of me kek.

>> No.54678722

>so you aren't really getting the 2% discount. retard.
Here's the seething NEETcel. No you don't all get the 2% discount because if your score is shit you aren't getting any of the cars I own. Plenty of customers pay cash or debit. Businesses can't blanket charge everyone extra to account for credit card fees or they'll lose to competition who doesn't charge such mark ups.

The worst you'll see is some businesses will offer a discount for paying in cash but this is rare. Most just eat the credit card fee.

>> No.54678727

Because it’s financial, not social. My credit score doesn’t go down for getting a speeding ticket, or calling someone a faggot. Though I’m sure that will change in the next 5 years

>> No.54678990

Sorry don't believe you *shrugs*

>> No.54679034
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How is it my problem whatsoever that dumb incels can't pay their bills on time or get stupidly large hospital charges then scream and cry when they don't get access to better loans because they can't pay their debts

>> No.54679081
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Yes of course it is, you can bypass the need for credit simply by purchasing some sminem right now

T dot me sminem_portal

>> No.54679251

Stay poor (shrugs)

>> No.54679363

My credit score is 999, I earn 37k a year, why is Biden taking the little money I have responsibly saved over the last decade and giving to irresponsible niggers? I will be poorer than them yet footing the bill for their brainless endeavours

>> No.54679594

The American Credit Score system is double edged.
Your credit score is incredibly important. If you want rent, a car loan, a mortgage, pretty much anything, you are required to have good credit.
Even background checks will look at your credit score.
If you have good credit, you will get whatever you want in America. You will get loans with great interest rates, you will get whatever credit card you apply for, and you will get an apartment or whatever else you want.
The Credit Score System replaces the social system. Go to some third world country, and there is no credit. If you want a loan, then hopefully you know someone, or know someone who knows someone, and you will get the deal you want because of your social connections.
In America it's different, you can move from Texas to Maine and know no one, but your reputation is based off your credit score. If you have a good credit score, you're good and will be trusted. You don't need to know anyone.
However, if you have a bad credit score, you really are fucked. Things will become incredibly unaffordable and loans will be predatory. You really are screwed if you have a bad credit score.
It's a system that you can take advantage of by buying into it. You can try to "scam" the credit card companies by taking out 100k of unsecured loans and then go AWOL for 4 years, but it will destroy your credit, and anyone who has bad credit will tell you that its a complete nightmare to have a bad credit score.
The Credit Score system is privatized and lobbied the government to be important, but in some ways its better than needing to know someone.
In America, if you have cash but your credit is no good, you're fucked. So, get good credit, and you can really use it to your advantage.
It's a scam in the sense that it benefits some and negatively affects others. But the proof is in the pudding, people with good credit like the credit system, people with bad credit don't like the system. You get to choose your side.

>> No.54679602

vote for robert kennedy in the democrat primaries if you dont want another biden term

>> No.54679715

>Even background checks will look at your credit score.
I forgot about this. Its not a "hard" credit check as if you were applying for a new loan, but companies do check this prior to your employment so if you're wanting a job that is anywhere near related to a financial job, if you have a bad number or dings on your score, you can be denied jobs.

>> No.54681801

I’m confused about credit so I got a couple of credit builder programs and have been paying over 6 months for and that seems to only help my equifax and transunion score (vantage 3.0 it says) but my Experian score remains low and I had an account from collections back in 2017 and another company bought the debt now it says the debt originated January 2023 and it severely dropped my credit score like 50 points why did the origination date change if they are buying old debt from 2017?

>> No.54682258

>credit builder programs
what are those?
the rule of the thumb is that if you're spending money on bank fees/interest or anything unrelated to actual price of things you charge to your credit card, then you're doing it wrong

>> No.54682280

Kikoff and Self I’m guessing they are unsecured loans to help build credit (it’s my first time using them) and I get most of the money back after the year

>> No.54682343

idk they give you the score, they give you the loan, not saying they are, but with hardly any transparency whatsoever why wouldn't they? even if it's just a small difference like a 4.5 interest loan to 4.55 from a lot of people can add up

>> No.54682571

you should never take out loans that you don't need just to build a credit
Just open a credit card, maybe even just a secured one, use it in stores and pay off every statement. Unlike those loans the active credit card won't fall off your credit report in 7 years after it's closed
If you need good credit *now* for some reason I read ON REDDIT that there are people that offer adding you as a authorized user to their 20+ year credit card in exchange for some compensation. This adds all that history as your own and provides a massive boost supposedly

>> No.54683469
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>Random agency runs credit check

>> No.54683648

i decided to dabble with a credit card and a few loans from amazon
there's really no point. as long as you have a credit history that exists above 650, you'll be approved for most cards and loans.
Debt is just a scam. Our currency is a scam. We wouldn't need to take out loans if our currency was based in common sense. Boomers didn"t have to take out loans just to afford a home. Loans are just a way of prolonging the massive inflation theft that's happening by making it still seem viable to own a home.
Think about it, a home is literally a concrete base, cinder blocks, some wood, gypsum, electrical cords, outlets, lights, and a few other things to make it look pretty. A modern home is something you could realistically build on your own in just a few years with the right tools. The fact that you have to spend 20 years on some bullshit mortgage just tells you how fucked the economy has already gotten. It took my dad only about 4 years to complete the home he built for himself, at a fraction of the cost, while still working his current job, minus some trim here and there. it isn't some small house either, it's got 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a laundry room, living room, kitchen, and dining room, as well as a balcony and a full-sized attached garage. It's likely a $200,000 house at this point (havent asked because i dont visit often) Zillow says its 250k. He bought the property for $30k and probably put around 30-50k into it.

>> No.54683909


>> No.54683963

they'll make you pay them for 12/24/48 months and then withhold your payment for bullshit reasons and then claim you still owe $1-10 and file delinquency reports on your credit when you dont pay them
it's all a scam, all credit companies are scams. Debt is a scam. Mortgages are a scam. Fiat is a scam.

>> No.54683965
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the moment you stop using credit cards for everything they punish you. I really hate the system and always looking up how to use these bullshit points.

im down 6 points because I stopped using 1 out of 3 cards for everyday purchases since I had to save up to pay the IRS

>> No.54684001
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Any mexichads here? I've never had a big credit, only a few credit cards

>> No.54684023

It definitely is now, niggers get to steal some of your credit score when you get a mortgage.

>> No.54684154

>own home outright.
>no loans.
>no credit cards.
>Shit credit score.
>fucks given = 0

Credit scores are for niggers to worry about, don't want credit, don't need credit.

>> No.54685359

I don't use a credit card and I still get cashback on every purchase made with my CryptMi crypto card

>> No.54685509

Ke Berga? Desde cuando usan credit score los mexicanos no mms?
El único credito que creía se usaban era tener envases de caguamas

>> No.54686009

I see that it charges no transaction fee for now, I hope this remains there for much long.

>> No.54686043

it will be soon because thankfully my generation doesnt give a dogshit about getting credit to begin with let alone maintaining