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5464144 No.5464144 [Reply] [Original]

>friend wants to get into crypto
>doesn't know shit and doesn't want to swing trade
>only putting in as much as he can afford to lose
>willing to hold for years and not get weak hands when he goes 10x
What are some normie coin recommendations I can give him? I'm looking at top 20 coins because I they will still net him some decent returns, but with a low chance of getting pink wojaked.
Been thinking about XMR, ICX, LTC and EOS so far. Are these coins still going to be relevant 2-3 years from now?

>> No.5464172

If you recommend anything that isn't btc/eth/xmr you are a bad friend.

>> No.5464192

eth and btc, maybe icx if feeling lucky

dont waste your friends money

>> No.5464217
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buying ARK now would be like buying ETH a year ago

>> No.5464291

Oh fug I forgot about ARK, gonna add this to my list
I don't think BTC has a future, the only reason it's worth something now is name recognition and being the first. Even with LN it's not gonna be able to compete with smart contract, energy friendly and feeless coins. I feel the same way about ETH, it's just the first smart contract platform but it's pumped to shit and will probably be outclassed by ICX NEO and EOS as far as utility goes. XMR is a good privacy coin

>> No.5464322

>the only reason it's worth something now is name recognition and being the first
get this: that won't go away and it's the only thing in crypto that can't be replicated.

>> No.5464341

Why on earth would you advise him not to at least sell 50% of a x10 coin, most of which are technologies that will be obsolete in a couple of years? You wanna see him think he's rich and then one day realize he has nothing anymore?

How is he going to accumulate? Keep pouring in fiat? Most coins are around half a billion or a billion market cap after a x10, that's when you sell a good chunk unless it's f.e. singularitynet which creates the future. BTC is the only thing that might survive as a store of value, and maybe a coin or 5 out of the top 100. You realize that right?

>> No.5464425

>yahoo will never be replaced by google and slowly bleed money until it fades into obscurity
I told him to keep putting in small amounts of money he can afford to lose (he's only putting in 200 now), and to only pull out his initial investment's worth in FIAT once shit starts mooning.
I'll make him a little portfolio and keep him updated if one of his holdings is going down the shitter or if it's severely overbought. I just don't want him to get weak hands like I did and cash out once his folio is 10x, because we're going way higher than that on the long run.

>> No.5464696

You sound like a good friend, I'm doing the same for my parents. I started with 1500 fiat and never poured in more, just did x10, cash at half, put it in three more possible x10's etc.... So far I've done well without risking any fiat that I can use for building my business. As long as he can miss it it's a sound strategy I think. I'm thinking about putting a minimum of 10 percent of coins I sell into Tether to start accumulating top 10 coins on dips, but I don't want to get into the habit of daytrading, just sound projects, wait for the x10 and so on. I'm in doubt... What's your strategy?

>> No.5464733

>swing trading
Just leave, weak handed faggot

>> No.5465304

>I'm thinking about putting a minimum of 10 percent of coins I sell into Tether to start accumulating top 10 coins on dips
This sounds like a good idea desu.
>what's your strategy
Well the first time I got into crypto back in march I was just chasing pumps and dumps and had no idea what I was doing, but the market was so crazy I still tripled my sats and cashed out in june.
I watched a lot of videos and read a few guides on TA and started actually looking into crypto projects and their use cases, went back with about a hundred, got a list of about 15 promising crypto projects, checked them often, bought when it was oversold on the daily RSI and sold the holdings that were overbought. I kept accumulating sats, I think I tripled my sats again, bitcoin doubled and I cashed out in august again because I'm a poorfag and I actually needed the money.
After that I got back in at the end of october with a mere $300, I have infinite time now so I thought I'd try only focusing on TA and sats and try to daytrade to get at least 0.5% gains per day. I figured it would add up to a lot over a long period. I was making consistent ~1% daily sat gains for a little over a month, but the compounding didn't really start kicking in before I had to cash out again about two weeks ago due to money problems. I cashed out 1k and left 100 in, this is too little to diversify so I just went back to TAing again, and managed to quadruple my sats in the past two weeks.
I'm gonna get a legit job in january and then I'll start putting money in every month and go back to monitoring about 10-15 good long term holds, holding about 5-10 at a time and accumulating by selling obvious overbought spikes and buying obvious overbought dips.

>> No.5465438

Man, I feel for you, it must suck pulling it out and spending it, knowing that that money you're spending is probably worth 10 x the fiat price. I wish you good gains for 2018 and I hope your job pays of!

>> No.5465439

Just to clarify I started putting all of the leftover $100 on single coins, before that I never really went all in. I missed XVG but made some decent gains off of EOS, TRX, ARK and now ICX which I won't sell for a while

>> No.5465518

Also, I'm thinking about signing up for Moas daily investment tips etc. in Feb... Costs about 1500 a year, but should make that back easily. If you want I can forward you the news, I'm happy to help out a poorfag who helps his friends... What's your throwaway?

>> No.5465669

Yeah, it sucks. I had 0.6 BTC at one point, but I guess it's better than if I never got in and never made any money off of crypto. I would have had to take out a small loan if I didn't cash out and I'm very weary of being in debt. I don't even know how any of this credit shit works, I just have a bank account and always say no when they ask if I want a savings plan, or a credit card.
Hey thanks anon, it's withincells@gmail.com

>> No.5465698

>weary of
I mean wary

>> No.5465699

>yahoo will never be replaced by google and slowly bleed money until it fades into obscurity
people that try to compare bitcoin to myspace or a web explorer are beyond hope. have fun losing your friend money.

>> No.5465866

>name recognition and being the first is a good reason to continue investing in something even though competitors with better tech exist
>bring counterexample
>hurr durr you're beyond hope
alright friend

>> No.5465935

all in /icx/ and its not even close