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5464237 No.5464237 [Reply] [Original]

What's wrong with BCH? I see so much hate for the heir to bitcoins gainz - what's the matter, are you a jelly fuckboi?

>> No.5464432

its not "Bitcoin"

>> No.5464630

“Bitcoin Core is currently unusable as money.”

>> No.5465460

The people who use BCH missed BTC when the price was low and think that if they buy it up and shill it hard enough, it will be like had they gotten into BTC a few years back when the price was low (i.e. "The Flippening").

Literally a horde of normies trying to undo progress in the crypto world because they feel stupid for having missed out. Now they're throwing an autistic "SOMEBODY FIX THIS NOW!" tantrum because they feel they deserve free wealth.

>> No.5465484

why in the fuck would bane have a batman tat.

also he's a pretty big guy

>> No.5465498
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They are reddit herd mentality retards that don't understand economics

>> No.5465514

It doesn't solve the scalability issue.

>> No.5465556


It is exactly the same or worse than Bitcoin in every aspect imaginable.

>> No.5465789

>buttcoin: 2mb blocks and expensive slow transactions
>bitcoin cash: 8mb blocks and cheap fast transactions

explain how exactly bitcoin cash is the same or worse than bitcoin? lol retard.

>> No.5465946

given the same magnitude of actual usage, Bcash would "suffer" from exactly the same problems

expensive transactions are the advantage retard, it ensures miners turn profit

>> No.5466092

>it ensures miners turn profit
they cant turn profit if nobody wants to pay the transaction fee. normies arent going to understand that fees are to pay miners they are only going to see the $50 transaction fee to move $200 worth of their buttcoin and theyre going to btfo and put it into something else.

>> No.5466182

Bcash is getting pumped by McAfee tomorrow. There was a YouTube video I saw in another thread that was an interview with him today

>> No.5466836

BTC don't understand that hopelessly out of touch with reality will destroy the largest first mover advantage. How people can praise the decentralization of crypto, which includes being open source software, and then complain about forks that come with alternative solutions, which actually work, to the largest problem bitcoin has ever faced is beyond my understanding.
Core has cut all ties in the industry by making BTC unuseable as anything but being a store of value and hoping to stay as the goldstandard of crypto but they forgot that for something to be a store of value said thing needs to actually have inherent value.
CMC has lately started showing prices on the graph in other values than BTC. That's an early sign that BTC might not be the stardard for pairings in the future and if they lose that they have nothing. Crypto would still gain from having a gold standard to measure from and the biggest contenders are ETH, BCH and USD/USDT. ETH has the issue that it is not exclusively a currency and therefore is not reliable enough since cryptokitties could take it down. Pairings based on the dollar would decrease cryptos independence from FIAT which hardly is favorable. BCH has the reliability that has been testet for years since it's more or less the same a BTC with one major difference which makes it actually useful. BCH has friends in the industry where it matters. It is friends with miners, hardware producers and payment businesses. It has good support from early adoptors of crypto.

BCH is only hated by BTC cultist and with good reason. It is very hard to accept that your mistakes and it's very easy to hate and blame those who pointed them out and now lives as what you could have been if you had been less arrogant

>> No.5466917

It does though. That doesn't mean that it has solved it forever though but I've never heard anyone claim so.
Short term solutions are better than no solution

>> No.5466955
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People rather like to follow their heroes

>> No.5466970

All forms of "Bitcoin" are obsolete. That's what you partisan retards don't get.

>> No.5466989

Actually the main reason why I like BCH is because I received about 40 for free at the fork

>> No.5466991

Boomers are scared bch will take over their boomer coin.

>> No.5467091

>given the same magnitude of actual usage, Bcash would "suffer" from exactly the same problems
It would not though. BCH room for more data in their blocks. And tx fees are only a large % of miners profit when the network is drowning. What currently makes mining profitable is the inflation

>> No.5467152
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>Short term solutions are better than no solution
BTC + SegWit + LN is the best solution for scalability and mass adoption!

Bcash is just a shitcoin with 0 technological progress apart muhhhhhhhhh 800000gorilon blocks.... (that will fuck bcash in the long run...)

So stop with the shill from your Shill master » https://streamable.com/qnjon and GTFO!

>> No.5467207

>I received about 40 for free at the fork
Not really, pretty much all price increase was at the expense of core. It split, you didn't get anything more then if the hardfork never happened.

>> No.5467229
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>something that doesn't exist is the best solution for scalability and mass adoption!

