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54657467 No.54657467 [Reply] [Original]

In my infinite autism, I created a list of attributes that I think are important in choosing a woman to marry. The last thing I need to is end up with a girl who will take all my assets or that I find life boring and unfulfilling with. I am currently seeing these two girls and they are very similar in rank. I need advice from the married bros - what really matters?

>> No.54657487
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>In my infinite autism, I created a list of attributes that I think are important in choosing a woman to marry. The last thing I need to is end up with a girl who will take all my assets or that I find life boring and unfulfilling with. I am currently seeing these two girls and they are very similar in rank. I need advice from the married bros - what really matters?

>> No.54657527

This is meaningless because you are not getting married either way, much less getting a gf.

>> No.54657529

They are both getting banged by BBCs on rotation my little man neither of them want you

>> No.54657542

One is my main gf the other is my new side gf

>> No.54657544

Previous sexual partners is one of the most important factors, even if she's fucked one other guy the possibility of divorce jumps.

>> No.54657598

For women virginity is the only thing that matters
Dont marry used women

>> No.54657628

I'd say F because of lack of career ambition, she will be prone to be a housewife (idk if that's what you really want, but for me it's a plus). But the fact she has really poor spending habits will probably cause a lot of issues during the marriage, that weights a lot. So I'd go for C if and only if you can somehow have good conversations with her and/or relate.

But most importantly, what mental illnesses do they have? Choose more normal one, avoid BPD.

>fren that was in a relationship with a girl from one of the richest families in my country (her family is famous in the racing scene and probably has a networth at least around 8 digits in dollars and couldn't stand her stupidity, and also got married to a middle class european, nowadays gladly divorced because she was crazy BPD.

>> No.54657655

Or simply don't listen to me because dumping my rich ex gf was probably the worst financial decision I ever made. I could literally be a NEET my whole life like her, her mother and her grandmother.

>> No.54657662

This is so fucking stupid

>> No.54657667

L-luke is that you?

>> No.54657675

>seething roastie

>> No.54657713

I second to this, second-handed stuff alwas come broken somehow.

roasties are not welcome, if you don't treat your body as temple, nobody will see it that way.

>> No.54657798


>Girl F
F comes from a lower-middle class midwest family and just hasn't had the opportunities or insights available to families with more affluence. I think she has potential in the area if I give her nudges in the right direction. She had to start out in community college and then pay for her own way in university. I can appreciate people who come through a bit of struggle - makes you a bit tougher. She would be a great mother but a housewife is not very attractive to me. I feel like you need 2 incomes to live well in the US.

>poor spending habits
She has some CC debt which is pretty unattractive to me as someone who runs life like a business. Once again, she hasn't had good people to learn about finances from. I think she can learn though I know I'm taking a risk here.

>mental illness
she has adhd and the other bs that comes with it but I do too so it makes me feel more open with her.

>Girl C
She comes from a very wealth family on the west coast. Not ultra-wealthy but horse-riding, expensive vacations, private school, kind of thing. She just got into med school and I would be moving with her for that.

She's very sweet and loving, but kind its hard to feel a connection with her. I swear she has some kind of extremely mild autism because she has to say things in a very exact manner and cannot for the life of her understand sarcasm. She's never had to really struggle of course and her parents have subsidized her life. She doesn't have CC debt for that reason but I wonder if she would if her parents didn't pay for everything.

>> No.54657875

cope. not touching you.

>> No.54657876

Girl F, girl C will dump you for chad.

I know this is a LARP and Girl F and C are vtubers or some other parasocial bs.

>> No.54657885

Your list is unimportant. You're going to find negative shit to complain about regardless of their overall score, so focus on the really important things. When it comes to physical attraction, you'll get bored eventually even if they're hot. Prioritize good traits like kindness, willingness to solve things together and ability to communicate emotions. Submissiveness to an extent.

The body count thing is kind of a meme, but it's important to understand why they're single. You want a wife with the least amount of baggage possible to guarantee success in marriage. Less baggage = fewer irrational behaviors. Most of the good ones get scooped up in their early 20s, so ask yourself whether these two girls are damaged goods or stable potential wives.

>> No.54657886

Connection through conversation and Sexual alignment are key.
Long term health habits/ awareness can be changed
Career ambitions can be encourage (it could also be a bad thing if you want a stay at home wife to raise your kids).

