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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54643698 No.54643698 [Reply] [Original]

what on fucking earth is PEPEcoin and how did it get to almost 100 mil mc in two days?

>> No.54643718

This shit makes me lose any hope of ever making it. No info on this came out of nowhere the whole thing is fucking rigged. And jeets with no attention span are siphoning away all the other coins to feed this fucking rug

>> No.54643750

Kinda funny that biz of all places completely misses out on a coin that was named after a 4chan meme but still bagholds garbage that died in the last bullrun like d0b0 and hpos10inu

>> No.54643800

There's nothing to miss out on it got put up days ago. It's a random fucking pepe which is standard meme shit from 2016 and it's doing 1000x normal volume and killing all the other coins. This shit is why I hate crypto the same people rigging the stock market are out here rigging your chances of making it with completely obvious scam shit like this

>> No.54643913

makes sense, normies adopt every symbol we create, just several years later. It’s like retards laughing at a joke three minutes later but also they make up the majority of humans.

>> No.54643949

So how the fuck is this sustainable as an investment? We have to figure out normies lag? Nobody on earth is smart enough to judge when random normies lag time will hit old memes. At least some skill based pattern recognition I can understand being rewarded but this is flat out retarded

>> No.54644101

Wtf just heard about this shitcoin..

am i still early or it's Joever?

>> No.54644126

We don't talk about bruno no no no we don't talk about Brunooo!

>> No.54644170

joever look at this fucking chart https://dexscreener.com/ethereum/0xa43fe16908251ee70ef74718545e4fe6c5ccec9f

I just wish there were serious people here that could make a shitcoin like that, I mean, you don't even have to rug, just do the same shit and stealth launch but ofc, telling ahead closest frens. You guys are fucking retarded, I'll make my own shitcoin on ethereum this year, and do as I said. Mark my words.


>> No.54644194

not seeing much about this yet on here is what made me say fuck it.

>> No.54644225

first of all breath. Your frustrations stem from your inability to control uncontrollable. Just focus on developing your knowledge and fortune will come in time. Like you said shitcoins are mostly luck.

>> No.54644244

just read the description, it’s verbal salad. I’d rather bet on DBI because connections and utility is a form of fundamentals in a shitcoin market.

>> No.54644262

you are retarded to follow a dead meme and dog coins.

>> No.54644283

/biz/ does make decent shitcoins every now and then that do a 100x but they usually top out at 1m mcap because we're poorfags and don't have connections to the ETH whales who really drive these shitcoins

>> No.54644338


>> No.54644459

I'm buying bros, I'm not missing another Shiba

>> No.54644503

we're so used to get rugged that everything seems like a scam
in the other hand , devs must be legitimate retarded to rug this shit before 100m marketcap..they could earn so much more if they keep the hype alive..250 or 500m marketcap if they wanted ..

but if they're jeets, then they would think short term

still don't know if i'm early because coindesk shilled it already

or maybe i should go all in and exit in 1 or 2 weeks

>> No.54644526

I still don’t know why anyone bought this shitcoin in the first place

>> No.54644550

ETH shitcoins are entirely dependent on how much clout the dev/team have. This was probably created by some giga rich guy who made a big shitcoin before so he managed to use his connections to attract other big whales to pump this shit to high heaven. I've seen this happen before with Ryoshi coins, if you get in early enough you can make great gains but at this point I'd say it's way too risky to enter now.

>> No.54644575
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This one still hasn't went for all it's worth. They already have a DEX, are working on games, a casino, meme farms. /biz/ bailed on it at $1m, when it was poised to go to $10m. We in the pepe meta, it'll go to a billion. PepePal is still the best /biz/ token.

They prophesied the fall of Gensler and the SEC, and it's happening before your eyes.

>> No.54644589

It feels different because this managed to get the $PEPE ticker. It's THE pepe. And pepe is a normalfag meme today just like doge is. There is not a twitch channel alive that doesn't have at minimum 10 pepe emotes.
I'm conflicted, it could become a huge memecoin like doge or shib was. Definitely don't go all in but making it 1% of your portfolio is probably fine, if you can stomach that kind of risk.

>> No.54644627

thanks, this explains a lot
seems like new bagholders reached their maturity. Bullish

>> No.54644634

Lmao please don't expect this to pull a SHIB, that was an exception of an exception of an exception when it comes to shitcoin. It only pumped because of Elon shilling doge and chinese whales coming out of nowhere to send it past 10b mcap, otherwise it would have stayed in the usual 100m-1b range that most top tier shitcoins get stuck at.

Normies are burned out from crypto, they won't suddenly pile in on PEPE because it's a meme they recognise, it's not 2021 anymore, they've all forgotten about crypto. By the time the real bullrun starts and they come back in the devs of this shitcoin will have dumped it and moved on to the next 10 projects

>> No.54644651

Shib was started on /biz/ just so you all know.

