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File: 164 KB, 557x542, 0133899F-3F35-449A-95ED-CEB2258E5C90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54631455 No.54631455 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.54631532

You bought a shitcoin which told you not to buy.

>> No.54631977

the tranny poster was right all along
Because I choose to

>> No.54632024

Why would cz and Jesse Collab to rob a thousand biz autists that's what made no sense about this bullshit it's not even a rational rug. It didn't even go high enough to make sense given the firepower going into the project. Is it really all down to just bad luck with the bitconnect nigger and that's all there is to it?

>> No.54632141

it’s the end for the white men

>> No.54632167

It started out as a good idea
Now the team just pushes out low quality content 10x faster than they should be

Morons did better than they ever should have
But now it's done

>> No.54632176

Topkek at that graphic.

>> No.54632218

z-zoom out bro. it's an accumulation period

>> No.54632241

any telegram/discord update?

>> No.54632250
File: 791 KB, 1853x1902, Welcome to the Men's Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54632288

nice tits I see the hormone therapy is working

>> No.54632300
File: 49 KB, 720x960, 238E8F2A-9550-4BFF-A13D-A40855870E66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54632400

this nigger is an australian lmao

>> No.54632456

>any telegram/discord
i don't have either. i come to the /biz/ threads for fresh updates on how we're getting fucked with no lube every day by craig and the hobo

>> No.54632688


>> No.54632862


>> No.54632871

Looks like you chose to lose money too

>> No.54632906

a man chooses, a slave obeys

>> No.54633321

FFS i was away 1 week ..
what the heck happened?
it's fucking joever

thousands of new shitcoins have pumped to x10 or x30 in less than three weeks
what the heck is happening with this token?...

i'm down by $2.5k..
i'm gonna day waiting for an exit pump..

>> No.54633529

fuck dev just died (suddenly)

>> No.54633657

It's not joever until the bald dad with the clenched fist is posted

>> No.54633696

I thought my investment was tragedy. Now I know it’s comedy

>> No.54633715

I bet he read mein kampf

>> No.54634223

no activity?

>> No.54634245

They're f5'ing chart waiting for a .0003 pump so they can call me a tranny again

>> No.54634270

then better don’t keep the rest waiting and kys asap

>> No.54634272

Also my ID rerolled but you know damn well who this is. Only like 4 anons post in this garbage regularly

>> No.54634286

>then better don't keep the rest
Fats so angry he turned into ESL

>> No.54634301

point the mistake faggot

>> No.54634314

no idea but looks like some troon

>> No.54634348

>he can’t point any mistake

>> No.54634349

Buy low, sell high.
DBI will moon this June.
Check the holders, not the chart.

>> No.54634355

I'm busy scalping ethereum swings. You know. A coin that isn't fucking GARBAGE

>> No.54634395

so you can’t kys

>> No.54634767
File: 777 KB, 1873x1721, The Hoboken Chad Vs the DBI pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I kill myself? I've made more today than the DBI Renegades made in the last month from swinging ethereum

>> No.54634820

post milkers

>> No.54634868
File: 1.74 MB, 2181x1880, Bringing your girl to the tent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clothed or unclothed?
Wanna see my photon man?

>> No.54634898
File: 2.85 MB, 370x377, 4594647A-3EC3-426A-A96A-55DE6FA4487C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54634965

Yeah posting myself out innawoods in 90% of pics is tranny shit. Btfo eternally with no hopes of recovery
OK back to swinging ethereum

>> No.54635090
File: 4 KB, 275x183, 21D36AEC-5F2C-401C-9EEC-B4E337986D4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clinical narcissism is not tranny shit
ok ranger moobs

>> No.54635532

Seriously, what the fuck happened?

>> No.54635567

devs playing the long game

>> No.54635585
File: 399 KB, 1080x1177, TFW society collapsed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powerful cope, almost feel embarrassed for you

>> No.54635622

>holds breath
k ranger moobs

>> No.54635677

Frogs might be the meme coins for the new bull. Does it help or hurt dbi that it's a dog coin?

>> No.54635773

seriously this
biz wants 100000X RITE NOW
No patiencehere. The patient will be rewarded handsomely just like every other meme coin holder was in past bull runs. You think more than 5% of early Shib holders became millionaires from it? Fuck no. Only the ones who TRULY believed while 95% were telling us RUG or ITS OVER. Normies buy that fud. Chads decide for themselves to hold til rich. It's that simple. Seriously.

>> No.54635778

So what happened? Did they duck up the tech side? Would be nice if they just let us know and postpone.

>> No.54635788
File: 142 KB, 828x1472, 956C8317-E3C1-48CB-AA38-8B9650642470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if my ironic fudding gave the dev a heart attack

>> No.54635792

nothing has been fucked up.Just a world of Zoomers dont have the patience to wait it out. Advancement takes time. If you wanna make it, PATIENCE is the most valuable thing you can possess. Think about it deeply for yourself. You know I'm right.

>> No.54635798

its okay though.Reddit and 95% of biz will be our exit liq.
Imagine being this narcissistically deluded

>> No.54635831

They missed the date so clearly something’s wrong dimwit
imagine taking everything literally like an npc

>> No.54635846

>OMG they didnt execute perfectly! its over DBI sistooors!
What did I take literally that shouldn't have been, gaslighter? Your grandiose sense of self worth?

>> No.54635850

lol they've literally been on time for every other single thing they announced. So they didn't manage to get the ordinal instructions out on the exact day they hoped. ITS OVER

>> No.54635868

>omg they missed the date and gave no info whatsoever that’s totally ok guys
if you can’t admit they fucked you’re just an npc
>what did I take literally >>54635788

>> No.54635880

>no info

seriously, if you need validation THAT much, gtfo crypto. You are ACTUALLY never gonna make it. Im serious as can be. Lrn2Patience

>> No.54635887
File: 69 KB, 765x482, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image....