I don't think you'd even have aked if you didn't rank C as slightly more attractive. You're being mislead by your dick. Beauty fades, everything else gets more aligned the longer you are together. Also, some girls age better than others, so relative beauty rankings could easily flip over the years.

>> No.54657997

Just because you can't get good women doesn't mean others can't. Both girls are extremely loyal, alot more than I am. fucking incel.

I agree with you to an extent as I've experienced the dullness creep into other long term relationships I've had. Problem is they both have those base traits (kindness, communications, etc).

>Why they are single

Girl F just got out a 6yr relationship last year. Girl C was also in a long term relationship before we met but for sure had a casual view on sex. Definitely due to her mom's influence. She's a good girl though.

>thinking with your dick
More like my ego. Girl C has a very pretty face, is tall, nice tits, skinny, but no ass and damn that kills me. Girl F is still pretty and has a great ass.

I can't tell which girl will age better that's why health habits matter to me alot.

>> No.54658032

>for sure had a casual view on sex. Definitely due to her mom's influence. She's a good girl though.
They're all hoes, op. Even if they suppress their natural desires their heart is that of a hoe. Plus you're kidding yourself is someone with a casual attitude towards sex is still a good girl.

A girl's career ambitions may go out the window when she has kids.

>> No.54658068

of course they're all hoes, that's why you have to assess at a deeper level. Girl C does have herpes btw. idk if that should be a deal breaker though.

>> No.54658096

From everything you've stated, girl F seems like a no-brainer. Like you said yourself, meeting a manageable level of resistance in life will make her tougher.

>> No.54658237

You should consider that, herpes cause cancer, on both men and women. Def F then

>> No.54658346

for me, girl C is the obvious choice.
girl F just sounds like trash.

>> No.54658465

This is nice and all, but ultimately worthless. Post your, F's, and C's Myers Briggs types and I'll tell you which to go with.

>> No.54658467

What matters is what you both make of yourselves as a couple.
Do you see a fun, happy future for the both?
Do you see a supportive, empathic couple for years to come?
Do you see a person who will stay with you, even when you are in trouble?

On your autistic list, I would put "outlook on parenting and percieved ability" much higher... "Connection through conversation" a bit lower (you know, sometimes you don't have themes to talk about, but you want to be comfortable around someone on silent days).
Financial understanding and spending habits - a bit higher on the rank.
Long term health habits and awareness / higher indeed

also, people change anon. The results in your list may be completely different next month. Don't let a list control you.

>> No.54658516

>The last thing I need to is end up with a girl who will take all my assets
That's what you're going to get, no matter who you choose.

>> No.54658550

Here’s a tip, you better pump that ducking family number way higher than you have it. WAY higher.

>> No.54658578

Girl C, family would have moderate connections and not be a downside. unfortunate that neither are virgins.
Personally I have a soon to be fiancé whose virginity I took but her in-laws are absolute brain dead npcs and involve her in super annoying family drama. My strat is to move her a few states away eventually so she’s not always being drawn back and getting bad advice

>> No.54659610



>Both Girls

>> No.54659642

you marry a woman that makes as much money as you do.

>> No.54659710

I've done research, the long term issues are pretty mild. I don't love it, but I don't think it's necessarily a deal breaker. More of a yellow flag.

I am fully aware that people are dynamic and these attributes are only important to me now and may not be so in the future. But I think the exercise is helpful as an extremely rough understanding of what you value.

>What matters is what you both make of yourselves as a couple.

All those things you list I can have with alot of women, including these girls. I think the issue lies more with me than them. I have found myself becoming less empathetic in long term relationships over time and tend to forget why I am with the person I am with. I tend to always be seeking more, better. I've been trying to meditate as I know this is not a sustainable way of thinking about relationships.

Neither of their families are toxic and shitty, though I know what you mean. The only issue with Girl F is that her family is very much tied to the chicago area and I'm not keen on living there long term.

but why? I am really trying to keep their earning potential out the equation within reason because I think it will skew the decision to a materialistic focus which definitely does not produce happiness and fulfillment. With Girl C becoming a doctor eventually, we would be guaranteed an comfy upper-middle class life. Girl F, has potential but is not currently on a path where she'll earn mid 6 figures, but with my career we could still be perfectly fine.

