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File: 658 KB, 2685x1727, Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 12.14.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54674942 No.54674942 [Reply] [Original]

Oh no bros Chainlink Labs is rejecting redditors during their interview process because they don't want to sign NDAs... It's over

>> No.54674995

>8 interview rounds
total LARP

>> No.54674996

god coders are always such pussies

>> No.54675058

Sergey doesn't want everyone to know what a massive scam Chainlink has been this entire time.

>> No.54675063

>thinking that non-disparagement is a weird thing to have in a NDA
i just woke up so i dont really have the words to describe how much i hate midwit redditor faggots

>> No.54675073

>NYIBttsj hates itself

>> No.54675076

this is obviously five or six samefags ruining the bread

>> No.54675088

linknigger posting is alwaya the same 5 or 6 low iq clu discord trannies
nothing new

>> No.54675094
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>> No.54675102

>George Preston Thomas the 4th
fake and gay

>> No.54675109

>full-time fudcuck seething over link all day every day
thousands of hours of your life wasted fudding link for 0 results and its all probably going to end with you getting v& and dissolved in a barrel in someone's mansion basement post singularity lol

>> No.54675117


>> No.54675122

>mentally ill linknigger knows exactly how long every "fudder" spends on here cause the cuckold never leaves

>> No.54675155

the redditor used the word "asinine" so they must be smart though

>> No.54675170

>"i-i don't spend ALL day fudding an asset i don't hold - i just spend like 10 hours a day doing it"
oh my bad, sorry fudcuck

>> No.54675179

samefag. listen to the new ChainlinkGod Unchained podcast chud

>> No.54675181

>no life linknigger cuckold knows exactly who i'm referring to

>> No.54675187

you wonder if this is a larp, who writes "my lawyer George Preston Thomas the 4th"

>> No.54675191


>George Preston Thomas the 4th

This whole thing sounds like some kind of weird elaborate larp. Also OP has it wrong based on the text if we are to assume its real. The "Redditor" turned down Chainlink Labs not the other way around.

Faggot larp...DR; NS etc

>> No.54675192

>the new ChainlinkGod Unchained podcast
hmupdog I wanna hava

>> No.54675193


Nice catch

>> No.54675197
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>> No.54675201

in what world does having watched king of the hill imply you be smart n shiet?

>> No.54675232

whats updog?
what do you mean wanna hava?

>> No.54675267

Not much dog how about you?
I wanna have a good time lmao gottem

>> No.54675304

>my lawyer George Preston Thomas the 4th

>> No.54675346

Alright I need an alkaseltzer to read this one!

>> No.54675382
File: 211 KB, 1021x499, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>college drop-out who failed multiple classes
>web dev
Yeah, I'm thinking Chainlink Labs dodged a bullet.

>> No.54675462

Once again Chainlink is shown to be the most professional team in the crypto industry, all of these NDA and' lawyer clauses are pretty normal in top academic teams not to mention a team that is working with SWIFT and is doing its best to stay on the good side of the SEC, literally trillions of dollars is on the line so no wonder the contracts are carefully created

>> No.54675577

the username is the dead giveaway

>> No.54675591

>I wouldn't be surprised if they use candidate ideas in their own products

>> No.54675602

checked, looking at the profile it actually seems like a real person.
its concerning that kek is indicating that the username is simply a dead give away that chainlink prefers to hire pedophiles.
makes sense though.

>> No.54675656

God dam chainlink defense force is out in full swing

>> No.54675899

That's a lot of words to basically say nothing at all
Fuck you OP

>> No.54675907

That explains it

>> No.54675944 [DELETED] 
File: 1.87 MB, 753x4384, 142857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>George Preston Thomas the 4th
t. INFJ All-in on Chainlink (Ticker: LINK)

>> No.54676007
File: 254 KB, 601x732, chris blec gpt4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course Chris Blec would think it's real.

>> No.54676015
File: 64 KB, 506x900, chris blec defi cop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DeFi Cop is in hot pursuit.

>> No.54676019

Chris Blec is based
chaincuckolds are seething and poor
the balance is as it should be

>> No.54676027

Jesus this is so obviously fucking fake. look at the lawyers name.
This is some 2018 level fudding though lol. its just too bad that style doesnt fit in any more and does more damage than just keep redditors out.

>> No.54676039

lmao the problem with grifters like blec is that they are deliberately stupid faggots because it increases engagement. So even calling him out as a stupid talentless grifter faggot is playing into his hands.

>> No.54676052
File: 254 KB, 1284x583, 99BB27E5-6CE9-4532-9FB9-77CB2216E2B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54676103

It's not fake, it's a real person and it's a webdev lesbian roastie. And yes, that's how they speak. She meant GPT-4.

>> No.54676146


>> No.54676167
File: 674 KB, 2048x758, george-preston-thomas-iv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh guys...

>> No.54676226

He ruined it with that, would have been top tier fud if he left that out
But imagine the implications, it isnt just fudding the chans nor even just spreading to twatter comments
The bulgarians and mentally ill are effort fudding the recruitment channels
I wonder how crazy shit cll most be getting in their responses, i really hope all the betrayals were worth it to end at this junction
Has there ever been any project that got this level of effort directed against it

>> No.54676360

Damn were still fudding on Reddit?