>> No.54635891

>actually holders deserve to be treated like trash who do they think they are anyway
jesus even ranger moobs is more fun than this weirdo

>> No.54635894

Oh the ordinals? Yeah it seems they wanted to launch everything yesterday but it seems it's pushed back to Wednesday. I haven't been following the ordinals thing cause I didn't wanna spend the 300 bucks or whatever on 4 more nfts plus trying to micro manage what traits are on the nfts I'm buying plus learning about how ordinals work and getting another wallet just for it. Probably should have though. I bought dbi instead this whole time instead of stock piling nfts. Im just going to ride with the 2 I have.

>> No.54635897

it’s from today?

>> No.54635902

i didnt mean to hurt your feelings. Sorry bout that. But seriously, have some fucking patience for fucks sake. The Dev has never broken honor yet, what makes you think he will now?

inb4 Jamaican nigger

>> No.54635912
File: 27 KB, 499x481, 212200EF-0DE1-4911-9422-54F2DB848227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no argument
>spergs out emotionally
>projects hurt feelings

>> No.54635914

It's from 5 hours ago, I missed that. Looks like they pushed the date back again the message about ordinals before that said the date was moved from Monday to wednesday. I'm guessing the launch will be sometime between Friday and next Monday now.

>> No.54635915

yes. From earlier this afternoon

same. Debating on buying enough ETH's to burn to a ordinal but with no explanation of why ordinal will be special, I'll just stck with holding a stack of DBI and sipping Pina Coladas on Clearwater Beach next month with a bunch of DBI bros for now

>> No.54635928

Would be good if someone posted this on /biz/, there was no info on discord and most of us are banned on tg

>> No.54635929
File: 431 KB, 920x920, emoji-clipart-thumbs-up-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54635940

The date was never pushed back before. It was supposed to be Monday 4/17 originally. Now its the next few days. Notice how the estimate is HONEST as in HONORABLE

>> No.54635961

He did mention wednesday although you're right he didn't set it in stone. This is from the 16th on sunday
>Will have announcement video for tomorrow — looking like Wednesday will actually be the burning process, stay tuned

>> No.54635965

and he put out the mentioned video. Check twitter bro <3

>> No.54635968

it’s 8 am I’m going to sleep niggers

>> No.54635982
File: 582 KB, 888x1478, 1681797388859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some giga hopium

>> No.54635993

>getting banned from a tg where you're allowed to call the devs wife the town bicycle and call out jews and maybe even say nigger if ones dumping on everyone

>> No.54636000

My speculation: The Dev will eventually grow to be a symbol of honor approval similar to Checkdot, but for honorable teams. And VERY successful at it I might add. More successful then CDT lol

>> No.54636009
File: 97 KB, 498x747, This is you. You look like this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holding breath
Yeah OK retard. Did you never see the magic school bus? Remember when miss frizzle held her breath while rowing the boat (something Fats never do)?

>> No.54636010

Think about it.There are systems to check for honeypots, rugs, etc. But no system exists to see if dev team are a bunch of tranny dicks

Who St Pete next month. Lets get a meetup going in the TG

>> No.54636017

What if The Dev is actually a dick, tranny?

>> No.54636019

Imagine if Elon dedicated some of his time to specifically giving people a blue checkmark at his own discretion. Thats where I think The Dev is headed but an ex methhead gamble junkie

>> No.54636040
File: 618 KB, 1451x1751, Knowing Is Half The Battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hobo anon here with today's financial advice:
If you look back at The Dev's twitter log far enough he has podcasts of some shitty card gambler advice. This is the guy you gave money to. This is why you deserve it.

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle

>> No.54636055

says the actual tranny (still pretending to be masculine) trying to FUD poor ACTUALLY honorabale anons out of getting rich.


/does that sum up your sentiment? We know already. Give it a fucking rest. You're nothing but a negative force on soemthing ACTUALLY positive in this EXTRA fucked up (crypto) world.

Maybe devote your time to building a fucking castle out of leaves instead of destroying anons confidence in a sure moonshot. Just an idea, IDK

>> No.54636061
File: 316 KB, 1577x2418, What the fuck did you just fucking say about me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, Fats

>> No.54636124

>Fats no longer posts
Told you

>> No.54636221
File: 3.89 MB, 498x329, Me Stealing Your NFT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright Fats you learned your lesson, I'll take the bullet out of your brain now

>> No.54636227

>No patiencehere. The patient will be rewarded handsomely

maybe the "Dev" team just sucks at fucking marketing?
who the heck told you that you can't shill/ do better marketing or get this shit listed in an exchange asap and keep doing twatter videos?

crypto is about making money.
I do give the project some credit because seems like there is no rug..but people are selling because the bullrun is near...many shitcoins are doing at fucking least a 2x while this keeps dumping each day...

TL:DR DBI on a CEX and keep shilling on twitter
pump this shit asap

>> No.54636301
File: 17 KB, 509x619, 642727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 month without price action...some people needs to feed villages here ser
sorry if i sound mad

>> No.54636522

You could have read mein kampf 4 times in that month

>> No.54636531

Also how come when you search "dbi" on catalog you get xrp generals. Are we the schizo coin now?

>> No.54636555
File: 245 KB, 713x1254, Oh no. OH NO NO NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so fucking over

>> No.54636651
File: 2.83 MB, 720x720, shitinthestreet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54636776

anyone tracking our favourite whale wallets? is he close to empty yet

>> No.54636824

DBI gonna moon and make us all rich

>> No.54637164

Craig fucked it up. Mention craig in TG and it's an insta ban by the same people who are in on it.

>> No.54637183

all of it could have been avoided if they had just put it on a exchange
wtf are they waiting for i dunno man

>> No.54637230

For the little guys to accumulate.