>> No.54659776

>Girl F is that her family is very much tied to the chicago area
if you choose girl F, you better like to drink.
everyone in chicago is an alcoholic, mostly functional alcoholics, but alcoholics none the less.
>but with my career we could still be perfectly fine.
girl F will become a house wife, you're not gonna be able to motivate her to have some ambition.
money issues destroys relationships, so although you might feel like you'd be able to swing it on a budget, she won't.
she may be down to earth now, but give it time.
women are drones.
they see someone else do/get something, they gonna expect the same.
e.g. why can't we send our kids to private school? why can't we buy a second house, it's a great investment? maybe we should get a tsla on credit, suzy's husband bought 2.

>> No.54660040

>if you choose girl F, you better like to drink

lmao, you're pretty damn accurate. I tease her about her drinking and she is a little sensitive to it. Please tell me more about Chicago drinking culture. I'd have to force her to change that because it ages people like shit.

Your point about careers is sobering. I do have to contend with the reality you laid out. She does love spending money on clothes. I made a joke about her being poor and she's pretty sensitive to that. Makes me think she's pretty malleable there. Once again, she just hasn't been in the right environment around the right people. She went to a fucking "botox party" and thankfully didn't get anything, partly because I told her that was red flag. I didn't think midwest girls could be shallow but I'm being willfully ignorant there. I just think she lacks the confidence to be herself and it seems like a lot of girls in chicago are braindead consumers.

>> No.54660133

roastie whore detected

seethe more, you are worthless and will never be treasured like a virgin will.

>> No.54660186

>I don't think it's necessarily a deal breaker
That whore is literally spoiled goods. Some guy fucked her without protection and INFECTED HER.

How repugnant does she need to be for you to consider her unacceptable?

>> No.54660233

>yeah man, the herpes infected slut is definitely the right choice
They're both trash and so is OP if he doesn't see it.

>> No.54660257


>> No.54660296


>> No.54660324

Growth mindset, health, and finances are all essential but respect is one of the biggest. Marriages go to shit without respect.

>> No.54660434

Let me add that respect is a pre requisite for love

>> No.54660505

>F is an alcoholic

>> No.54660552



>> No.54660574

if i learned that you were keeping a spreadsheet like this on me i would break up with you immediately

>> No.54660581
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Based INTP polygamist


>> No.54660689

Is this still a business and finance board or are they allowing dating advice threads now? I keep seeing this crap.

>> No.54660934

Rank 11 should be rank 5, and rank 6 shouldn't matter at all.

Prety gud other than that.

>> No.54660965

dude the more you describe from both of them, the more screaming red flags pop up. At least to me. Admittedly, you will probably get that with >99% of all women, and these stick out to you as having "the least bad" red flags... but regardless, they are red flags.

I wouldn't count on changing anything about their personalities or their habits via influence, it's possible but extremely unlikely. I got out of a relationship with a girl years ago who literally did not know how to clean, came from a rich family and had NEVER cleaned before in her life because her family hired a maid for apparently everything. No matter how hard I tried to influence her, teach her, no matter how much "effort" she put forth into "cleaning", for YEARS - a pile of trash and grime followed her everywhere she went around the house, and it would irritate me to no end having to clean up behind her just to keep myself from having a conniption.

Yeah I get it, when it comes down to it we gotta compromise. No one will ever perfectly fit like a lego piece into our vision of the ideal. But you really gotta think hard about what it is you are willing to put up with, even if it seems so small and inconsequential now... it could be something that makes you go insane over a long enough period of time.

also hi fooo

>> No.54660981

>the ultimate financial decision
>last thing I need to is end up with a girl who will take all my assets
seems pretty finance related to me, one of the biggest (and worst) financial risks you can take as a male in the modern west

>> No.54661016

>Prioritize good traits like kindness, willingness to solve things together and ability to communicate emotions.
this. imagine not discriminating for personality disorders/mental illnesses. imagine having a bpd/npd wife

>> No.54661095

hpv != hsv retard

>> No.54661208

>For women virginity is the only thing that matters
Your virginity is frowned upon, anon.
Why haven't you had sex yet? Don't blame women. Be honest with us now

>> No.54661536

>t. used woman

>> No.54661767

problem is I think I have trouble respecting women and end up annoyed and nitpick them in my head then try to find another one on the side

I'm trying to stop

I dont want a useless deadbeat consumer housewife

I get what you're saying and I don't expect to change them. Girl C, the wealthy one, is surprisingly good about that kind of shit even though they had maids. She lives by herself right now and keeps everything clean even without a dishwasher. She tries to impress me by telling me she got X or Y at the grocery store on sale.

