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54658043 No.54658043 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously? Sank $50k into this back in 2019. Thought it was a sure fire W due to having millions of users, a ton of utility “coming”, the Reddit and communities here were active, nice and hopeful.
Why has BAT gone absolutely nowhere? I’ve seen threads here die with basically 10 posts compared to the 100s. What the fuck? I’ll never get out of this shit now.

>> No.54658086

here we see a bag holder in his natural habitat
give him some hopium like “fundamentals” or “we will pump in the bull market” and watch him perform amusing mental gymnastics as he tries to defend his bags

>> No.54658172

sorry it cost you 50k to learn that all markets are manipulated
better luck next 50k

>> No.54658196

LMAO thanks for playing

>> No.54658294
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BAT was a fucking scam from the get go. By default, their browser (brave browser) forced you to store the tokens you earned by browsing, on this shitty wannabe exchange based in the UK called Uphold. Uphold would refuse you access to the tokens you earned making it impossible to transfer them to a wallet of your choice or even another exchange. The only way I could get my own tokens was by creating a separate content creators account, linking that one to Gemini (only creators could link to Gemini, browsers were forced to use Uphold) to hold the tokens I received as a creator, and then donate tokens to myself via Twitter through my brave browser account. I got like $250 of $275 successfully transferred when they figured out what I was doing when Uphold cancelled my account and seized the remainder of the tokens I had yet to transfer. Fuck uphold and fuck BAT.

>> No.54658348

The fuck are you talking about? I just want to know what the fuck happened? Nobody is defending shit but I wish I could defend my fucking FIFTY GRAND

>> No.54658391

It doesn't help that the browser has also managed to nosedive in quality somehow
In 2020/2021 Brave Shield could get you past paywalls, blocked every ad, and generally didn't fuck up your browsing experience
Fastforward to 2023, the devs don't appear to have done shit updating shields functionality while website hosts have caught on, and half the websites I try to visit with e-forms don't even work with shields up.
Not to mention wallet-browser integration issues and KYC which was stupid from the get-go >>54658294 who cares if a million jeets can earn and cash out without KYC, that would actually have been a GOOD thing because there'd be a constantly huge circulating supply
It was a good idea that fucked up big time on long term execution

>> No.54658400

The uphold shit never made sense to me and still doesn’t but I’m glad you got most of your BAT from them. Can’t believe they flagged you for $300

>> No.54658422

I'm so excited for you guys

>> No.54658458

In theory the Uphold partnership and KYC was supposed to stop a gorrillion pajeets and SEAmonkeys from just cashing out their BAT instantly to feed their villages.
If you're concerned about selling pressure driving the token price down so badly there are many other ways to solve this problem, but they went with the most "legitimate" one
Or, maybe, God forbid, don't release your software to the poop colored people of the world!

>> No.54658513

Appreciate the response. Do you have any idea what happened/happens to all the BAT they’re going to take back from unverified users? I don’t know if them dumping from the UGP was FUD or not. Everytime I try to ask a legit question in older threads I just get bullshit answers or memes

>> No.54658606

>We made this browser that blocks ads but we can't make a wallet to hold the tokens you earn using the browser
The kyc could've been completely avoided by brave browser itself coding a simple wallet that was attached to the browser. Like I said, obvious scam if you ever tried to actually get the tokens you earned from browsing.

>> No.54658645

I think what pissed me off the most was when you'd contact the basically non existent support and they'd gaslight you with "the kyc isn't our fault, blame you government", when all they had to do was code a simple wallet.

>> No.54658664

Well the idea was ok, but after using the brave browser for about two months i came to the conclusion it's the worst browser i have ever used and sold my bag

>> No.54658666

>Do you have any idea what happened/happens to all the BAT they’re going to take back from unverified users?
Nope and I really don't care
Depending on your buy in price you can still swing up that $50k in the next bullrun. Yes it's copium like >>54658086 says but everything pumps in the bull market and BAT will probably touch its previous ATH of a dollar or two. But the token has no long term potential, and any price target above a couple of bucks is delusional. Brave will not be the on ramp for normies in crypto, when the normies feel safe again they'll just KYC on coinbase. Neither will it be a platform since (according to silly Billy Gats anyway) a platform has to generate value above and beyond the value of the platform itself.
Basically a good swingie token. I used to get mad at the BAT swing traders when I was a delusional HODLer but if you're not swinging you're not making money off of BAT

>> No.54658886
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>> No.54658970

You will never be a real cryptocurrency. You have no use case, you have no utility, you have no gains. You are a SQL database twisted by blockchain and Web3 into a crude mockery of Satoshi's perfection.

All the “pumps” you get are scamwicks and half-hearted. Behind your back Bitcoiners mock you. Even the most degenerate shitcoiners are disgusted and ashamed of you. Brave's employees laugh at your underperforming bags while they dump BAT OTC.

Shitcoin gamblers are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of scam threads have allowed anons to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even batties who “make it” look like a discord whale psyop. Your shill threads are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a new bagholder to buy, he’ll cut his losses and sell the second he gets a taste of your monthly UGP dumps.