>> No.54637245

There's no way you believe this

>> No.54637300
File: 459 KB, 600x600, 1681810539016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe it so hard that I'm continuing to buy because of it. Dev isn't gonna let it go below .007 anyway he buys himself every time it's that low so not much risk other than possible lost opportunity elsewhere.

>> No.54637370

There are TG shills / admins that post in here, including craig. The interactions between them in these threads should've made it obvious enough.

>> No.54637583
File: 574 KB, 1283x1883, 1681813239437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will our jpgs be worth 16k one day bros... Will devfest be bigger than whatever degods is???

>> No.54637723
File: 238 KB, 1200x1351, im ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>travel hours to go to an NFT event
>show jpeg on my phone for access
>get denied
>sit at the park across the street contemplating where I'm going to kys myself
>"I'll skydive without a parachute off one of these skyscrapers" I thought to myself
>see @frankdegods wave at me from across the street, who then proceeded to use a shirt canon to shoot some merch at me
>as I run to the shirt on the ground, a nyc hobo beat me to it
it's over

>> No.54637846

He can only do it for so long. Short swing traders will kill this coin unless the Dev and his team get their shit together quickly and start REALLY thinking bigger. We need some serious listings asap to advance to the next ath. If not, eventually the dev will stop buying at 0.007 and the little guys will lose everything. Fuck that retarded NFT and ordinal crap. such a waste of time

>> No.54638990
File: 2.20 MB, 600x450, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning *clap* DBI *clap* Holders *clap*

>> No.54639017
File: 33 KB, 220x212, clap-applause.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54639837

Did dbi marines have to go back to work? Were you all a figment of my imagination?

>> No.54639880
File: 211 KB, 800x450, cover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's crawling along 0.0075 support fucking hell, one dump by even a small whale will send the chart into oblivion, why do my choices always fucking backfire on me fuck

>> No.54639975

>even a small whale will send the chart into oblivion
The person who just sold 8 ETH worth is out completely. He had 59M DBI airdropped to him and he’s been taking profits since day 1. This coin will never see any significant pumps until all the airdroppers are out.

>> No.54640191

Piece of shit "meme" coin does nothing.
Bought at 0.087 and can't reach to 1 cent anymore..
I'm done..
Selling right now and throwing everything at pepes to recover my loses.

It's over

>> No.54640356
File: 30 KB, 651x573, kekkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dbichads we made it onto the list again! literally can't stop winning!

>> No.54640366

This is bullish for DBI (Ticker: DBI)

>> No.54640389

>sells the bottom of one rug to buy the top of another rug
Kek average biztards. When are you faggots going to buy some btc and stop losing all your money to Indian scammers

>> No.54640432

>getting banned from a tg by tranny mods
Why was anyone airdropped in the first place? First time I hear this mentioned

>> No.54640448
File: 201 KB, 1920x1080, donotredeem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Welcome to DoNotRedeem Inu (DRI) is a meme token on the Binance Smart Chain network.
It is a community driven project that cannot be controlled by any individual or entity.

At launch, the Liquidity will be locked for 5 years!
LOW TAX (3/3)
Contract Verified before Launch

Twitter : https://twitter.com/donotredeeminu
TG : @donotredeeminu

Do Not REDEEM!!!!

>> No.54640691

These threads have been around for a month and nobody has mentioned airdrops of millions of dbi to people who are dumping. I don't doubt it with this being the nastiest whale coin available but why is this the first time someone brings this up.

>> No.54640695

>The Dev has never broken honor yet

>> No.54640784

It was airdroped because it has another name first Deutsche Bank Inu. to avoid legal trouble the coin was renamed to its recent name, hence Deutsche Bank Inu holders were airdropped Dont´t Buy Inu. Nothing shady here.

>> No.54640819

Ok cool. So with that guy out aside from Jamaican nigger who is left

>> No.54640848

everyone that's grown tired of the slow bleed and missed out on other pumps, such are the dangerous of dragging the issue out. we need a violent pump followed by increased liquidity or more volume through an exchange listing to be able to absorb to dumps, only problem is that nothing points to any of these factors actually coming to fruition

>> No.54641179

The Faggot Dev team is too busy pushing some of the gayest shit i have seen. Ordinals? Devfest? some shitty $2.99 steam game?

This team is truly retarded. They had something going but they ruined it by being completely out of touch of what it really takes to pump a coin and build a real following, The TG is just an echo chamber full of literal jeets spamming stickers and shit like some npcs. and the team is too arrogant to pay a listing fee or pay for marketing.

This shit is fucking dead and the team will slowly rug and move on to something else just like Pillowfaggot7 did with Hokk. It's over boys

>> No.54641526
File: 16 KB, 451x421, 1676997000254737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>team will slowly rug

>> No.54641987

Gotta give the shitty megawhales time to dump before we can go up again.

>> No.54642601

>time to dump before we can go up again.

that's what i thought two weeks ago and two and before that, two more weeks before.

why didn't i exit at $1c?

fuck my luck, bros
now i'm down $3k and afraid of selling and losing everything if i throw it all at some memecoin

>> No.54642633

It used to be called “deutsche bank inu”, but they had to change the name for legal reasons. I don’t think anyone gained any additional dbi from the change, so it was more of a transfer than it was an airdrop

>> No.54642637

>time to dump before we can go up again.

that's what i thought two weeks ago and before that, two more weeks before.
more than 1 month without positive price movement

why didn't i exit at $1c?

fuck my luck, bros
now i'm down $3k and afraid of selling and losing everything if i throw it all at some memecoin

>> No.54642655

Buy high and sell low! The biz way!

>> No.54642777

agree that pillowtranny is ruining this project. Yesterday I asked on discord for info about the ordinals delay and that faggot replied asking me to shill on twitter and then banned me. The Dev is completely out of touch if this is the kind of faggots he surrounds himself with.

