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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54632521 No.54632521 [Reply] [Original]

Money is literally the most important thing in life. People spend the majority of their waking hours either earning or thinking about money.

>> No.54632909

unless you choose not to retard

>> No.54632929

I don't think of my life like that. Money is simply a byproduct of self improvement. I'm constantly learning and creating with my business and doing something I am passionate about.

Money only becomes enslaving when you have no enjoyable way of earning it.

>> No.54633077
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The major currencies of life are:

When you're young, you have all the time and health in the world, but no money. When you're an adult, you'll maintain your health and have money, but no time. As you get older, you should retain some money and prioritize your time back, but find you're limited in health. So then, balance is the key.

There are however, 3 minor currencies in life:
Which is the ability to readily transfer the 3 major currencies EG: I can take an extra shift whenever I want, I can take 2 weeks off for my holiday with only a penalty to my time/money etc, I can go to the gym instead of working today
Why would one trade time, money and health to skydive, or to travel and do ketamine in a european club, or hike everest?
>Social capital
Your network, friends, family which can provide the scaffolding for access to job opportunities, business partnerships, mentorship, emotional support, and resources