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File: 18 KB, 676x840, 106972802-1636474969966-20211109-mobile-fallaback-i3rrt-growth-in-u-s-home-values-outpaces-that-of-incomes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54641460 No.54641460 [Reply] [Original]

How do we make housing affordable again?

>> No.54641473


>> No.54641495

Reduce the size and scope of government into its constitutional footprint.

We simply cannot afford all this government as a society

>> No.54641513

scams only last as long as people continue to believe in them, once the belief starts to falter people start running for the exits and the entire scam collapses

the high cost of housing is due to an artificially restricted supply scam with the intention of having everyone rent everything forever which is completely insane and unsustainable

>> No.54641574

to put it another way, if you try to completely destroy the prospect of ownership the system you have created will eventually collapse because it tries to go directly against human nature by destroying critical incentive structures that hold society together

global communism is doomed to fail

>> No.54641592

why did the median household income go negative ... twice? this seemsweird

>> No.54641641
File: 119 KB, 1200x630, 9-27-19hous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the high cost of housing is due to an artificially restricted supply scam with the intention of having everyone rent everything forever which is completely insane and unsustainable
What happens when people can't afford rent either?

That line measures income growth, not income itself.

>> No.54641708

What does an animal do to you when you perpetually remove space for it to live and tease it while you do so. History doesn't quite repeat but it rhymes.

>> No.54641729

government housing/rent subsidies (better be a good goy or the payments will freeze!)
a slave class to be kept in perpetual dependence to the state
there will be some distractions such as "it is le capitalism" or "it is le landowners" (always the middle class, never institutions like blackrock) to convince the slaves that they need an even stronger state to protect them even better

>> No.54641733

Raising rates is a big start honestly. It will take a while but if they hold above 7% there will be a slow regression to the mean. Remember it isn't the absolute price we're looking at it's the monthly payment, homeownership in the US is basically just Renting+.

>> No.54641742

creating a state that perpetually increases in size/scope is another positive feedback loop doomed to fail on a long enough timeline

>> No.54642164

Kill non whites and banksters and politicians

>> No.54642910
File: 43 KB, 1168x435, mortgage rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep rates high.

>> No.54642928


>> No.54643027
File: 297 KB, 844x938, 1sass3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People think I'm crazy for focusing on the monthly payment math. It's literally what most plebs focus on, and, after all you have to service the loan. What I'm saying is yeah, double digit FFR let's fuckin go.

>> No.54643071

Ban all sales to foreigners

>> No.54643114
File: 294 KB, 602x767, rural and suburb chads win.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crazy thought but maybe don't live in shithole liberal cities that they flood with minorities to keep power and prices high with wages low?

just a thought

>> No.54643175


Houses have done WAY more than 100% in the last 60 years. Wtf is this chart? I remember hokew being like $90k in the late 90's, they're like $300k now for the exact same house.