>> No.54642896

I haven’t checked yet, but I’m willing to bet that the majority of the top holders are from the old DBI. The ones holding tens of millions worth of DBI, and there’s quite a few. It’s going to be a long road ahead in its current state. No amount of games, nfts, collabs, or tweets are going to change that fact

>> No.54642913
File: 32 KB, 442x446, 1632522073313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shadow devs dump on everyone acting like everything is part of the plan. while using "The dev" as a scapegoat
I love you stupid niggers so much you have no idea.
Ill make a token called "totallynotascambaseddev"

>> No.54643309

Everybody already selling and moving to PEPE
It's over
The dev got the hype stolen by a shitcoin..the one he said he was fighting
I also held DBI and this is sad

>> No.54643348

Sorry I meant*
The kind of coin that lacks "honor" (shitcoins in general)
DBI Marketing team failed big.
With no cex listing, this project is destined to fail short term

>> No.54643392

pepe seems very pumpish and dumpish with its 420,690,000,000,000 supply

>> No.54643584

Damn we might make it back to .004 again

>> No.54643594

I hate this shit. All other coins are going to bleed because of this extremely obvious rug. Gas is high and now this scam out of fucking nowhere that nobody saw coming and no one had a chance to enter is going to hog the spotlight and stop the casino for everyone else for at least a week. Fuck I hate seeing these fly by night scams pop out of nowhere and screw everyone else

>> No.54645149

how’s Dev going to make it up for us? We could’ve bought so many other shitcoins and nfts and do 10x left and right

>> No.54645290

He ain't gonna do shit. Faggot team is too busy with some garbage NFT shit or useless devfest that absolutely means nothing and will absolutely do nothing for the price. Think bigger. Another one for the whales at the expense of the little guy. Think bigger

>> No.54645414

Yes. Burning 1050 out of 7700 ETH NFT's does absolutely nothing for the floor or prices of said NFT's
If you take advice from this anon, you deserve to miss out just simply as punishment for not thinking for yourself and allowing such an obvious nitwit to sway you

>> No.54645445

That isn't even considering the fact that most burners are going to be aiming for NDFT's with rare traits, making your rare traits even more few in number.

For those anons who are new and trying to understand this place, >>54645149 is your competition. It's no wonder such a huge majority of anons never make it. Seriously, this is your competition in the markets. This is the idiot you have to beat to take his money. That fucking easy. Just gotta think for yourself, believe in yourself, and hold your conviction

>> No.54645531

>noooo everything is baaad
>noooo everything is goood
mental illness

>> No.54645667

Daily reminder that TG shills / admins post here, including craig

>> No.54645675

Can't wait to see angry neckbeards to be held at a gunpoint on the DevFest.

>> No.54645915

this project is a dumpster fire, CZ should’ve hired a fully professional team.

Or this project is esoteric and if you hold through all the trials you will make it. It’s kind of like knowing god (CZ) is on our side but being tested. DBI is a spiritual coin.

>> No.54646149
File: 177 KB, 658x762, 1681858071842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's the based and redpilled Hunter Biden coin. If you hold it until the golden bullrun you too will get to smoke crack, fuck hookers and your own family members, and have millions of dollars for doing nothing.

>> No.54646452

> this faggot thinks burns = pump

You're a coping retard. Get back to your tg jannie

>> No.54646469

So basically LUNC baggies 2.0. Gotcha

>> No.54646528

>Just gotta think for yourself, believe in yourself, and hold your conviction


>> No.54646757

time will tell

>> No.54646788

i feel like a gme baggie...

>> No.54646835


>> No.54647001

>big black women near me
This isn't /ourcoin/ bros..

>> No.54647015

Good? I wouldnt want to buy a coin that is associated with 4chan. That shit repels normies fast

>> No.54647033
File: 348 KB, 1600x900, 1681863567645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a racist dog whistle?

>> No.54647087

Alright I kinda agree, plus black people will Le HODL forever

>> No.54647130

Notice how he never promotes DBI? That's why the price is in the shitter and the no of holders is going down. Absloute retards behind this coin, glad i sold

>> No.54647189
File: 380 KB, 1080x801, Screenshot_20230409_123145_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The browser has a tab open for DBI price, he's mentioned DBI in a couple other videos too. He just doesn't outright shill DBI with "buy now, to the moon" etc

You happy Le METH poster? I posted positively about this garbage

>> No.54647299

> The browser has a tab open for DBI price

Read that out loud to yourself in front of a mirror and see how stupid you sound faggot

>> No.54647435
File: 98 KB, 498x739, FATS BIG MAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>types what I see
>tab open with dbi price

>> No.54647450
File: 10 KB, 527x151, Tfw Too Fats and MAD to understand what this is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did your Fats get too big and cover your eyelids? Open up Fats, like your mouth except im talking about your eyes. You Fats sack of shit

>> No.54647526
File: 112 KB, 1164x1164, fdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega dump again, we just can't stop losing bros...

>> No.54647530

lmao, Gary g even likes the NFTs. I bet he wants one of those ones with the booba on it

>> No.54647555

Ffs what the hell happened?
Who solded..
Forest tranny was right...we're heading back to 0.004
I'm financially ruined
My only hope is going all in with any shitcoin and recovering my loses or ill kms

>> No.54647563

>XEN up 50% today
It's fucking over

>> No.54647705

Oh the coinmarketcap chart just updated

>> No.54647711
File: 90 KB, 1773x1773, Pepe-shooting-himself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp this was a total wash, I've cut my losses (-30%) and left a small moonbag just in case. Just another lesson to me to stop trading shitcoins, I never win with them.

>> No.54647764

>more sells than losses
>new all time low

>> No.54647806

Imagine buying a shitcoin that explicitly tells you not to buy it kek
You will unironically never make it. You deserve to be scammed.

>> No.54647897


Think bigger

>> No.54647993

I am going to think bigger:

J P K C E O Rebuilding

>> No.54648046

d-devfest will save us bros

>> No.54648057
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>> No.54648861
File: 138 KB, 1016x1279, Morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good time dbi bros?

