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54641499 No.54641499 [Reply] [Original]

It disgusts me seeing ICP being mixed with the Link scam

The only true biz anons are people who got rich off eth in 2016 and rich off dogcoins in 2021. All others are subhumans

>> No.54641563

i dont want to be a "true biz anon", thanks

>> No.54641567
File: 530 KB, 675x685, project not needed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. inferior dinosaur tech like ethereum may need oracles, sure.
but the internet computer canisters can make direct HTTPS outcalls to any data source without using oracles.
Oracles not needed.
This is just one snowflake on the tip of the iceberg that is the monolith that is the internet computer.
ICP is lightyears ahead of everything else out there. Imagine accumulating anything else.
Linkies, along with the majority of all other cryptos that are about to be made completely and utterly useless and irrelevent by icp, are about to seeethe so fucking hard and i can't wait to drink their tears when they have been foretold about all this for YEARS now.


>> No.54642226
File: 104 KB, 1212x760, ICP Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54642597

Two of my worst holds. I was going to sell the first one when it had a big pump last year but I had it locked up staking and knew by the time I could unstake that I'd be selling at a loss (which I was right about.)

>> No.54644475

Link was launched at 0.19$ and it's now over 8$. Icp was launched over 400$ and it's now at 6$. Have some self awareness nigger.

>> No.54644788

Yea because it's permissioned at the base level kek. Ofc you can just trust whatever output the nodes give you bro! Trusted entity webhosting is truly next level web3.0 of the future lel

>> No.54644862

Based OP

>> No.54646031

You don't even understand half the buzzwords you just shit out of your mouth because if you did you would realize how fucking stupid that is in practice.

>> No.54646157

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.54646640
File: 63 KB, 672x606, 1681847643788173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me a tranny
>build a smart contract and use icp "no oracle"
>decide that my dapp calls my iot dildo api located at "http://niggerdildos.com/api/vibrateOnpost" api endpoint to trigger some excitement inside my tranny fake pussy whener i post on 4chan
> decide that my dapp should be trustless, so i burn the ownership of the smartcontract, my tranny users can finally trust the dapp
>few months pass by
>the niggerdildo domain become jewishkosherdildos so the api endpoint i hard codew in the smart contract doesn't work anymore
>my dapp died and i cannot get my pussy excited anymore

what do?

>> No.54647248

This is why we have the sns. Instead of black holing our code we can hand over governance to the users.

>> No.54647280

Why do you latin americans laugh like that?

>> No.54647343

ok so i have to wait patiently for users to update api endpoints LMAO? YOU THINK users care about what nigger loving api endpoint your dapp uses, also thays 1 api endpoint, some dapps use hundreds.

say it
it's a shitty solution

>> No.54647374

on your shitcoin side you have inexperienced users of a dao that manage the sns( so a whale could just fuck everybody and use its own api endpoint), on chainlink side you have professional node operators that stake link that are used as collateral.

whi would you trust more?
a bunch if vc whales that decide on everything in the dao?

or chainlink nodes that stake link and can be slashed if they misbehave, and they are economically encentivized to behave?

>> No.54647410

You guys are fucking retards. Simply build a canister that uses however many APIs you need and get a price from it, then replace, add, remove APIs as needed using the SNS. This is already being done.

There are a million APIs that can be called that don't need to "solve the oracle problem" when getting data from them because you're merging from web2 to web3 either.

>> No.54647498

u're so fucking dumb, and who fact checks your data? you dapp os vompletely reliant on your web2 app, so in the end why even build a dapp, just make an android app/websute and a database.

i swear newfags have no idea what crypto is

>> No.54647535

who fact checks the data directly from the exchange apis? BLOW ME

>> No.54647568

the fuck you are smoking nigger? what im saying is if your data source isnt reliable you arn't using crypto and dapps correctly to begin with, the web2 data source can be tempered with, and you have no 3rd parties that verify that the data is trustworthy.

in chainlink case, when a dapp calls a DON foe btc price, multiple oracles make a consensus on the price of btc and the result is sent to the smart contract.

its up to the oracles in the don to manage their sources

>> No.54647622

there are literally billions of api calls a day that aren't using link
deal with it

>> No.54647636

what the fuck you are talking about you think your shitcoin manages billions of api calls? you're retarded or dishonest anyways fuck off to the shitty place you came from

>> No.54647690

i was talking about the billions of api calls used every fucking day that don't need link and that the internet computer can consume
but yes the internet computer will eventually manage billions
deal with it faggot

>> No.54647724

lmao u're out of touch, living in a giant bubble of lies.
icp oracle solution doesnt work, plain and simple, go shill your scam somewhere else and leave chainlink alone you fking nigger, let smart people build

the oracle problem is a real problem that doesnt just get solved with direct calls otherwise it would have been implemented directly into ETh...
ohhh wait a minute.... you can call an api endpoint directly from a solidity contract, it was never an issue u fking jew.

>> No.54647738

LOL what are you going to do? yell and scream at me until you FORCE all canisters on the IC to use link?

lmao get lost

>> No.54647782

proof that ur a shill is, no matter how i can show u icp is shit, you will just dismiss argumentation and just say, just fuck off, thats what jews do

>> No.54647802

>there are over 100 VCs who bought at a fraction of a cent
>while you are trying to get 1,000 ICP, they literally have 100,000 to 1 million ICP they got for 0.003 cents.

I hope no one is actually falling for the pajeet spamming here.

>> No.54647817

you sound fucking delusional and basically married your bags of not selling link at $30+. Link will be made obsolete from an AI oracle solution.
Then what's bad about competition to the oracle solution? Why can't pees do their own approach and if it works great? If you're so confident in link, why do sound like a nervous wreck trying to convince themselves link was the right decision

>> No.54647818

they already have oracle solutions running on icp
you don't want to hear it and keep going off about how it'll never work
it's already happening
deal with it if you're able to

>> No.54647975

dfinity runs the oracles and its centralized and the canister bullshit is a bad design and the vote on price data for validation makes it so whales can trick the system.

the whole system is shit, do you even have judgement or did you just drink the icp kookaid

>> No.54647987

i'm not convincing myself, i know that there are no other valid designs to solve yhe oracle problem than Dons and how chainlink did it.
u're just a retard

>> No.54648014

>dfinity runs the oracles
absolutely not true now you're making shit up.
i'm not convinced you know what actually happens on the internet computer at all now or which projects have built their own oracles.
embarrassing. run along.

>> No.54648031

yeah im off you guys stay retarded also may i suggest uou fuck off to whatever social media you crawled out of

>> No.54648040

Cope harder nigger faggot. We all know that the real gigascam is ICP.

>> No.54648072

What can I say? I don't know what it does but I like the logo, I like the name, I like the memes, I like the consistent threads. Simple as.

>> No.54648086

So much seething coping and dilating in this thread. This will become the norm as most cryptocurrencies become irrelevant due to the internet computer. This is what happens when you get emotionally attached to your bags, unfortunately, you refuse to see the truth even when it's staring you right in the face like a cup of water in the hands of a dehydrated dying man. You seething fools.

>> No.54648140

Piss marines sounds way better than link marines. Hoes mad.

>> No.54648353

Lol and why do these billions of api calls need to be trustless? If not, sure use whatever ICP shit api you want but if you want to play with the adults, understand no one's going to be risking their money on those.

>> No.54649034

>It disgusts me seeing ICP being mixed with the Link scam
If I have to hold ICP instead of link I rather kms