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54632738 No.54632738 [Reply] [Original]

What do I say to a girl who I think is cute who works in a cafe/coffee place I go to sometimes? Like when I go up to order something or if/when she serves me what am I supposed to say to her?

>> No.54632755

y-you too

>> No.54632775

"Show Bob and vagana" works pretty well if you're indian i heard.

Maybe take it easy and ask for Bob only first tho

>> No.54632778

Please stop hitting on people whose literal job is to be nice to you. She's not inviting you to ask her out.

>> No.54632807

flirt and leave your number on a cup or napkin with a big tip.

This is the opinion of a fat female. She might be right, but you never know. Leave the number and move on.

>> No.54632840

Imagine thinking the Boomhauer method of picking up women works and that it's the best and only available play.


>> No.54632864

>Let me smell your ass.
Works every time.

>> No.54632875

Boomhaur method is the only way. Betas filter themselves out of the dating market by listening to >>54632778. They think the negative opinion of an unknown barista will change their life significantly.

There's a reason why Chads are Chads and betas are betas. Chads don't care about the opinion of a woman you will never have a conversation with again if they say no. You're cucking yourself by not Boomhauring. Keep. Firing. Shots.

>> No.54632894

Two major regrets in my life. First is I blew my cool with a girl who was obsessed with me and ended up turning her off through my weak, simp-ish behavior. Second is I actually put $2000 into that pile of garbage known as HBAR. Not sure which is worse, but I wish I'd invested in another coin - how do I stave off suicidal thoughts?

>> No.54632899

>negative opinion of an unknown barista will change their life

Lmfao this is not the reason I don't suggest hitting on your baristas and bartenders. It's just tacky af. What are they supposed to do? Quit their job and leave with you immediately? Grow the fuck up and get some game.

>> No.54632919

Start a conversation, ask when they get off if they'd like to hang, get their number and text later. Just vibe and be chill. If OP really wants a 3000 level IQ play then get a job at the coffee shop for a few months. Everyone in the kitchen fucks each other.

>> No.54632941

Now you're advocating getting a job just to get specific pussy (put her on a pedestal much?) and you're claiming this is somehow a Chad move lmfaooo

>> No.54632944

>I don't suggest hitting on your baristas and bartenders. It's just tacky af.
why tho? you sound like a beta who finds excuses to not hit on girls outside of your safe spaces

>> No.54632968

Have you ever talked to a girl before? Not being mean but trying to flirt with a tired, depressed retail wagie is max difficulty unless you're Chad. If you've spoken to a woman before you have to notice something about herself so she can talk about her interests, please don't comment on her band t shirt though, that shit is tired and every simp has already tried that one.

>> No.54632975

Most bs thing ever, if youre ugly or short you arent fucking anything

>> No.54632979

Asking girls who are trapped in their roles of being nice to you due to their employment is not alpha at all. It's a pussy tier faggot move that lets you force conversation and thinking you're winning because they can't just flat out reject you like they could if they weren't on the clock. Be a man and take rejection like one.

>> No.54633004

If girl likes you, you would know, you are all incels and have no idea what are you talking about, holy cringe gtfo to pol

>> No.54633005

well not everyone who works in coffee shops/cafes is nice to you, and anyway i dont think she's cute because she's particularly nice to me lol.
>Be a man and take rejection like one.
well i can do that but better to at least try than talk yourself out of it because its "tacky" no?

>> No.54633028
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>> No.54633072

All I'm suggesting is there are better venues to ask her out at besides her place of work. I'd rather you tell her you were new in town and ask her where to hang out at and keeping it light saying something like "maybe I'll catch you there" and THEN hitting on her when you see her at that location.

Who am I kidding though? If you're asking this t type of question right now, you'll fumble the bag anyway.

>> No.54633073

This is kinda false, to guys that they like they will try to start conversation or invite them to hang out with them, to ugly men they will be just polite. Is sad to see that autistic OP dosnt understand basic human behavior, i am sure he is ugly.

>> No.54633081

Your dad had to get lucky at least once obviously.

>> No.54633095

Also this retard dosnt know that 30 year old losers love to simp on teen girls and so do teen men, you arent the only guy she is being polite, she is most likely fucking somone already, preety girls are almost never single and they are used to men loving them so they use their politnes as some sort of wepon to manipulate men.

>> No.54633163

My dad is avg. Normie not much to say there, i guess your is too, is just that you got shit genes, there is a reason why ugly and short people still exist

>> No.54633201
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>> No.54633210

>you got shit genes

Says the guy who sprays and prays at any pussy that comes his way lmfaooo

>> No.54633218
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>> No.54633231
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new toss

>> No.54633249

The fuck on are you about schizo? I am not trying to insult you i am just being honest but if you want to trust normies about being yourself tier advice go ahead make yourself look like a clown it will be perfect fit with your genetics, is your life i am just giving you advice is up to you and only you what path you take.