>> No.54648875
File: 36 KB, 637x921, 039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dumping for the little guys
it's joever. I lost $4k atm...

i can't hold another month missing other token pumps and winning DBI dumps

>> No.54648878
File: 85 KB, 743x990, Why Didn&#039;t You Listen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's open up the ol' chart together shall we?

>> No.54648891
File: 35 KB, 743x404, I Tried To Save You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.0068 oh man, is that good? What's that mean? Slurperino time?

>> No.54648920

I can't believe this. Meanwhile crap like SOV had new ath today.

>> No.54648933
File: 1.11 MB, 1756x2430, TFW Sold Early March.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honor, think bigger, 2 more weeks, CEX listing soon, Jamaican nigger almost out, NFT pump, Ordinal pump, game release listing soon, 2 games actually. Soon., devfest pump soon
Did I miss anything?

>> No.54648952

*taps mic* hello? Slurp bros?

>> No.54648977

Treasure hunt, some saudi guy or something, tv show, snoop dogg cameo (lol remember that one?) I can't think of anything else help me out bros

>> No.54649030

Don't be afraid to post dbi marines. Can call me a tranny that needs to think bigger just like old times

>> No.54649044

>tv show,
nope, there is no tv show. it was all speculation, speculation, that the dev stupidly killed by confirming it was false. if he'd said nothing, people would've been hyped for it, which would've it bull case for people buying it.

>> No.54649053

Think bigger, The Dev lied about the TV show not happening to give Honor so the little guys could get a better entry, chart confirms all of this. Buy now or stay poor forev-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOOK I POSTED THE THING AHAHAHAHAA

>> No.54649083

I'm down $3.5k was an idiot and went all in.
We'll be bleeding slowly for another 1 or 2 months until we hit all time low again...

Jeets will buy our bags for pennies

>> No.54649176

These guys really exploited peoples hatred of rug pulls to run another rugpull. Feel bad for anyone who fell for it

>> No.54649470

you are one ugly fucking mexican larping as a white guy, and you're not passing, just like your troon boyfriend

>> No.54649674
File: 114 KB, 877x1024, 1627978458008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are one ugly fucking mexican larping as a white guy, and you're not passing, just like your troon boyfriend

>> No.54649681

looks like you finally found a mirror, bitch tits

>> No.54649688

Cry all you want, won't undump your token

>> No.54649712

And you can post your ugly mug all you want, you will always be a manlet and you will never be white.

>> No.54649723
File: 7 KB, 226x223, Inside you is 2 rats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reroll your ID all you want. It's just me and you now

>> No.54649784

I'm gonna sell more than 1.5 mil DBI's in 30min or less
At a loss...
i'm buying pepe to recover my loses and i'm doing a x2 by tomorrow
Sorry dev, you failed me.
No cex , no pump

Enjoy the dip, little guys.
Thank me later

>> No.54649877

Based and dare I say check the chart pilled

>> No.54650004

based, another dip for the little guys

>> No.54650016

Alright which one of you is sperging the fuck out right now in catalog kek

>> No.54650089

Somebody bought $10k DBI and i almost lost $600
thanks for the pump sir. I might hold a little more for some extra cash before selling.
I'm waiting for pepe to dump to 200 or 220.. i missed buying at 170 2 hours ago

>> No.54650157

We lost Le METH poster. The jannies have banned him. It's over

>> No.54650172
File: 15 KB, 375x375, shiggy belittling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't buy inu
>ticker symbol is conveniently an abbreviation of this phrase
>anons buy it and lose money anyway
>from a coked out dude who keeps some of his last teeth in his front pocket
>how could this happen?

>> No.54650327
File: 108 KB, 977x264, 33F2D5F8-9784-4B6F-B291-CBFAABE8FE93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54651459

It's nothing but cope posts in the TG. Anything else gets instabanned.

>> No.54651525

unironically feels like Hokk 2.0. I called it nearly 1 month ago when the dumping first started, but instead of selling, I foolishly held because of the anons in the thread who lambasted me, and told me that a coin backed by CZ wouldn't rug.
In March I could've walked away with several thousand dollars in profit. But since I waited so long, I'm probably have to sell for a loss. Really depressing. I thought this was my ticket to 6 figures minimum

>> No.54651593

it hasnt exactly rugged yet though. and is still backed by cz and more so by kraken. it has some things going for it like the steam game, ordinals, devfest. they also said they are working on a white paper and new website. its looking grim rn if u look at the chart but it can change very fast desu i wouldnt throw it into a dumpster just yet

>> No.54651620

Holders are down, tg members are down, price is down, and dbi hasn’t been shilled by anyone directly. Seems like the focus is the nfts. So what good does all of that do us? Not only has the eth value of the coin been decimated, but it has missed each and every one of the recent pumps.

>> No.54651642
File: 3.24 MB, 1125x2436, ACD09E5C-F56E-471B-9BFF-972439D027CF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People selling dbi at bottom to fomo in Pepe is cringe hahaha

This meme mania was orchestrated by some nft guys during nyc nft and the volume they brought will eventually go to the most decent memes.

On top of that, just one month to go for the devs fest which will happen few km away of BTC Miami conference. It’s in that kind of events where the big guys settle to pump shit.

If you don’t see that dbi will do x10 in the next 30d you are blind

>> No.54651665

>talks to themself
>themself stands for both tranny and schizo

>> No.54651698

Wasn't the dev shit talking btc miami and telling them to come to devfest instead? Wtf devfest is going to be like 20 poorfags from the telegram and BitBoy. And why would btc niggers pump an erc shitcoin and nfts + don't they hate ordinals?