>you really gotta think hard about what it is you are willing to put up with

yea this is probably the key when evaluating a relationship. Can you handle the shit that you don't like about that person over the next 50 years? I don't want to harbor disdain against my wife for those kind of thing and I've done that in the past. It is hard to compromise for me because you start to look around and see pretty women and make up a story in your head about how they might be better/perfect/etc.

>> No.54662084

Lots of meaningless noise in this list. The point of marriage is to raise children, so you want to select for women who will make good wives and mothers. Things like being kind, having the knowledge of what a good marriage looks like through first-hand experience with their own parents, being emotionally stable, being able to discuss problems and negotiate in terms of win-win, having the perspective that comes from successfully enduring hardship are FAR more important traits. Your list is a joke and a death wish.

>> No.54662114

are you married or getting your talking points from /pol/? Not saying those aren't important but you're describing a business transaction. I don't want just a transaction, that sounds so boring.

>> No.54662132

>emotionally stable
>having the perspective
good luck anon, you might as well become homo

>> No.54662204

Not married and hopefully never will, but I've seen several trainwrecks through friends and have researched the subject. This man, for example, can predict with high accuracy whether a couple will divorce just by watching them interact for 15 minutes or something. A little cheesy, but this lecture is very much worth listening to:

>> No.54662593

>problem is I think I have trouble respecting women and end up annoyed and nitpick them in my head then try to find another one on the side
How machiavellian. I am falling into the same spiral and only 2% Italian (Southern).

>> No.54663601

this shit is a curse. I will never be satiated with a girl if I continue to be so critical.

>> No.54663626

i'll chime in bro since you sound like me. its really hard for me to pick a girl. i think no one in this thread can give you proper advice because the nuances of the different girls matter. but I think you are on the right track with analyzing what you think is important, and what actually will be important for a mother and a life partner. keep going with that

>> No.54663649

Thanks bro. Been struggling with this for a long time and have been really grappling with self-reflection, mediation, therapy, ketamine, for the last year since I turned 30. Have been through and caused a lot of pain because of this.

I just want to feel sense of commitment and place rather than trying to upgrade to what I perceive as a better version.

>> No.54663691

i think its okay to be ambitious and calculating, but eventually you have to decide if this is the best you can do and if not what would it take? everyone settles, even justin beiber settled. this stuff is true for me too and i don't have the answers

>> No.54663876
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none of this will worry me because I will never get married, I don't worry about anyone and no one will worry about me, it's the perfect life, if I want to experiment with things like my data in CHEQD I can do it and there will be no repercussions

>> No.54663993

Are either of them virgins? Cucked if no. Enjoy marrying a woman with ex bfs.

>> No.54664017

good list

>> No.54664083

F is sexier and better to talk to, C may be more sensible. Her career ambitions could be a double edged sword. What are "independent activities" and why does it have a low weighting? Something is telling me C is better but I'm questioning the career ambition bit... it may mean she will be less loyal to you.

>> No.54664136

bro really dating two girls at the same time, one not knowing the other and OP wanting a wife to trust!!! LMFAOOO yoOOOO niGGA you NEED to STOP being a 2 TIMING ASS nIGGA lMAOOO yooo this nigga really made an autism chart over 2 mid hoes who are prolly riding bbc rn as you ask married niggas who are actually loyal to their women for advice on which used, gaping cumhole to pick and stick yours in!!! LMFAO at your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are going to get fucked anyway at the end based off your description of the bitches.
>of course they're all hoes, that's why you have to assess at a deeper level. Girl C does have herpes btw. idk if that should be a deal breaker though.
umm yeah... sorry op jamal gave her herpes... lets just say he was assessing her at a deeper level too you feel ???? I hope you enjoy anyways !!

