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54670586 No.54670586 [Reply] [Original]

>lose 40k in 3 months
I’m gonna rope

>> No.54670650

Don't invest more than you can afford to lose, no cap.

>> No.54670661

that is why you sell and cut your losses. don't become a baggie.

>> No.54672198
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You're supposed to be hodling the right stuff faggot.

>> No.54672440

AVAX started this year at $12 and it's now over $20. You took the wrong decisions. Rope already.

>> No.54672594

I lost 8k hodling too, OP. We fell for a fucking scam instead of fighting the government for Universal Basic Income.

>> No.54672618

Why did you sell? That's your problem

>> No.54672642

It's better to sell at a loss than baghold forever. Money in pocket has more value than money trapped in some crypto scam. We have a life.

>> No.54672842

Always hold non, you don’t lose coins if you never sell. I'm never going to sell my AVAX bag

>> No.54673059
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You only lose if you sell, look at me, I'm still holding steady with my POND stack, still wanna kill myself every single damn day, but not gonna do it

>> No.54673158

Based, Hold something that can make you earn rewards with that. Try to make research about Avalanche or Ethereum to stake your shit

>> No.54673183

We're in a bear market retard and that isn't changing till the halvening, regardless of what clueless newfags have been saying getting euphoric lately. You should have been expecting massive dumps periodically throughout the year and either try to time swings or just dca. If you're holding alts then it needs to be stuff you think is going to survive until the halvening.

>> No.54673186

Hey little guy, I'm sorry to hear that, did you get a diagnosis for that? I mean, cuz you're clinically retarded

>> No.54673203

shut the fuck up retarded bobo intent, what makes you consider we're in bear market, it's crabbish as hell

>> No.54673207

Good way to own nothing, be happy and kill the economy forever

>> No.54673230

There's no day that goes by under the sun where I don't kek at niggers that keep holding POND or anything related to layer 0

>> No.54673247

well at least you know how it works, I hope one day it gets better and you can exit

>> No.54673258

Hodl only works if you're not all in an can afford to wait for your money to go back up. Assuming you didn't invest in pure shit in which case you're fucked.

>> No.54673579

The fact that everyone in the market can ape into a single shitcoin and make everything else bleed and still only pump it to 150m mc you stupid tard. You're right though this is totally what a bull run looks like.

>> No.54673581
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>> No.54673592

Also I can tell by your English that your skin is the color of shit.

>> No.54673641
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Yea. Next time invest in a real coin with real profits like AVAX

>> No.54673693
