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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 382x554, wagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54662007 No.54662007 [Reply] [Original]

It's gonna pay off I promise

>> No.54662025

Don’t be surprised when Timmy decides he’s had enough and he’s not gonna grow old in some zombie empire and encourage the other Tims and Toms to actually make a change.

>> No.54662055

I just hope Timmy doesn’t start calling himself “Timantha” and takes out the real enemies.

>> No.54662059

Banks still acting like mortgages are "risky" when the buyer has their literal house up as collateral. What they really mean is that they expect renting out to dindus to sink the property value so they wont be able to get shit on it when it's eventaully foreclosed on

>> No.54662144

Timmy won't do anything he's gonna earn that promotion so he can pay for the debtmaxxers losses

>> No.54662219

Who are the debtmaxxers?

>> No.54662254

>Bro build your credit score so you can get a cheaper mortg-ACK!

>> No.54662375



>> No.54662657

i dont know how much more i can take, why keep playing if the deck just keeps getting stacked against you

>> No.54662742
File: 65 KB, 545x615, neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come home. take the comfy pill.

>> No.54662775

i was down with the pledge but it has no racial slurs or mention of kikes. gonna pass.

>> No.54662782


>> No.54662794

Just buy shit with cash man. You can still get a decent house for half a mil. Everyone here is in six figure hell by now right? Poorfolios are just a LARP.

>> No.54662828

based pledge, unfortunately I can't NEET since I don't have a parents to fall back on
>inb4 gibs
US Government assistance is dogshit with many waiting lists and force you to take up employment somewhere, far from NEET

>> No.54662833

This can't be real

>> No.54662857

We imported 60 million 70 IQ spics and they are reproducing within out borders. How do you think we are going to pay for their housing? Of course it's real. Next they come after your 401k when all the beantards are nearing retirement with zero savings. You exist to be milked dry by the tribe.

>> No.54662865

Me and my tranny gf.

>> No.54662899
File: 82 KB, 577x839, oooohwagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Timmy. you can pay for it, you've got a good job and degree right

>> No.54663008


>> No.54663057

This is just credit score reperations.

>> No.54663084

Why wouldn’t you just rank your credit to get a lower rate?

>> No.54663094

Honestly it seems like they just want to break the housing market, like rebreaking an improperly healed bone

>> No.54663189

gracias puto

>> No.54663207

Because it's less than 1% and having a higher credit score is worth more than that difference.
It is real, but anon and dumb ass scare tactics don't realize the rates aren't applied to mortgages where your income is near the median for the area. Which means it only effects people making 2x the average income. It discourages big companies hoovering up property and also gives a small decrease of rates to people with shit credit.

>> No.54663285


>large corporations can take FHA loans

You retarded gorilla nigger

>> No.54664353

>small decrease of rates to people with shit credit
people with shit credit should be denied all loans, not given rate decreases

>> No.54664385

This lol

>> No.54664444
File: 201 KB, 663x715, Neat Pledge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That loser was posting a fake one. He probably earns a paycheck.

>> No.54664499

How is this legal? Luckily I already have a house at a comfy 3.5%. Fuck the gov, always trying to make our life hell

>> No.54664520

based quads of truth

>> No.54664545

Reminder that anyone paying federal taxes to the US government is an accessory to murder.

>> No.54664548

Agreed. Considering all you need to do to get good credit is take out a credit card and just pay it off (use it like a debit card or cash). Its literally retard tier level and even I had a 720+ credit score in college and helped me get my first house as soon as I graduated. Its not hard.

>> No.54664587
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, oRyosWfCy7U4MFkanpGs4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sit on Bitcoin and don't cash out until usd collapses and buy out some rural land and homesteadmaxx cities deserve to burn. Decadence has gone too long.

>> No.54664881

this is fake right?

>> No.54665029

Timmy will unironically just say at least he's not like Neet Nick and console himself about all the vacations and trips he took in his 20s and 30s.

>> No.54665611

Try a quick Google search.
Wait, you didn't think responsibility was rewarded, did you?

>> No.54665881

Wow im a responsible neet but this really pushes me into not paying back and just letting it go to collections, especially when changing phone numbers is easy.

>> No.54665908

My suspicions
>good credit score: 4% rate
>bad credit score: 10% rate
"Oyy theyre not paying back, screw the responsible ones over theyll pay anyways increase the other one too so eitherway they get wrecked"
>good credit score: 8.5% rate
>bad credit score: 12.5%

This is just like youtube giving non adblockers 2 ads! I really need to hurry up and get rich (and push all that money out of fiat such as usd and immediately buy citizenship in another country that isnt going down the toilet) or go max neet mode.

>> No.54666251

Never. Gonna. Happen.

>> No.54666306

i work remotely. ive been thinking more and more about getting a digital nomad visa and living in mexico for a few years, so as to largely avoid jewnited states of muttmerica taxes via foreign earned income exclusion.

>> No.54666375
File: 227 KB, 416x466, 1681950209014038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling this

>> No.54666634

>he doesn't know

>> No.54666887

Timmy is Timmy for a reason.

>> No.54667037
File: 6 KB, 654x37, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally don't believe this boomer rageporn rag but I shit you not this is the top reddit comment
I can no longer deny the reality my god

>> No.54668764

My white nigga, you know for sure that is coming. Degenerate non christ jews's are about to feel the real holocaust soon. Blacks will just be caught in the middle when the world realizes the pure terrifying spirit of war the white man harnesses in his veins.

The awakening has been going on for the last 15 years. Many still not awake, but will be shaken violently awake at the last min. When that happens, it's curtains forever on Jew's, blacks will just re-learn their way have a swift attitude adjustment as they watch Aryans slay the fuck out of the blacks enablers.

>> No.54668821

Kill yourself fucktard

>> No.54668870

Long live the Timmy Reich.

>> No.54670328

We now have such models in crypto. There are projects like mnicorp on polygon serving as loan providers and taking land collaterals. Banks are exploitative. Unbank yourself!