>> No.54651711

>and is still backed by cz and more so by kraken
Other than the small clip from months ago, what other interactions has CZ had with DBI? Even with Kraken, the days of hyping the token through videos and tweets are basically done. As long as they keep spamming this "think bigger, more info in 2 weeks" bullshit, no one is going to buy it if nothing ever comes out of it.

>it has things going for it
The NFT was hyped to hell and it turned out to be nothing. Telling people that they can only have one WL spot for an NFT only to announce shortly after the creation of ordinals which require you to burn 5 NFTs to create it. All at a time when we're being dumped on.

>> No.54651716

The devfest will be an after party, so some big fucks surely will show up there

Dbi and devs nfts fills btc narrative cause they are making the ordinals shit.

Nfts on btc will be a hot topic in btc Miami

>> No.54651770

kraken tweeted dev a couple times afaik, but still u cant just ignore the fact that their ceo made a video with a dev face to face. ppl here forget about it and diminish it hard for some reason.
i dont care about nfts personally. the next bet for dbi is their steam game. if it wont involve dbi then i dunno anymore.

>> No.54651828

The coin got raped by a combination of malicious whales and people selling dbi to buy nfts now pepe is sucking all the money out of the rest of the market and most shit is bleeding out. It was the perfect storm to fuck the coin up.

When the ordinals finally get printed that should lower some sell pressure.

>> No.54651851
File: 2.03 MB, 1125x2436, EB6CA058-DB84-47D1-97C4-3A999F2B10D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This short clip 503 rt and 133k views in just 10h. Check the interactions

>> No.54652080

The token is not needed for youtube videos.

>> No.54652086

I get all that. To my knowledge, no other shitcoin has had the type of collabs that DBI has had so far. There's only so many times you can post a tweet with the same catchphrases before people get tired of it and, outside of the TG shills, I think it's safe to say that most people have moved on from caring about those things. Given how many wallets hold tens of millions of DBI, I'm willing to bet this is going to bleed for a while unless the team figures out a way to counteract the sell pressure

>> No.54652130

Hahahahahaha that’s the most stupid thing I have heard in while.

Just trying to figure out the usecase of doge, shib, pepe or even arb or uni

Crypto is a meme full of useless tokens and it’s all about capitalizing fomo and content. DBI will have its momentum soon

>> No.54652606

The people in charge of marketing are a bunch of idiots. Continually spamming “think bigger” to a bunch of poorfags who are actively being dumped, while also not finding a way to lure in more buyers is the most retarded strategy I’ve seen so far

>> No.54653627

this video was fucking great, and made me slurp again hahaha

>> No.54653649
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>> No.54654842

DBI will never be saved until pillowtroon and its crew are out. We need a purge on social media to replace those mods with based anons

>> No.54654874


>> No.54655698
File: 25 KB, 270x344, 1642383977387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54656864


Buy the dip
after pepe rugs, many will come back to DBI

>> No.54657044

LOL! Just bought 10k more DBI thanks!

>> No.54657152
File: 39 KB, 502x611, 1656141477857719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did I buy a dogcoin

>> No.54657475

Don't worry DBIbros, I just reported the Dev to the SEC

>> No.54657769

All this to pull a small rugpull? Hiring the artist for nfts and DevFest cost them more. Not counting time spent on videos and trips around US. Doesn't make sense.

>> No.54657906

Not a rug. The team is just retarded and dropped the ball.

>> No.54657930

Honestly while assuming the tech matters in crypto is midwit, assuming there is any sort of logic or reasoning to scamcoins is peak absolute middle of the bellcurve midwit. It’s pure gambling and you either make it because you’re an insider dumping on others, or a retard who lucked into buying the right one. Zero sum game and you’re the 99%, you were always meant to lose.

>> No.54658051

The dev says everyone will know who's the real dev of bitcoin next week.
>it's about how we do it... and you guys are gonna love what we got cooking... i think everyone soon will know who really created bitcoin
Well goys do we trust him and continue to buy???

>> No.54658154

After yesterday’s video I will keep buying.

In few hours they managed to find an actor who looked like Gary Gensler, they made a funny script (which shows a convincing crypto background from the team) and they shot the video which was one of the most successfully ones until now.

They just need to find the way to o capitalize that good content into dbi

>> No.54658367
File: 461 KB, 512x512, wwt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 he signs a message from the satoshi wallet

>> No.54658466

>The dev says everyone will know who's the real dev of bitcoin next week.
He never said that, he pinned a message about ordinals.

>> No.54658517

The message I quoted is not pinned. Not all his messages are pinned.

>> No.54658598

>Well goys do we trust him and continue to buy???
Absolutely not. It’s going to turn out to be yet another meme skit

>> No.54659236

What if satoshi is on this too?

>> No.54659629



>> No.54660109

fuck it’s over

>> No.54660662

As much as the demoralization campaign has worked, on me, I’m keeping my bag, just can’t justify anymore buying without actual viable gameplay and news.
Holding $6,000 of DBI, just got off ban from posting in one of these threads z

>> No.54660719

Yeah, BTC/USD about to dump, ETH/BTC about to dump and DBI/ETH about to dump even further. You will have your 2¢ but with minus.

>> No.54660763

I am not very surprised tho, these crypto scammers live in their own echo chambers and think all the world will be using their shitty crypto. Some defi protocols accepted nfts for loan collaterals, and then they got rekt.

>> No.54660771

For me, it's Sarah Banks

>> No.54660795

The entire crypto space is a stinking sewer, everything other than Bitcoin, Monero, Grin and Litecoin is here to wreck you. Hope you learned your lessons.

>> No.54661616

i'm so confused, they clearly have a great marketing budget, contacts, experience, etc. are they just stupid?

>> No.54661669

Unironically, yes. Look at fucking Pepe. Way less fucking funding and connections than DBI, yet it's already listed on multiple exchanges after a week. Moreover, they actually SHILL and MEME their coin on Twitter. Meanwhile, our Dev won't even say DBI in his videos....all he does is this weid ass subliminal shit, like >>54647189
There is no excuse for this bullshit.
And it's only going to get worse unless there's a serious change in marketing soon, because no one gives a shir about the NFTs, The Ordinals, or Devfest, when the actual coin is in a deathspiral

>> No.54661730

How could this project be saved?

