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54650904 No.54650904 [Reply] [Original]

Held from 1.5 million down to 20k

>> No.54650921

There's no way this could be real.

>> No.54650928


>> No.54650930


>> No.54650932

based if real. How are you mentally handling life? Were you wealthy outside of crypto? If I lost 1.498 million dollars, I'd be really, really really fucked up.

>> No.54650936


>> No.54650939

Sergei claims another soul

>> No.54650950

From 80k to 10k, you are turbo retarded. I'm back from where I started, didn't win, didn't lose.

>> No.54650956

held from $200k to $0, so your case is not that bad. At least you have something to start over with.

>> No.54650963

I'm getting by desu, just trying to get a better career.
>t. Not OP, but similar situation
10K -> 380K -> 10K

>> No.54651154

Its too much man.. its just way too much

>> No.54651172

does anyone make money in crypto except like maybe 5% of people? Is everyone else down?

>> No.54651243
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>throw a few thousand dollars into SHIB at the start of January 2021 for the banter
>end up with nearly 5 trillion SHIB, so i was the #9 top SHIB holder at the time
>it pumps a few days later, sell it all for $130k profit and I think im the smartest trader in the world
>SHIB goes x1,000 a few months later during the DOGE pump
>that stack i sold for $130k was worth something like $350 million dollars at ATH
>even now, it would be worth $52 million dollars

wish i was larping

>> No.54651260

1.3 mil down to 150k

>> No.54651272

Turning a few k into 100 is an easy decision to make. Your mistake was not keeping an eye on it and then throwing 10k at it when it didn't rug

>> No.54651277

jesus christ. I would have done the same thing though. Who wouldn't have? $130k is insane amounts of money for most people. How you holding up these days?

>> No.54651298

my entire portfolio is 17eth

>> No.54651311

What about that Twitter lunc tard who went from millions to about $1k in a day. At least you’ve got 20k left lmao

>> No.54651325

I hope you're investing in yourself and have at least a marginally better life after that experience man.

>> No.54651399

I lost 100m. Get on my level.

>> No.54651427

no fucking way. You could buy my entire family like 100's of time over for that much money.

>> No.54651482
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>> No.54651487

>when you sold for 1.8million but they make fun of you for being sidelined on this rally, whilst they're down 70% on their portfolio kek

>> No.54651515

ive been sidelined since btc was at ath. felt a bit of fomo in the last few months but still haven't bought. even if you bought at 18k it still hasn't 2x'd
this still feels like a suckers rally, especially when you look at how bad housing and jobs are doing

>> No.54651529

you actually did well, but you don't realize it.

>> No.54651576

held from 160k$ to 11k$

im barely coping, in my mind im already rich, just currently a little bit problem with liquidity

>> No.54651795

I would rope

>> No.54651830

This is larp

>> No.54652114

It's possible if he had bought Solana at 260 and sold at $8

>> No.54652179

Started with 10k
Get to 1mil ath
Didnt cash out. Now barely 100k
Hopefully back to 1mil next bull. My life is suffering

>> No.54652250

Exact same thing happened to me, sold all my shib for like $900 bucks, would have been worth $50,000,000 at ath

>> No.54652284

Ok how the fuck do you turn 10k to 1million. Pure shitcoin degeneracy?

>> No.54652294

Chainlink. Also some leverage trading.

>> No.54652298

Surely you would keep even 1 trillion as a suicide-stack. Doesn't make sense to sell that much all at once. You still would have made $100 grand selling 4 trillion SHIB then, anyway.

>> No.54652300

Post your wallets or larp

>> No.54652309

20k is still life changing money anon.
By the way your 1.5 million is never coming back.

>> No.54652316

You're still at a x2! That's better than keeping it in a savings account! You done good kid! Quit while you're ahead!

>> No.54652321

Nah, not gonna dox myself.

>> No.54652329

Explain how posting your wallet doxes you. I'll wait.

>> No.54652336


>> No.54652442

post transaction

>> No.54652610
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my sides

>> No.54652616

I can't believe people actually for the $1 million isn't enough meme when it gets you $30k a year without touching principal

>> No.54652619

>There's no way this could be real.

Anyone who doesn't think this is possible simply has never made any gains yet in crypto, kek.

MANY such cases.

You "would" just sell everything to cash at exactly 1.5mil, right, and never invest in anything again?

>> No.54652633


The idea of always keeping some small amount of a coin "just in case it goes a further 10,000x" is very bad and a losing a strategy. Only poor people talk about doing that.

>> No.54652651
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With LUNC I went from 10k to 60k to 10k. Wish I sold the top, but greed is very powerful.

>> No.54652739

20k can relocate you to a new apartment. That’s it. $20k is nothing you stupid dumb nigger. Stop being poor

>> No.54652759
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>> No.54652846
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I want to die

>> No.54653447

I did something similar. Since I'm a poor faggot that lived in Venezuela, I kid you not, put like $20 in August 2020. Sold it later for $5 because reasons of poverty and retardation.
The ATH of that was well over a million. Right now it is around 200k.
Still made some money in that bullrun with other stuff and improved my life situation a lot but holy fuck I still think about it sometimes

>> No.54654099

Tough to sell the ATH anonfag. Best to sell for profits than be the brainlet exit liquidity curry nigha. Altcoinistdao reviews remains my go-to tool for spotting blue chips and crypto research

>> No.54654480

Invested all my savings in biotech scams. Down 90% on one account, 80% on the other. Could have made millions with various coins I always sold days before the hyper pump. Yeah.

>> No.54654589

Shib is and was a shitcoin, why keep 30k dollars in a shitcoin? Just because it *might* pump even more?

>> No.54654651

At that point just shove everything in boring index funds and retire

>> No.54654683

Depending on what you invested in, technically you're right

>> No.54654695

$60k > $490k > $180k

>> No.54654709

I did the same but only 1 trillion
Also had over a million in doge killer

>> No.54654766
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"Take profits, or the market will take them for you."
- Me.

>> No.54654837

What did you hold?

>> No.54655168

i held from 750k to 19k currently so yeah i believe op

>> No.54655270

That's big one, hope it's in your custody, just like I've got mine sitting comfy in the sylo wallet, this way i have my keys

>> No.54655479

$15k to $975k down to $42k. I DID pull out $150k on the way down though so I made out with something.

t. anon who has posted in these threads that he sold 1200 ETH at $18.

>> No.54655529

for me it was ~700k down to 70k (no cashing out)
I was going to sell but something told me not to, kek. either that thing that told me not to sell either was the never going to make it or it will be better in a few years if I hold a little longer. at first it was very hard to deal with but I eventually managed the feeling after a few weeks.
but before last bullrun craze, i always said the year for me would be 2025. so, anons, hold on tight. We will make it.

>> No.54655552

I started with 400 went all the way to 2000 and sold at 500

>> No.54655574
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>Tee hee I didn't want to pay taxes!
>Lost more than if he paid

>> No.54655655

what makes me a real dumb gorilla nigger is I just closed on a house as my portfolio peak and could've paid it off instantly and still had a couple hundred thousand left over after taxes if I just cashed out right then.

>> No.54655716

Good God, man. You never sell your entire stack, for just such an emergency.

Still hindsight and all that. My worst is going from 230k to about 30 now. Paid off all my student loans though so I did one thing right this last bull run.

>> No.54655940

>At that point just shove everything in boring index funds and retire

At exactly 1.5mil, right?

>> No.54656022

I don't believe you

>> No.54656135

>mined shittons of doge for luls 2013
>2021, retards start paying real actual money for doge
>suddenly goes from being worth 4-5 sats to 300 sats for no fucking reason
>month later doge is on oprah and ellen degeneres, selling for 5k sats
what the fuck

>> No.54656644

I was here on the board we used to post on before Biz laughing at BTC holders at $100

I laughed at ETH holders when it was $80 and thought it would rug

Fucking joke was on me

>> No.54656726

KDA from .29 to 27$ back to 1$

>> No.54657221

That was way too much loss, seen quite the dip on Ride from $1 to $0.04 but then there's this enthusiasm I get about the team's building, staking, and future use in EV charges.

>> No.54657272

It happens all the time

>> No.54657416

Lmao, imagine being a shitcoiner. Will they ever learn?

>> No.54658610
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>> No.54658649

>still owes because coin to coin is taxable
>negative net worth with no chance to ever dig out of the hole

>> No.54658832
File: 267 KB, 1200x1200, Fq5e4iNXsAAkJTk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a lottery ticket once and when I checked the numbers after the draw, saw I had matched ALL the numbers
But for a draw from the month before
It was up to about £80 million then

I never look at lottery shit so there's no way I subconsciously remembered the numbers from earlier
I am God's silliest soldier, here purely for his entertainment