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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54671893 No.54671893 [Reply] [Original]

What's your excuse for not making $1,260,000 a year working 2 hours a day?

>> No.54671942

I don't have black privilege

>> No.54671975

make about $3,000 a week with trading options (averaging 10-12k a month). Or about $160k a year. Not enough to retire but its an honest wage

>> No.54672020

Here's how she makes the money btw, with this jewtube channel

>> No.54672036

You have to ask why is this news specifically being focused on and presented the way that it is? When you answer that, you will have an enormous amount of cognitive dissonance wash over you because it will become absolutely certain that the people in power are evil beyond imagination and yet you aren't doing anything about it. So you'll distract yourself or you'll focus on something else. Anything to escape the fact that these people are your masters and they fear you as much as they despise you. But if they keep you hoping or keep you fighting, they're safe. They control the board. They can gift people like that what amounts to a fortune to the rest of us, but for them it's pocket change just to generate an article like this and get you to leak despair or anger which they feed on.

>> No.54672056
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it's cnbc. they publish outrageously fake shit all the time.

>> No.54672215

Spoonfeed us. What are they pushing and why?

>> No.54672481

They are pushing women that are MEN. Soon you won't be able to tell the difference (Especially the asian ones)

>> No.54672592

I'm white. I will just marry that niggress bitch and pound her 22 hours per day

>> No.54672619

With crypto I made more working less. Unless shitposting on /biz/ is considered work, and yes it might be my work after all since it generated some of my wealth.

>> No.54672638

I'm not a woman, so I can't just use OnlyFans to cheat finances.

>> No.54672731

She makes youtube finance videos chud

>> No.54672753

Without writing an essay (which I could), they are pushing false hope and shame. False hope because it keeps you from getting a gun and shooting up a country club. Shame because it keeps you divided and scattered. What is really disturbing is that again, they continue to pump this shit out and shit like this: >>54672056 and that is ultimately the best they've got. "Should we try to fix things? No...just lie to everyone...What? People are starting to doubt the shit we're saying? Well just keep flooding them with more bullshit lol." These organizations and the people who run them and own them are manipulating us and they aren't doing it because in some bunker somewhere they have commercial fusion, general A.I., and the cure for cancer and they're just trying to make us all behave more maturely so they can dump the utopia on us. They aren't working behind the scenes to fix things.

They're manipulating us because they are fucking and eating children, trying to grow their wealth for wealth's sake, and just trying to accumulate more power to try to turn the universe into their own little sandbox. They want to be Gods. We're all just a means to an end to achieve that. But they lie and fuck with people's emotions because on some level they're scared and they know they don't have total control yet. There is still a chance that they can fail and if they fail, they'll lose everything. Their dreams of sitting on top of Olympus will be dashed. So they use articles like this specifically and the media more generally to fuck with the psychology of the population because if they've got you in the right state of mind, they can run the shot clock down until eventually they're ready to just retire all of us.

They want to paint your reality for you and the reality they want to paint is the one that works best for them, not for you.

>> No.54672773

Not with those view counts and video infrequency she isn't.

>> No.54672799

where can i buy your course or ebook?

>> No.54672833

It will cost you $1,000 a month if you want me to let you know what I know. You can mimic my trades and strategies. I have a 93% success rate for the past 5 years

>> No.54672879

make about $3,000 a week with scratch offs (averaging 10-12k a month). Or about $160k a year. Not enough to retire but its an honest wage. It will cost you $1,000 a month if you want me to let you know what I know. You can mimic my plays and strategies. I have a 93% success rate for the past 5 years

>> No.54672910

shit mang, talk about a blackpill. system is fucked but your stupidity is what’s causing the real pain in your life. Chillax and maybe seek some help.. even minor socialization will bring you a long way from where you’re at right now.

>> No.54672913

Oy vey goyim trust the experts

>> No.54673006

If you could make that much money for just 2 hours a day why not work 8 hours a day and get 4x as much?

and it's not really passive if your still working

>> No.54673047

There's no way she makes 100,000 a month with 50,000 views on each video. Smells like shite

>> No.54673050

Yep, even with finance channels getting $10 cpm and sponsorships it would be difficult for her to make that much

>> No.54673067

>gets 50000 diversity grants and 50000 youtube views
>congrats you now have a six figure salary

>> No.54673084

How TF are you only making 3000 a month with a 90+% success rate. Shit larp.