>> No.5467236
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>> No.5467268

>Thinks BCH is a viable alternative to BTC
>Doesn't recognize people see BCH as all other altcoins

>> No.5467278


>> No.5467423

Go read the paper and github https://lightning.network

And also, please enlighten me about he bcash innovations for thr crypto world.... please do, I'm really looking forward to know.

>> No.5467456
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LN is a scam you idiot

>> No.5467520

Incase you haven't noticed:
SegWit have solved nothing and LN is far from ready so even if (and it's a big if) LN will solve the scaling issue you would still have devastating issues until then which have real life consequences for the business that has been build around using Bitcoin as a payment method. Futhermore BTC will be unadoptable until then.

If you call BCH a shitcoin then you'd have to call BTC a shitcoin too since until they split half a year ago they were the same. What has happened since is that SegWit has been proven to be a bad solution and increasing blocksize have worked out just fine so BTC still have the same huge problem and BCH currently don't. BCH still have the possibility to find other scaling solutions and if they are stubborn to do so they'll get forked.

But please inform me which important technological progress BTC has implemented lately

>> No.5467545

hahahaha thanks for the laughs rolerino
still waiting for a major bcash innovation... do you have some?

>> No.5467595

Graphene Blocks and Colored Coins maybe?

>> No.5467718

>BTC + SegWit + LN is the best solution for scalability and mass adoption!

Hahahahaha falling for the Jewish tricks this hard

>> No.5467743

reimplementation of zero conf and a safer one at that. But obviously disabling it had to be a good thing because people might scam you when they pay for their coffe!

>> No.5467766

>>Doesn't recognize people see BCH as all other altcoins
Since people now see BTC as unuseable that would be a big plus
Are you implying adoption isn't one of, if not the, biggest factors for the succes of a currency in the long run?

Protection against degeneration is more important than innovation

>> No.5467816

Raiblocks solves all of this. Etherium quantum solves everything as well.

>> No.5467858

If bcash became the world currency the Chinese will enslave us all.

>> No.5467886

Bcash Isn't energy efficient at all.

>> No.5467913

Misspelling ETH makes you automatically lose credibility

>> No.5467924

Since Roger Ver is narcistic as fuck and people don't like Bitmain I really doubt anyone would use Bcash. Might aswell start using LiteCoin I atleast like Charlie Lee and I'd rather use that than fucking Insider trading Bcash, You want mass adoption? Then stop scamming normies with your shitcoin.

>> No.5467966

I honestly can't figure out a reason why coinbase would add bcash

>> No.5468131

As far as I know Roger Ver is not the CEO of BCH but you are right he might not be the base speaker for BCH. People like Bitmain so little that their products are sold on ebay at twice the buying price because they go out of stock so fast. The fact that Charlie Lee sold his LTC's are worse than any speculation about insider traiding.
In the end ideas are more important than people in this world. The fact that we are having this discussion on an anonymous imageboard points in the direction that you believe that too

>> No.5468313

I suppose you're right. I don't think BCH is a bad investment but who are we waiting for to adopt this? Normies? They're going to do the same as us, treat it like an asset and hope to sell it someone else for a profit. Its a complete bubble.

Bitcoin was an experiment and it obviously failed but there are some really good companies that have been founded and I can't imagine them just dissapearing if BTC decides to crash.

I occasionally use BTC as payment method and I kind of like it but I'd rather sit on my deflatory currencies/assets in the hope they will rise in value.

I thought wealth storage and ''digital gold'' was actually the best usecase as its a deflatory model. P2P cash just doesn't make sense unless the value is pegged.

>> No.5468347

Basically this

>> No.5468710

OPcode (barebones smart contract/programmability) and zksnarks

>> No.5468783

I'd say that we have/are waiting for the holidays to be over. Even people working with crypto have families whom they need to spend time with. Furthermore we need a somewhat organic takeover. It would be devastating for all if there were a flippening that happened over night. Normie investers most likely don't move markets unless you count what they get manipulated into doing. The real adoptation we need is from a big company. Amazon would be perfect and change everything for crypto and the coin(s) they go with but I don't see them making a partnership before the market has settle and possibly elected a new king. For BCH to be elected king we would need BCH pairings on exchanges. Without this BCH has no change so the faith lays largely in the hands of the exchanges but one exchange doing so could quickly spread to all.

The whole wealth storage and digital gold selling point is sadly a lie. For something to be useful for storage of value it needs to have an inherent value or a very strong percieved value. Precious metals and gems have inherent value simply by existing and FIAT has strong percieved value because of it's stability and most importantly it's spendability