>> No.54664423
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Girl F is the better girl.

>> No.54664596

Why should the op listen to someone who has never been married? It's akin to someone listening to their best friend who has never dated and always says nasty stuff about a relationship.

>> No.54665251

Well, because a person doesn't need to eat shit in order to conclude that eating shit is an idiotic thing to do. You could observe the failure of others, and moreover, depend on the expertise of people more qualified, as I do in the same post your replying to:
>A little cheesy, but this lecture is very much worth listening to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKTyPgwfPgg
Hey, it's not my life. If you think shit tastes great, then knock yourself out.

>> No.54665267

Advice for men:

All you need when looking for a woman is:
- good genes
- good age
- decent family background
- healthy mind

That's all you need to minmax a partner.

Looking for a non-physical trait in a woman likes skills, intelligence, reputation, resources is unnecessary and bloat.

It's for the man to have all those.

And if the man depends on the woman for those traits, then the relationship is a failure in the first place. It will always go downhill.

Advice for women:

- Just be healthy in both mind and body. That's all you need to bait a good man.
- Never compete in a man's field. It's a waste of time.
- Avoid liberalism, as it can harm both mind, body, and encourages you to compete with men.
- Women's only goal is to find a competent man to marry. You should be aware that you have very limited time. You should be married in your 20s (early 20s is the best).
- Your goal in college is to find a competent man to marry. Go to prestigious college to increase options.
- Other safer option is to find bachelors in their 30s who're already accumulated/accumulating resources and/or reputation.

>> No.54665310

>I dont want a useless deadbeat consumer housewife
you're the consoomer who wants your girlfriend to wageslave all day and pay your rent so you can buy more material goods instead of actually building a family and continuing your bloodline

>> No.54665323

OP is a complete fag

One second he's thinking with his business mind, the other it's straight up muh dick. Get a grip you faggot and decide what you actually want. Who the fuck knows if these F and C are real. If you wanna be a jew go C, if not go F. It's really not much of a choice. Also with the sound of things youre also quite the BPD so you complaining about them doesnt seem logical to me. Either way good luck

>> No.54666228

this, if she doesn't have a hymen bounce

>> No.54666295

>connection through conversation rank number one
she will divorce you once she sniffs out the fact youre a homosexual

>> No.54667591

>marrying a woman

>> No.54667861

activities and hobbies that they have without me. weighting is determined by an exponential curve since people tend to heavily weight their top choices and compromise more as the list grows.

i didn't say I wasn't a hypocrite

I want them to be doing something that makes them happy and is fulfilling. It's not really about the money.

i'm not perfect bro

because talking to a brick wall is the way to my heart. retard.

>> No.54667933

>their friends
>ROC weight .6%
you obviously are unaware of the effect womens friends have on her. Its safe to assume that when two or more women with boyfriends/husbands talk in private, they are essentially comparing each others lives. guess what happens if Alice divorces Bob, makes off with half his money, is fucking hot dudes half her age, and telling your girlfriend/future wife about this? Suddenly, you start getting nit picked for every fucking thing. Suddenly you are getting cheated on. Suddenly she is pregnant. etc. etc.

>> No.54668464

All your weightings are bullshit. What you like doesnt stop her from turning on you someday. Avoid marriage unless the material gain is significant

>> No.54668586

Ass is everything, trust me

>> No.54668702

You can't weight everything the same, decisions don't work like that.

inshallah bro

>> No.54669674

>cheating on your gf
it doesn't matter who you choose all the suffering will come back to you, i hope nothing but the worst for you

>> No.54669843

off topic, reported

>> No.54670357

>I feel like you need 2 incomes to live well in the US.
Not true, but I make over $200k by myself.
I also left the US tho

>> No.54670394

>because talking to a brick wall is the way to my heart. retard.
lmao fucking faggot brainlet

>> No.54670618

>Not married and hopefully never will, but I've seen several trainwrecks through friends and have researched the subject.
What are you doing with your life instead of finding someone also aligned with the research at Gottman institute? You know he's married right?

Yes you can find examples of bad relationships that ended terribly.
What's also true is you can find someone that knows Gottman's work or is similarly interested in what makes relationships work or not.