>> No.54633279

The smartest thing you've posted in this thread is the realization that neither you, myself, nor OP would be the first to hit on the hot teen barista that day. Have you noticed that OP's first instinct is "be himself" and make a huge faux pas around hitting on her at her work which all but guarantees that the next time he comes in the shop, she'll immediately turn to her co-worker and say "oh great, the creepy anon is here again"??

If anything, my advice is going against the grain of "be yourself" because that's exactly what OP is doing here and it's a classic, easily avoidable mistake.

>> No.54633313

who said anything about "being myself"? you're just making shit up now

>> No.54633316

seething obese cat lady

>> No.54633322

Your first instinct is to hit on her at work. That literally is you being yourself, you mongoloid. Good luck with that!

>> No.54633326

You’re a fucking loser faggot dude. Neck yourself, who gives a fuck what people think? OP likes the girl and you’re telling him not to go for it. Dumb bitch

>> No.54633334

Next time you go to the cafe, open Tinder and filter by close proximity. If she shows up, then she's available. You can then make your move.

>> No.54633341

so when you hit on a girl at somewhere less tacky like a club instead, you're not being yourself and that's a good thing? lol pls just stop

>> No.54633348

Read the thread. I've given him a solution that will greatly increase his chances and all you faggots believe is I'm telling him not to go for it. I just said don't go for it where she works at. This greatly reduces your chances for success because it's not an appropriate venue to hit on her at. Get a fucking clue.

>> No.54633355

You’re so fucking gay holy fuck. Please stop posting.

>> No.54633356

None does this, lmao are you a boomer or something? Nigga this isnt 1980s

>> No.54633365


>> No.54633369
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>> No.54633378

well that's what he suggested

>> No.54633384

"Can I get some extra brown sugar please"

>> No.54633386 [DELETED] 

>Read the thread
No, I’ve read like 4 of your posts and they’re all cancer.
>I’ve given him a solution
To a problem that doesn’t exist, fag.

>> No.54633390

I'd rather hit on her at a club where she's free to tell me what she really thinks instead of feigning interest in order to keep her job, yes. I'm not sure how you can't comprehend this, but then again you are asking for women advice on a crypto 4chan board.

>> No.54633411

Yes, good looking girls are hard to get, if they like you would know, she is just being polite and this autist fell in love, seen this so many times and i know how it ends as well

>> No.54633412
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back in the day hitting on a woman meant a slap upside her head then you dragged her into a cave. now there's some fucking app and you can't even flash your dick at the waitress. this is bullshit

>> No.54633413

lol but what does that have to do with being yourself/not being yourself?

>> No.54633454

Holy fuck, are you really this dense? No one told you the generic "be yourself" advice because you being yourself thinks it's a good idea to approach her where she can't say no.

>> No.54633465

Useless. What do you want him to do? Follow her home. You're a retard

Anon just start small and be cool. Just say like how's your day going the first time. The next time, tell her you like her necklace, hair, earrings, whatever

Next time be like hey again good to see you

If she is cool each time then you will be comfortable to just be like hey do you have Instagram?

Then you can message her on there. Just don't start over on there. Just keep it going and don't waste a lot of her time beating around the bush. Tell her you have this cool concert/show/event and would she like to come

>> No.54633488

she can say no though... and i wasnt gonna ask for her number, just find a way to start talking to her to gauge interest and potentially take the next step. stop sperging.

>> No.54633498

>What do you want him to do?

Ask her where she likes to hang out. Hang out there. Hit on her there when you see her.

>cool concert/show/event
Oh yes, nothing gets a girl wetter than the prospect of being stuck at a venue with a complete stranger for two hours because he said she has nice earrings that one time.

>> No.54633513

This do this, this guy knows what he is talking about, this is how girls talk to me when they like me, dont listen to other retards biz is known incel forum filled with neets that never left their room

>> No.54633526

>she can say no though

Not without her being extremely uncomfortable and worrying about losing her job for not being "customer friendly."

>> No.54633536

thanks for the advice anon. i have spoken to her once before and she was friendly, talked back etc. before other fags ITT jump in no i don't take that as as a sign she likes me. i'm not sure. maybe next time i'll give a compliment and if she reacts well either ask what she does for fun or ask for socials.

>> No.54633547

Youre the one sperging, this is how normies talk to each other, just invite her to McDonalds or some shitty cafe bar, obviosly only after asking about her and seeing if she asks back.

