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54641025 No.54641025 [Reply] [Original]

I never completed my LINK sui stack when it was sub $7

I jeeted 3/4 of my ARB airdrop

I’m ngmi am I?

>> No.54642332

What does jeeted mean? Sold the bottom?

>> No.54642343

Let's debate what a suicide stack is.

>> No.54642397

It's always been 10k

>> No.54642441

Don't feel bad bro, it will go down back to 6.66 eventually, and if it doesn't , well you'll be in green numbers. Stay positive and based

>> No.54642444


>> No.54642830


>> No.54643056

Basically. Sold half at 1.22 and a quarter at 1.55

Checked. This is what I meant, but maybe 10k is the oldfag sui stack

Based ty fren. I’ll hold onto my 800 linkies as long as I can

>> No.54643857

time to pull out and start over again, get into Avalanche, is not done pumping yet

>> No.54643890

How much is a LINK sui stack?

>> No.54643895
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>> No.54643901

100 LINK tokens

>> No.54643962

Bruh it's fucking 8 dollars now you can still buy it's a dollar difference lmao. Marines out here acting like LINK is resting at $500 a token.

>> No.54644042

Just buy in now dumbass. If you believe in it, then buy. I did. Rather have a few less and hold it for way less time, then hold this shit and miss out on everything.

>> No.54644139
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If I buy, it will dump though

>> No.54644185
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>> No.54644391

Digits up there (42) say it won’t.

>> No.54644653

nothing is actually happening so far. link has 3 times reached $9.4 before tumbling down again. might happen again.

>> No.54644792

I bought at $7.5. Felt like an idiot when it dumped to $7.3 that night. Now it's at $8.5 and I'm a genius that bought low.

>> No.54645154 [DELETED] 

Dump it and save what you can of it with AVAX, anon. It's a quick-thinking decision.

>> No.54645279
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I feel you, it happened to me too much of not getting to take advantage of HAMI airdrops, I do not know if I have ADHD or something, I found out that 60% of humanity is autistic, but I still do not know if it is because I am retarded or idiot

>> No.54645322

I can generally swing trade some coins but not link man. My brain melts if it is link. Just hodl whatever you can get your hands on.

>> No.54645707

Am I too late to buy that turkish coin?

>> No.54646060

I just found out I'm eligible for a 5-figure ARB airdrop, but don't know what I should do with it. Any ideas or should I just jeet it?

>> No.54646142
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Gib to me pl0x

>> No.54646165

You're just in time to take profit from both the price and the fact that it is still pumping. You will thank me later.

>> No.54646246

> what a suicide stack is.
>It's always been 10k
Can you guys explain what this means


How high do you think LINK will go?
If you didnt have any now would you get some today?

>> No.54647154

I've seen worse shit, yet gmi anon

>> No.54647217

what did you guys do to even become eligible for arb airdrop? that part is lost on me

>> No.54647247

literally just used Arbitrum it's not that complicated lol.
I personally did some degen trading on GMX, aped in a few ARB coins and farmed some bullshit

>> No.54647282

what does using arbitrum entail? is it some decentralized exchange like uniswap? or is that just 1 aspect of it?

>> No.54647308

just search "what is arbitrum" fucking hell

tl dr cheap fast ETH transactions

>> No.54647315

you had to do 4 transactions over 2 or more months

>> No.54647487
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Link will reach numbers you never thought possible, I'm a new fag that has been paying the past year with an average of $6.30. I have a little over 1k link and it's the only investment i'm all in on since i'm a poor fag.

>> No.54647492

Jeet it and reinvest in something better. Arb is not bad but I only see a 5-7x at these levels in a 1-2 year period

>> No.54647712
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Not this time, fren. Maybe if I crack 6 figures again.

>Jeet it and reinvest in something better
What though? Last thing I bought that seemed like serious tech with a good use case went down 95% on me.

>> No.54647742

>the only investment i'm all in on since i'm a poor fag.

Anon...This is making me NOT want Link...


Why would I trust Link more than BTC/ETH?
I'm just a dude who wants to put money into something and forget about it for a couple years.

