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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54657157 No.54657157 [Reply] [Original]

And it only got there because of QE.
We're in for a really long winter.
I hope you realize that.

You'll be a wage slaving, balding, married father by the time bitcoin sees 70k again. Crypto will be a distant memory to you by then. You wont care about it.

>> No.54657179

Yeah I wanted 10k/BTC as well man, not sure what to do with myself now, I guess your cope is to post stuff like this, not sure what my cope is.

>> No.54657188

>married father
Lel, good joke nigger

>> No.54657191

>only cuzza QE >:))

Not the fact that the entire global economy is starting to become virtualized and dependent on tech? Who knew

>> No.54657193

>You'll be a wage slaving, balding, married father by the time bitcoin sees 70k again.
already am. you can't scare me boy, I've seen some shit. dont need an ATH to make money in this market

>> No.54657197

>implying infinite QE won’t happen
Inflation is always more acceptable to a recession to people in power. Once the real pain begins they’ll turn the printers on. High unemployment going into a presidential election isn’t acceptable.

>> No.54657218

17 years isn't really that long.

>> No.54657295

>He fell for the silicon valley reddit meme
How is cuckholding going?

>> No.54657314


t. on a tech site, using tech internet, on a tech computer, with a tech phone in his pocket, a tech bank account, a tech car, using tech based utilities

>> No.54657379

>You use duh interwebs so nasdaq valuation has nothing to do with qe
K. So since the nasdaq plots the rate at which the "economy is virtualized and dependent on tech" that would mean that around the year 2000 the economy suddenly became undigitized and independent of technology? Or maybe you are a midwit perhaps?

>> No.54657380

Great, lots of time to accumulate

>> No.54657384

doomposters are sad cunts

>> No.54657559

people have been using "tech" for millennia, what are you talking about? It sounds like you've heard someone else make a good point and you're trying to parrot it.
Hint: The specific disruptive technology you're almost talking about is near-instant global communication. It's not due to any intrinsic nature of "tech". Onagers were "tech" once, retard.

>> No.54657576

I can hear your agitation with the current price action.

>> No.54659565

>3 wave correction
It’s going to fucking 8k isn’t it
Fucking hell.

>> No.54659666
File: 98 KB, 1593x865, long.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, eventually
we wont see 70k till after 2030

>> No.54660778

>You'll be a wage slaving, balding, married father by the time bitcoin sees 70k again.
Fuck crypto, but I’d love to be a married father, even with a fat chick.

>> No.54660814

They're going to turn the printers back on before it gets too dark then the gap between rich and poor will balloon and there will be no-go area's and tent cities everywhere.

>> No.54660990

17 yrs in stock market = 3 yrs in crypto

>> No.54661004

Why does nobody ever adjust for inflation?

>> No.54661105

Yeah, and beanie babies and tulips shot the fuck up in their heyday too.

>> No.54661121

Because people hate losing

>> No.54661334

Dotcom peak is equal to 20T+ crypto market inflation adjusted

And crypto is global and with much higher value proposition (Literally new money/asset class, Potentially securing 500T in assets on chain). We're clear until Crypto is at least 20T market desu

>> No.54661353

So that bubble was relatively orders of magnitude larger than this one when accounting for value of the dollar.
Bears on suicide watch.

>> No.54661547

Nah we will start printing again and this time I will sell I promise then my real life can begin

>> No.54661565
File: 47 KB, 642x645, 32834437-192F-4B7A-9BAC-EADBFA635D6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this time it’s different

>> No.54661633

this but unironically, crypto total mc is barely even 2T lmao

>> No.54661648
File: 52 KB, 1286x592, 123456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54661673

bitcoin today is 3x higher than it was in that post, btw

>> No.54661682

screenshotted to laugh at you when we hit ATH in early-mid 2024

>> No.54661690

False equivalences. Bitcoin and Crypto as a whole is completely different than beanie babies and tulips. The use case for blockchain technology and public ledger systems far outweigh what the other two fads had.Bitcoin is definately going to tank with the current macro out look and it could take a long time to recover and hit ATH, but only retards or smugfags compare them to those manias.

>> No.54661718

Somebody with a brain

>> No.54661734

Right, because beanie babies and tulips are both actual, physical goods.

>> No.54661747
File: 307 KB, 2048x1536, E9CEFCB1-678F-402B-8D1D-5AC701EBB7D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In terms of value, it’s never going back

>> No.54661779


>> No.54661800
File: 559 KB, 1802x802, 123456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54661820


>> No.54662330

You have high hopes for me I see

>> No.54662796

Fuck you satan

>> No.54663551

is this interpretive art?

>> No.54663634

> married father

I’d be happy with this

>> No.54663643

Kek it's literally doing the "return to normal" from the Wallstreet meme sheet

>> No.54663661


>> No.54663781


notice how he intentionally cropped out the names of the indicators?
True born faggot. Nothing more.

>> No.54663932

spoken like a true retarded /pol/ faggot. go back

>> No.54663950

Okay, but this doesn't apply to crypto

>> No.54664991

They have to print within reason. They can't continue to print money out of thin air just cause. And the money printed has to be backed by bonds, if no one buys the bonds, and if no one desires the dollar. Then you'll have a Zimbabwe situation on your hands. People will starve, and a revolution will happen. The government will be overthrown and America will split in to independent states.