>> No.54673135

because I only put up a certain amount of capital that I am comfortable with losing. That set amount of trading cash nets about 3k a week. If you want any more questions answered I will have to start charging you for my time.

>> No.54673136

Congrats, anon. You saw through the trick.
They sell you the "tools to crack the code and win the game", and if enough people buy, it turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.54673169

If you actually were making 90+% correct decisions you would be stupid to not slowly increase your exposure. If you had increased your exposure over the course of 5 years you would be making literal millions.

>> No.54673227
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i make more than that working 0 hours per day

>> No.54673254

Thats the point, I do not want to increase exposure because I am not comfortable with losing any more money than what I put up. For tax reasons I don't increase my exposure anymore than I am now. 160k short term gains are heavily taxed where I am. Also the gains go into other investments. You really exposed yourself as a greedy trader, which will get you murdered in my business. I wouldn't take you as a client. You are too immature

>> No.54673289

What nigger can’t retire off 160k a year? I am retired of passive income of 30k Canadian a year

>> No.54673331

I owe 400k on a 1.5mm dollar home. So once that is paid off I can retire but my rate is 2.9% so im in no rush

>> No.54673506

Nothing you said makes any logical sense financially. Nice larp though.

>> No.54674616

Are perhaps implying that he should.. take some meds? Quite the compelling argument for dispelling his concerns my fellow low-luminosity anon.

>> No.54674656
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>> No.54674847

I don't have connections in the market that I want to be in.

>> No.54674886
File: 317 KB, 998x998, D43ED8DE-3EDA-45E2-BFAF-BB96307D071D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m just a pleb

>> No.54675188

bc its fake dumbfuck. you have to paint the dream so the poors have something to believe in while working their mcjob with zero future prospects.

>> No.54676161

These articles pop up in my newsfeed every day and I hate it.

>This 17 year old makes 25,000/mo selling shoes!

Who the fuck cares. Let me wage in peace.

>> No.54676455

They will never leave us alone. They need to demoralise us every day because they are psychic vampires. Alex Jones was right.

>> No.54676461

Well I have to spend time bumping your bait threads don’t I?

>> No.54676475

I personally want to kill myself

>> No.54677027

>25 shekels have been deposited to your account

>> No.54677038

>Sheboon has 100 kids and receives 105k from child support and free gibs from da gubament
What else is new. At least all that money will go right back into someone else's pockets

>> No.54677065

Do you do normal calls/puts or you into that fancy shit?

>> No.54677614

>he thinks you can just put infinite money in and make infinite money
>he thinks the opportunity will continue to exist once your footprint increases and every other dumb faggot like yourself notices
Lmao even
You can't tell that guy nothing he says makes financial sense when you don't know the first thing about trading or the economy

>> No.54678991

SHE(IT) is right
and thats a good thing

>> No.54679256

blacks are literally obsessed with this retarded "aspirational hustle" grift. I have a black co-worker and he watches videos on his phone all day about retiring at 30 and billionaire alpha mindset.

>> No.54679297

>i make more than that working 0 hours per day
shill me what you do?

>> No.54679640

Trust fund baby is pretty sweet ngl

>> No.54679664

judging by her channel she probably has several streams of income

>> No.54679686

I found the grant cardone 10x salesmen to be the worst of the meme hustlers

>> No.54679692

what's your initial investment to get returns like that? I would feel like swinging around 3-4k to get 3-4k back would be a bit scary.

>> No.54679902

holy fucking shit

>> No.54680113


>> No.54680141
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 1639556767285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no excuse, im making even more money per year. I do it with a lot more of hours per day but meh, that's just because im a workaholic bastard. Im p sure that post is a larp anyway.
Thing is op, when you realize that you actually need to learn basic economy to invest, you find out that most of biz is out of the loop on how to make profit anyway. Imagine my surprise when i found out that Dextools was actually a serious platform used by pros to invest...

>> No.54680569

lmffffao pajeet nigger