>> No.54644659
File: 279 KB, 724x1024, 5DC61A6C-51FB-45EC-97A5-18E20D036088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thing is the number one trending on twitter right now

>> No.54644663 [DELETED] 


>> No.54644681

this is like the 100th pepe coin made... it's not like nobodies ever thought to spin up a shitcoin for this meme before.
im sure there's an og telegram somewhere that has been pumping the fk out of this. nobody else would have had any way of knowing that was the plan or this was the coin to buy. same shit that happened with shib.

>> No.54644703
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>this is like the 100th pepe coin made... it's not like nobodies ever thought to spin up a shitcoin for this meme before.
all these pepes and NOBODY thought to get the $pepe ticker?

>> No.54644731

On dexes there have been hundreds of pepes, it's just none of them get big enough to get listed on gecko or cmc

>> No.54644738

what do you mean the pepe ticker? the ticker is set as a variable in the contract...and yes, there's been many pepe tickers.

>> No.54644924

I'm about to throw $8k at this.. i'm desperate..what should i do?
I don't see how can this make a 2x ..this is the top..right?

>> No.54644955
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be a good goyim and fomo, yes goyim, buy the op

>> No.54645004
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don't, it just rugged

>> No.54645009
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based senor.

pepepal will mune and u will all kneel

>> No.54645025

PEPE wasn’t though

>> No.54645028

At this point you are more likely to get fucked than not, unless you are good with taking 25% profit and fucking off never looking back

>> No.54645108


>> No.54645550
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how much did you lose?

>> No.54645714
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Self-explanatory, new rally will begin if btc closes above 30300.
Buckle your seat belts

>> No.54646266

here it is but you probably not gonna do the needful anyway and complain later again

>> No.54646303

Put $100 in yesterday now have $1,000

No brakes on this train, your retarded if you don’t put swap $100 of dust for this

>> No.54646307

I'm up 7 times kek?

>> No.54646347
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Lurk Twitter, some weird confluence of influencooors started shilling it after accumulation was already done. It doesn't make much sense to me either. Why now? What does this pepe flavoured shitcoin do that the thousand of others didn't? This entire memecoin season caught me completely off guard. It wasn't anything like this when dogcoins started.

And most importantly is this a top signal?

>> No.54646479

>Lurk Twitter, some weird confluence of influencooors started shilling it after accumulation was already done

Basically paid shilling and they're ready to dump?
this or i got it wrong?

>And most importantly is this a top signal?

I need at least a fucking x2... i'm not asking for much, i just gotta paid some bills

>> No.54646617

Breh you realize there are Chinese whales shilling this on Twitter right now. Chinese whales are the reason this got a few cex listings already.

>> No.54646631

>few cex listings already
Really? Which ones?

>> No.54646879

the clearest sign its a scam is a bunch of faggot influencers shilling something all at the same time. They are preying on sidelined faggots who won't buy bitcoin ETH or majors because "they already pumped" and because they are fucking poor who need a 100x just to get into six figure hell. Disgusting

>> No.54646903

that's actually pretty fucking impressive

On that note, YOU MFS COST ME $400

>> No.54646953

do you retards not remember SHIB? or DOGE? this is how every alt cycle works. There's always one or a small handful of mind-bending pumps that gain attention through word-of-mouth like this very thread and end up sucking in all the degenerate gamblers to spin the shitcoin roulette one more time

>> No.54647096
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i saw it when it was $2.5M mcap and bookmarked the dextools page but then forgot to buy some.

>> No.54648906

Has Arthur Hayes given his seal of approval yet?

>> No.54649104

so did doge.

>> No.54649169
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>> No.54649205

Kek..been there but don't worry you can still get your hands on chunks a memefi token with utilities that's gonna be fair launched next week.

>> No.54649244

It's because I remember those that I bought this. I've been waiting for an official $PEPE for years.

>> No.54649292

Just bag more while you can. I'm sure pepe, chunks(fair launch on 26th), blur, floki and other meme tokens will moon.

>> No.54649300

Just bag more while you can. I'm sure pepe, chunks(fair launch on 26th), blur, floki and other meme tokens will moon.

>> No.54649304

Oopsie lmao

>> No.54649306

Only one of those is THE meme. I don't have to say which. I don't think the others will last

>> No.54649328
File: 372 KB, 2160x1165, 6E236D85-98D8-42FA-AB95-4A55EFA0DF3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I faded it at like 12 mil and fomod a couple hundred bucks at like 70 mil just to have something. I forgot how it paid to be retarded in 2021. Also bought some pepemoon because the contract address starts with 42069.

>> No.54649440

update boys
fresh wallet was loaded with 423 ETH, so $800k
has started buying PEPE in 25 ETH chunks
if youre not in yet or are selling now, youre doomed

someone knows something

>> No.54649622
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so should i buy now?
le le retrace will happen yes or no?¡

>> No.54649675
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Those are the claims dogbat and many others had. Come on anyone here that isn’t liquidated has seen the roadmaps of hundreds of rugs at this point. And they all grasp at the same straws. DBI was a flavor of the month and you didn’t sell while it was hot, simple as. Vain attempts at shilling won’t pump your bags here, biz has been totally neutered anyways.