>> No.54647795

A suicide stack is the amount you need to have to not kill yourself when It moons. For link it is generally thought to be 1k. Also it it a not so well kept secret that LINK will be reaching $1000 a token by EOY.

>> No.54647798

>I'm just a dude who wants to put money into something and forget about it for a couple years.

(and i want something good to happen)

>> No.54647831
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if you buy link you die

>> No.54647833

>Also it it a not so well kept secret that LINK will be reaching $1000 a token by EOY.

This is a meme right? Or are you guys really expecting LINK to surpass $50 EOY in reality?

>> No.54647858

You still have a chance with ARB. It's going to $10, just gonna take a few weeks while people keep selling their airdrop.

>> No.54648011

Not trying to come off as a dick but what exactly do you know about chainlink?

>> No.54648044

>This is a meme right?
Its been confirmed by top cryptoscientists

>> No.54648045

>Not trying to come off as a dick but what exactly do you know about chainlink?

Pretty much nothing. That's why I'm asking you kind folks why you believe in it enough to trust investing into it more than BTC/ETH.

>> No.54648052

Oh shiitt, well in that case!

>> No.54648533
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I'll try and help you out a bit since you seem a bit new. Eth and bitcoin are not bad investments at all so if you want to go that route then i don't blame you. The risk compared to other crypto is very small so the returns are guaranteed, BUT the returns are just as small. Let's say you buy bitcoin at 20k, and miraculously it goes to 100,000k (which is possible). That's a 5x which is good but not enough to make you rich. You have to take a risk to get just as high as a reward which is why so many retards on this board gamble on shit coins. Bitcoin back in 2012 when it was worth dollars was a HUGE risk. You were gambling on the fact that eventually people would be buying and using bitcoin, at that time crypto never existed and it was very difficult to explain to any one why it was a great investment. Those who took the time to research bitcoin and understand what it was trying to do made it so much easier to keep buying. Do you honestly think Chainlink won't reach $50 at the very least? if so that's a 5x which if you bought bitcoin right now you'd have to wait til it reached 150k to get the same return. I don't want to completely spoonfeed you because alot of the same debates and explaination has happened on this board the past five years. Go look at the archives or simply buy link. This is the one of the greatest opportunities you have at the very least look more into the project before it's too late

>> No.54649161

I didn't make it to the ARB airdrop but I managed to qualify for CHUNKS airdrop.
Wagmi is true I'm confident now.

>> No.54649354

I really do appreciate you taking the time to explain it. Your passion for LINK is what makes me believe the project is a worthwhile investment.

Putting $100 into LINK this week- good or bad idea? Is that enough to mean anything?
Thanks again for your time anon

>> No.54649370

A suicide stack was 1k but with all that has come to light myself and the other old fags have decided to bring that down to just a single LINK

>> No.54649640

You've said that you wanted to put money and forget about it. I do think Link will be worth alot but i'm not sure when. This is a long term hold but the returns will be amazing. Putting $100 into link is better than not having any at all. Let's say it does reach $50 again or even higher than you would make at the very least $500. Almost all of crypto projects needs link to function and will use their services. And yes i do believe link can reach $1000 per link and even higher.

>> No.54650386

A high chance of 5-7x is way fucking better than a 50x or rug

>> No.54650411

Literally almost everyone here is all in LINK

It has been discussed on this board daily since 2017 ICO

>> No.54650423
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>Is that enough to mean anything?

>> No.54650430

how much u got

i am thiiiis close to LINKin up fuuuuuuck

>> No.54650488

Dont mention your stack sizes because of opsec but 2-5k

Should have bought more

>> No.54650495

But how much is suicide stack in fiat?

>> No.54650536

But would you put in that much if you had NONE right now? at current price. thats the question :)

>> No.54650537

well it's currently $8.50 so a suicide stack of 1000 tokens is ????

>> No.54650585

I meant that when the time comes and you might want to turn it in to fiat, what is the amount in fiat that saves you from kys
In other words, link price prediction

>> No.54650605

If i had that much FIAT yes i would

>> No.54650617

>If i had that much FIAT yes i would
If you had 1k
What would you put into the following 3:


>> No.54650818

I would go all in LINK since thats what i did earlier