You will never make it. You post "HODL! $40 EOY" every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a crab, ready to crush you under the constant dumping.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll get your iPhone, login to coinbase, hit market sell, and spend the next five years fudposting about BAT. Anons will find your threads, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the shill threads, namefagging, and low quality thotposting. They’ll archive your posts marked with your tripcode, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man who married his bags posted there. Your gains will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a shitcoin that is unmistakably worthless.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.54659015


>> No.54659044

>what happens to all the BAT they’re going to take back from unverified users?
It never existed. Advertisers gave Brave USD and Brave just marked vBAT down on their books, only buying enough to meet withdrawals. The remaining "BAT" was really just USD Brave spent on themselves.

>> No.54659066

We have the best fudders don't we folks? They're terrific. Look at my nigger over there! Look at him go.

>> No.54659081

I bought this piece of shit for .24 because David Schwartz shilled it and sold it 3 years later for .21
Today it’s .26 top kek I’ve made a greater profit with XRP which I bought at around the same time at .17- .21

>> No.54659087

If I wasn't neck deep in bills I'd buy more based on their fud alone. 185K and counting.

>> No.54659125

Yeah this is an obvious FUD thread but some tokens deserve to be fudded
The price action has been shit and the browser is getting worse over time, not better. You literally cant argue against these points so you're arguing against the posters themselves.
Yes, this is FUD. Fuck this token, I was in for almost $10k last bullrun waiting for it to break $2 and it only got even close the literal week before the market took a shit and the token dropped 70%, I was lucky to get out of above water but I'd have been better off buying a SHIB clone

>> No.54659147

>The price action has been shit and the browser is getting worse over time, not better.
I agree about the price action but how is the browser "worse"? I've been converting people nonstop to it and still do every week.

>> No.54659274

Why is everyone who is unhappy with the price action of this token FUDing? I put a huge chunk of my savings into this and I want answers.

>> No.54659338

Because they're bored

>> No.54659421

Not everyone sits around on 4chan all day waiting for crypto to moon so they can escape their $40k year dead end jobs. No time to fud when you can be out making money.

>> No.54659510

>I agree about the price action but how is the browser "worse"?
Not typing out a bunch of shit again when you can scroll up and read, nigger >>54658391

>> No.54659515

Admittedly I'd be more pissed if I was in the red on BAT but I'm not, though understand many are and even the comparative opportunity costs vs other coins have been high.
(1) We're still in the sideways market, enthusiasm is low all around. Look at some of the shit that's drifted into the 80-100 ranks just ahead of BAT and tell me they're staying there in a bull market.
(2) Despite what others have said, Brave has only improved UX-wise for me and has continually been getting better
(3) Brave has been and continue to be giant pussies and refuse to ever actually hype BAT directly because they're spooked by looming regulations that may never even materializes. Maybe a positive resolution of the Ripple lawsuit will give them confidence. I don't know. This is probably the single biggest issue BAT holders have to contend with.
(4) I'm married to these fucking bags because I refuse to endure the remotest possibility that I sell and Brave explodes (again, great product by itself) OR is bought out by a giant and I'd have to put a shotgun in my mouth.

>> No.54660922

BAT has decided to play it safe and not get buttfucked by Gensler and the current commie administration. Did anyone see him in the community call yesterday? He’s watching Brave very closely. The SEC shenanigans won’t end till Biden is out. What most of you retarts don’t understand is, we win by not losing.

>> No.54661519

Feckless, cowardly team behind the entire project. Scared of their own shadow, naïve hiring, just absolute clown show when it came to promoting use and popularity of BAT

>> No.54661640
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we’re bag holders

>> No.54661705

in what world is having your ad viewed by more numbers a bad thing? huge metrics is le bad? lol pathetic and bingo; like you said about circulating supply. this jeet-blaming shit was always a massive cope
the browser has gotten way worse, take for example the recent shilling over the whole cookie consent blocking that brave is supposed to do... every major site (youtube, instagram, twitter etc etc) still has consent notices and when brave are told they do shit about it.
I keep asking about where all that vbat is going but the simps here don't have a clue. its actually important af.

>> No.54661741

agreed with most of your points, but how does stripping millions of users from their earned vbat help anything?
its going to be a shitstorm when that happens and mega bad publicity and its gonna red flag the project a mile off.

>> No.54661834

>how does stripping millions of users from their earned vbat help anything?
They’re probably not gonna even do it. When have you ever known Brave to do anything they ever said they were gonna do? Even if they do I’m thinking they’ll figure out something to lessen the impact. Besides it’s just a bunch of smelly pajeets. Nobody runs ads on Brave in India.

>> No.54661902

you seem a bit out of the loop there buddy
rewards are ending for everyone who isn't signed up to their shitty partners regardless of location

>> No.54661987

Don't care about your FUD.
Still buying more.

>> No.54662010

genuine concern by genuine long-time brave and bat users is... LE FUD!!
lol, lmao even

>> No.54662035

Token never needed

>> No.54662123

Anyone with half a brain already KYC’d to buy XRP on uphold

>> No.54663442

There is a chance Brave catches a hype wave in the next bull market.

But the reason Brave has failed so far is that it made too much sense. You need something that doesn’t make sense like Helium.

>> No.54664783

lol are you fucking serious? I had quite a bit of money in my Uphold wallet at one point, and it never even occurred to me to try and withdraw since I just assumed it was like every other wallet. Then the price tanked and I forgot about it, since it's not like I ever bought BAT to begin with and I wasn't emotionally invested in it. I can't believe their entire so-called wallet was a scam all along, lmao that's rich