>> No.54661783

I don't understand what's taking so fucking long... they had 5 fucking months for a decent or average exchange listing.. yet nothing?

i'm about to dump with some loses, i'm swinging PEPE on a cex and i'm recovering my shit in 1 day... you'll see

fuck this
enjoy, lil' guys and buy the next dip

>> No.54662491

strong foundations hold lasting structures fren. rushed work =/= good work

>> No.54662520

Fine then sell. You wouldn't have held to any meaningful gains with those paperhands anyway.

>> No.54662531

see you soon, son


inb4 forest schizo trying to say im the dev and not just a shitposting dbi holder

>> No.54663225

lmfao, getting desperate there Craig
>dumps another -60% for the lil guise
>does absolutely 0 positive movements despite whole market in the green

>> No.54663510

Yay! another new atl while literal rugpulls eclipse us in marketcap

>> No.54663535

Lmao at that cope. Just become homeless, you'll be free, the real deal.

>> No.54663933

eth/dbi chart looks like shit, we are getting raped. What if the dev fest will be a failure? And no one shows up?

>> No.54664010
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>> No.54664011
File: 16 KB, 192x279, 1304802917438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54664043

and another all time low

>> No.54664093
File: 840 KB, 498x373, goodnight-sleep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I solded as i said.. already recovered some loses
wake me up before Binance or Kraken listing so i can buy again

>> No.54664103

I'm too stubborn to sell when I'm down more than 50%.

>> No.54664108

Just checked my funds for the first time in a month and I'm down more than $6,000 holding this shitcoin. Simply epic. Truly the coin for the little guys.

>> No.54664122


>> No.54664128

Yes and No..
pepe saved me , recovered $3k and i can throw it at something else or hold...otherwise i would be scared to sell as well
DBI is going to dump even more, at least until "devfest" .
Forest tranny might be right and we could see 0.004 at some point.

>> No.54664642

I'm starting to hope the dev dies and this coin loses another 90% in price. All while still holding. This coin has me all fucked up.

>> No.54666000 [DELETED] 

>missed the ordinal mint deadline
>gave us no information whatsoever
>literal troon scammer mods ban people left and right on social media
what a disappointment. It would be better to rebrand and ask CZ/Kraken for help, third time’s the charm as they say.

>> No.54666368
File: 101 KB, 780x1053, Black_c08f4c_5425329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will singlehandedly meme this coin to 20$ usd dollars and not because i want to but because i need to

watch me

>> No.54666692

>lmfao, getting desperate there Craig
Why would craig be here defending dbi after dumping his stack for xen?

>> No.54666795

He's rotating profits back into dbi again to dump on us when it finally pumps

>> No.54666836

If that were the case he'd keep his mouth shut until hes done.

>> No.54666911

I would love for the to happen. I’m averaging .014 and, if we can confirm that he has bought back in, I’m dumping everything once we reach ath. If he decides to dump it again, I’ll double my stack. If it continues pumping instead, I’ll kys myself. Win/win situation

>> No.54666947
File: 86 KB, 1315x531, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont mind
hes just a mentally ill person

>> No.54666996

jpg should have been named "everybodyiscraig.jpg" but i forgot

>> No.54667041

Isn't there a rumor that Craig's in jail? I forgot his twitter account but someone said it was deleted.

>> No.54667157

The current price action sucks but to whoever has some spare eth to buy in, it’s a great opportunity.

Dbi reached its ath, around 35M, when btc was crabbing around 20-22k. I’m pretty sure that the team will manage to build a good momentum before dev fest (30d left) so reaching again the ath which seems a modest target and attainable means doing x4 from here.

I have been swing trading and chasing some other shitcoins and I have managed to amass almost 3M dbi + 15 nfts. A lot of skin in the game but I’m very comfy

>> No.54667186

Kek did you buy the top again /biz/?
Thanks for buying my bags

>> No.54667201

What are you expecting a bunch of broke people with jpgs getting together to do to the price?

Just sell. The team got lazy and complacent. It's dead

>> No.54667234

See >>54666795
Craig buying back in has been confirmed

>> No.54667244

Lazy and complacent hahahaha

They managed to release one of their most successful videos this week, few hours after Gary Gensler affair

>> No.54667275

> successful

Seriously are you retarded? The shitcoin printed a new atl shortly after the video. How's that successful? Does the price go up when the Dev gets likes and follows on twitter you dumb fucking faggot?

>> No.54667776
File: 1.26 MB, 2121x1414, DBIbaggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54667937

Holders are becoming fucking delusional.
Get fucked

>> No.54668914

Gas is so expensive you would have gotten more coins even though the price was higher before this pepe retardation started. Also everyone who aped into wojak and chad and all the other ones recently are getting absolutely assblasted right now. Pepe itself might be finally losing steam who knows.

>> No.54668974

Shortsighted pump-chaser detected.

>> No.54669312

Oh madone! look at that

>> No.54669916

posting on here just to keep the momentum and thread alive. fuck you biz, i can't tell if everyone is just fudding for fun or actually braindead. if you can't see where this is going, you're stupid. all the fud is laughable. $10 by 2025. for any lurkers who are being shaken out, don't listen to these pricks without any evidence. there's many people like be just holding in the background and waiting. its not all doom and gloom. god i hate this website and 90% of the people on here are fucking horrible incel virgin who think they are smart. i'm literally just here to make money and will suck this place dry of any ounce of useful knowledge (rare). fuck you. think bigger in ur life. have some fucking honor

>> No.54669991

are you telling me im going to have a milyun dollars

>> No.54670117


>> No.54670559

It will be a failure as the rest the team touches. I expect there to be a few saudi homos, dev with his wt crew and maybe some eceleb. But we will never know. They probably make a 20 min twitter space at the fest with cracky dev and few of the homos where they hypejerking and shouting "maaaax bidding heheheheh" like a bunch of retards.
I like this project. Takes a lot of courage.