>> No.54633553

This is amazing. You didn't want advice, you just wanted justification for your shitty game. You're deliberately putting her into an awkward position at her fucking job, you know you're doing it, and you still think it's a good idea.

You're going to have to find a new coffee shop before the end of the week.

>> No.54633560

worrying about losing her job for not giving her number to a customer
kek what a reach

>> No.54633581

It's an awkward spot to put her in obviously. Read the room.

>> No.54633599

ok sperg
i'm sorry you couldn't be the chad of the thread and got ripped by everyone except that tripfag. i guess you can still be le sigma.

>> No.54633609

I'm probably the only person in the thread that got laid this weekend.

>> No.54633623

if its obvious she's not interested yeah. that's why i'd read the room before asking for her number or something like that.

>> No.54633630
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don't hit on her at where she works because she has to be polite. don't hit on her at the supermarket she's there for food. don't hit on her on the street thats fucking random. don't hit on her on the bus because she's just trying to get somewhere doesn't want to talk to you. you have to go to a club, pay an entrance fee because for some reason any club or bar without an entrance fee is empty of women, and then somehow hit on her over the incredibly loud music where you can't win her over with wit or anything cause the musics too loud to talk so you better let your jawline do the talking. or you can hit on her on the app. any other options? no? well thats fucking broken isn't it.

and its the fault of a car-centric society with no zoning for local community third spaces

>> No.54633644

Is not, this is normal
Get ready for he to talk in codes, kek you will fail so hard but at leas you will gain some experince.

>> No.54633686

This my last post, best way to know if she liks you is if she is watching you a lot more than anyone else, good luck future convicted rapist

>> No.54633705

>You're deliberately putting her into an awkward position at her fucking job, you know you're doing it, and you still think it's a good idea.
You sound like you sit down to pee shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.54633710


>> No.54633719
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for thousands of years men and women spoke to each other but now its some big fucking taboo cause oh fuck she must be soooo inconvenienced by a polite advance she can easily turn down. yeah lets grind human civilization to a fucking halt because we decided its rude to talk to women in anything more then the most professional fashion.

>> No.54633739

>You're deliberately putting her into an awkward position at her fucking job,
not an awkward situation! the horror! someone call the police!

>> No.54633740

Here are a few tips on what you could say to a girl you find cute at a cafe or coffee place:

Start with a simple greeting: When you walk up to the counter, make eye contact and greet her with a smile and a "Hi" or "Hello". This will set a friendly and approachable tone for the conversation.
Comment on something you both have in common: Take a look at what she is wearing or any unique accessories she has and use it as an ice breaker. For example, you could say, "I love your earrings. Where did you get them?" or "I noticed you have a pin for [insert interest here]. That's really cool!"
Compliment her: A genuine compliment can go a long way. If she has a new hairstyle or is wearing something you like, let her know. Just be sure to keep it respectful and appropriate.
Ask her about her day: Asking about her day is a great way to start a conversation and show that you're interested in her as a person. You could say, "How's your day going so far?" or "Busy day today?"
Make small talk: If you're not sure what to say, you can always make small talk about the weather, current events, or anything else that comes to mind. The goal is to keep the conversation light and friendly.
Remember, be respectful, genuine, and don't overthink it. You never know where a simple conversation may lead. Good luck!

>> No.54633767

You're probably the only person in this thread who feels the need to make up a lie to flex on an anonymous basket weaving site

>> No.54633838

AI detected

>> No.54633923
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Be honest. Tell her you love her and you can save her. I bet she goes for it, anon. You can do it.

>> No.54633926

dude thinks he's steve irwin approaching a crocodile over here "talk calmly now don't want to spook her". she's not going to bite your head off. the goal is to fucking relax and not let her see you shit your pants

>> No.54634320

Lol nice one

>> No.54634341


Wanna have a coffee sometime?

>> No.54634407

Anon, women are a trap.
(((They))) are looking to escape the wage cage and use you, she will then use the system, her surrogate husband to steal your labour, wealth and ultimately your happiness. If you get her knocked up you're looking 18 years of paying child support to kids she wont let you see as because the less time you have the kids the more money you have to pay to her.

She will then try and find another guy to do exactly the same thing to, but if you try to gain access to them in court, she will claim you are domestically violet and then there will be even more barriers to jump though which take years of your time to fix but in the meantime she puts the kids into boarding school, or kindergarten full time while you pay her basically a salary for being a strong independent WAMYN.

I avoid women like the plague, they are parasites.

>> No.54634573

>Quit their job and leave with you immediately?
This is the stupidest thing I've come across in any media today

>> No.54634613

How did a normie find biz? This is actually a good strategy and if she’s interested it’ll work

>> No.54634673

Wow Andrew, you're a retard

>> No.54634685

My name is Tiffany