I think the biggest meme in the manosphere is people thinking that dudes (especially rich/famous ones) having a failed relationship implies nobody can have a good one or reliably have a good one

They just go MGTOW prematurely, even when most of the MGTOW content creators are insufferable to be around and harbor criticism/contempt (2 of the four horseman signalling relational failure) all over their lives.

>> No.54670649

>independent activities
are these her hobbies?

>> No.54671142

yes and things she does on her own. For example, is she playing a sport or is she just shopping in her free time? watching tik tok or learning something new?

>> No.54671332

C is obvious choice to me. Is she younger and their parents are together right? I'm mostly choosing C for looks. Ass is for niggers anyway.

>> No.54671886

C is 28, parents together though not a great relationship. F is 27, parents divorced when she was in highschool

>> No.54671987

I'm unmarried, but parents being together is great.

>> No.54672161

The secret to financial freedom is to NEVER get married under any circumstances. Simple as. Marrying any female now is a complete gamble, with an 80% chance of ending badly

Nah I see women with their husbands who are super horny to fuck other guys all the time. Your theory is bullshit. very very few women are 100% loyal. Women are great at lying and often lust to be pounded by other superior men even when married

>> No.54672196

excellent bait

>> No.54672218

>Marrying any female now is a complete gamble, with an 80% chance of ending badly
Assuming a few things:
1. Your marriage is in USA (or a Western country at all)
2. Divorce is even a piece of legal terminology in your country.
3. A divorce is a statistically independent event that you have no control over.

Just like with motorcycle riding, you can often beat the average statistics by practicing some fairly basic habits.

>> No.54672558

Kek I would never take a chance riding motorcycle where I live with how shitty the roads are and how shit other driver are. Apt comparison!

>> No.54672634

'outlook on parenting' ranked 9th.

>> No.54674325

Both girls would be great mothers. That one is more so to filter out absolute shit women.

>> No.54674963

Married bro here. What really helps is that we married before she learned of my stack, so there’s absolutely no question about why she married me

>> No.54676250

Modern marriages fail

>> No.54677261

My INTP-autism has filtered it down to an algorithm as well:

Age below < 22 ?
-> Skinny?
-> Beautiful face?
-> Cute personality?
-> Moderate personality?
-> INFJ/ENFJ type?
If she ticks _all_ boxes, yeah we can go on a date.

Anything that doesn't fit I just can't be bothered to talk to. If I want to fuck I just visit prosties, money is not an issue for me.

>> No.54677351
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>getting married
Why? Seriously. Every time i hear about people wanting to get married I think of this comic. Why the fuck do you people think signing a contract with the state will complete your life? If you have a good relationship why ruin it with that kind of heavy commitment contract? What's in it for you?

>> No.54677405

The most important to me is someone who is nice even when shit gets rough. Stable, good parents, possibly religious upbringing. Confident.

>> No.54677488

I am happily married. To me, the main qualities my autism was looking for was a virgin who loves her dad with parents that are still together. I think I also was looking for a smart one even if I didn't quite realize it at the time. I am decent enough looking and personable enough to usually get a first date with most women I ask out, I rejected like 90% of them after the first date because I could tell they weren't what I was looking for. I tried very hard for about 2 years with a targeted goal of finding a wife, once even going so far as dating three different girls in one week. That was too much, I do not recommend it, too emotionally draining, keep it to a max of 1 per week. I came to hate it but I powered on through force of will because I knew that good women were out there and that I was capable of getting one. I began to think I could never actually love a woman and would just have to settle for one that could give me kids and probably not betray me.

The main thing that first struck me about my wife was none of those things. It was that she was the first girl I could actually imagine not only being with for the rest of my life but also being friends with for the rest of my life. She met everything on my desired attributes list which was great but there was something else too. She understood me, I understood her, and it felt very natural and comfortable to be with her. Instead of feeling drained after being with her I felt rejuvenated and charged up. Instead of dreading going on the next date I couldn't wait to be with her again. Being married to her I feel like we are on the same team with the same end goals in mind. If I died tomorrow in a mall ninja raid by ATF agents I know she'd raise our sons right. Instead of making my life annoying she vastly improves it. I thought it would be impossible but I do love a woman.

>> No.54677552

Listen to Sam Hyde tell you what is important when selecting a woman: