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54649274 No.54649274 [Reply] [Original]

Emergency meeting TRUFF chads how are you all holding up? I’m friend admitted himself into a mental hospital after going all in at 10 cents not looking good over here

>> No.54649348
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Oh you know, living the dream in red city. Hopefully the rhyming negro will save us this summer when the supposed collaboration happens (supposedly).

>> No.54649359

I hate niggers

>> No.54649467

Can’t people just wait up? 140k long and strong

>> No.54649493

55K here. Feelsbadman not being in the 100K+ big boys club.

>> No.54650115
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120k stack here, closing in on my goal of 150k. We're touching the bottom, just have to hold our breath to the top.

>> No.54650130

The publicity will have to bring in sales

>> No.54650665

One month left to acoomulate, brother.
Guys, this is not about basket ball American Wiz, it‘s about the license, which they get this summer.

>> No.54651093

>it‘s about the license, which they get this summer.
what license? I am out of the loop

>> No.54651344


The licensing takes up to 6 months.

>> No.54651371

What licensing do they need? Aren't they already selling their shit?

>> No.54651417

they can sell magic mushrooms to retail only in the Netherlands. In Canada, they need to get the license to sell to medical customers. Meanwhile they sell functional mushrooms in Canada.

>> No.54651448

>Meanwhile they sell functional mushrooms in Canada.
I thought shrooms were illegal in Canada?

> they need to get the license to sell to medical customers
What's the chance they will get such a license?

>> No.54651516

Functional =/= magic. Functional are oyster, shiitake and lion’s mane, gourmet shit.

And the license is kind of 100% safe, as The follow the same route as cannabis did.

>> No.54651601

why is truff dumping so hard if this stock is so promising?

>> No.54651683
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Are you playing dumb? Or are you just to lazy to DYOR? Compare the financial CGC or here have a look at MDMA.
My educated guess: every pump without real news is eaten up by shorts and paperhands fleeing.

>> No.54651723

>every pump without real news
So you admit there's no real news and we're all speculating on something that might not even happen (legalization/licensing)

>> No.54651857

Yes, of course we are speculating here. Shieeet, how old are you? The more risk, the more reward. Besides the fact, TRUFF is a safe bet.
A. Because nobody is actively shilling it (like a Pajeet campaign would), no more artificial pumps.
B. They are solid on the financial side.
C. I do not care about your financial well-being and I don‘t need you to invest in this stock. You can be critical and challenge my beliefs, though.

>> No.54651887
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>> No.54653200
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Shrooms are illegal in Canada, but enforcement is laughable right now. Here in Ottawa, there are several pop-up stores where you can just go in and buy magic mushrooms and edibles. It's exactly like how it was before marijuana was legalized.

Anyways, I'm still holding on to my Truffs. So much bullish news on the horizon for magic mushrooms. Anyone selling after that minor dip is retarded.

>> No.54654881

What’s the point of a medical license if they don’t have a medical product? They ended their partnership with that medical research company about a month ago.

>> No.54655358

if you're a regular run of the mill joe your shit gets closed down, the current stores are already government approved behind closed doors

>> No.54656318
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Good thing the Canadian former minister of health is on TRUFF’a advisory board lmao

>> No.54656498

Damn he had a sexting scandal

>> No.54656601

Check out the other advisory members. They have a special forces commander who briefed the PM, a uot professor, and a WEF “changemaker.”

>> No.54656618

Also its Canada who gives a shit about sexting with all the current decadence they’re pushing.

>> No.54657279

Hate to be that guy, but SOURCE???

Holy shit, I'm even more bullish now.

>> No.54657480

Not sure if I should buy more truff to lower my cost average and hope for the best, or spend it on hobbies now since I've been losing money now. I'm a poor Grad student so it's not like I can invest a goodnamount of money now. Eat do you guys think?

Also I've been taking shrooms. Small doses. Thinking of taking a higher dose but I'm afraid of taking it alone in my apartment

>> No.54657627

No one can tell you what your priorities should be, I can only speak for myself that if I was in your position I’d buy more truff. Obviously this is a truff thread so every answer will be biased though just like if you asked this question on a hobby board.

>> No.54659465

He’s means that the shops that stay open are paying law enforcement for that privilege while the competitors are shut down

>> No.54659498

i thought truff threads were dead

>> No.54659830
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i havent been paying much attention to TRUFF since i bought. i have 500k and im still bullish on it.

>> No.54659925

It feels like the bottom is in now that dumping has stopped and we've found support so I guess anons are getting kind of hyped again.

>> No.54660525

It’s just buff as fuck

>> No.54660843

damn and i just bought wojak. im terrible at this lmao

>> No.54660874

You can still get buff with TRUFF and IC