>> No.54670674


it's literally just another shitty dog coin among thousands, lol

By 2025, no one will remember this

>> No.54671400

Supposedly, the dev fest is part of an after party for some main event in the area, so it’s also probably being advertised locally. I doubt it’s going to be dead. They announced and booked the location pretty fast, and they did all this without knowing if anyone from the TG was going. This is all speculation of course but it seems to make the most sense

>> No.54671810

>devfest after party rumor
Have you heard this from ANYWHERE besides this post? lmao

>> No.54671834

Oh and the dev reorganized and optimized the liquidity pool to make dumps have less price impact. Some autists in the telegram were complaining for days that it was distributed correctly and were posting pics of the distribution of other tokens including pepe that had properly set up liquidity pools.

It's nice the team listened and fixed it but isn't this something they should have known about before hand?

>> No.54671851

distributed incorrectly*

>> No.54671941

>It's nice the team listened and fixed it but isn't this something they should have known about before hand?
How did the dev of bitcoin not already know this? I’m starting to have doubts it’s really him

>> No.54672439

Guaranteed this guy got raped and should have just DCA dbi with that money lol. It did a 2x or so from 5pm if he invested around that time... then rugged straight down over the next few hours. Hopefully he threaded the needle.

>> No.54672494

I saw you today, where you live?

>> No.54672609

Anyone got the sneed codes?

>> No.54673417

Of course not, lol. All we have are literal lies and delusions for hopium

>> No.54673494

>The plan is to take the crowd from BTC conference and ship them to DevFest on 5/20
>Stay tuned.
t. the dev

We should probably buy more of this and ignore the retarded market right now. Pepe is probably about to crash hard and all it's derivatives that were shilled here yesterday like wojak and chad are already dumping into oblivion. Pepe devs are blacklisting wallets too, like the guy that had a million dollars worth that he bought for like 250 bucks. Or if you don't believe in dbi then buy literally anything besides these retarded scams since almost every real coin is down right now. That's what I'm going to do anyway, just don't be this tard chasing pumps and getting rekt.

It seems he was right.

>> No.54673676

>>The plan is to take the crowd from BTC conference and ship them to DevFest on 5/20
Finally some good news

>> No.54673724

makes sense why The Dev bought the RV now...

>> No.54673756

Based, so the dev wasn't simply buying himself gifts after dumping on us. I will never doubt the dev again.
>Plan status: trusted

>> No.54673802

RV? What’s dat

Some interesting talks in tg lately

It seems like the ordinals thing can be bigger than expected. Taproots deployer rt one of devs videos this week. Interesting moves and big larps, as usual

>> No.54673815

of course not.The Dev has literally been OPENLY using the NFT royalties to rebuy DBI and NFT's on the open market. It's obious this team truly cares about and is wanting to do what it takes to make this a success.

Biz loves a good rugging tho so they'll stay away lol

>> No.54673823

Craig, how many times do you think the retards on here will buy your bags after you dump on them? I say 4 more times

>> No.54673847
File: 99 KB, 1534x1080, ClassA_Diesel-exteriorFleetwood_Discovery-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R.V. = recreational vehicle


based "Everyone is Craig" ACTUAL schizo anon. Fun to watch you in action :^)

>> No.54673884

poojeet rugpull scam

>> No.54673906
File: 80 KB, 533x700, c5492eaa41a0f753a04f356d50620ddff99c01bec0df4c6e925982320275daae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54673914

>street shitters in india hired a white 80 year old meth head actor and are planning a rl event in florida and busing people from btc miami to it

>> No.54674251
File: 45 KB, 782x419, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54674272

Would you push your grandmaw down the stairs for 100K DBI?

>> No.54674278

The people behind this are good guys. The dev is honorable. Shame on anyone shittalking them because some cocksuckers dumped their massive whale bags. It had to happen sooner or later, better early while the mcap is still low.

>> No.54674330

impressively based. love me some honorable hopium. still wondering why dev isn't hurrying up and getting this on exchanges when fucking pepe started getting listings incredibly quickly. don't watch the charts bros, you'll just get depressed.

>> No.54674338

do it nigger i double dog dare you

>> No.54674345

serious question why have the devs not blacklisted that guy's wallets? if it's trackable that he's buying back in, block the wallets. am i stupid or is it really that obvious?

>> No.54674351

It's so the little guys can accumulate for cheap... well until pepe and that nigger jaredfromsubway.eth used 7% of the entire eth networks gas single handedly feasting on it and made it cost 50 dollars to do any type of swap.

>> No.54674363

goddammit enough with this fucking cryptic puzzlemaster shit, list this coin and make us millionaires. bank fud is over, bitcoin is pumping, retarded shit like fucking pepe is somehow breaking out. they have that fatass marketing wallet, flex a little and get us back in the green.

>> No.54674393

not sure why my other comment didn't post. long story short if dev pumps the coin, that gets eye son the dev brand, that pumps the nft value. dev is focusing on the nfts too much right now. american tax returns are coming in, bank fud is over, time to strike while the iron is hot.

>> No.54674404

Nobody wants to work with the dev anymore. Yeah I’m thinking it’s over.

>> No.54674406

It's going to turn out however. Stay in and deal with it or sell.

>> No.54674413

eyes on* but you fucking get it. they've got all this marketing money, blacklist these nignog whales, promote the shit out of this to norms who just got their tax money back, and melt some fucking faces. it's not fucking rocket science.

>> No.54674418

i'm too stubborn to sell for a loss, i'm here, just trying to make some fucking money

>> No.54674429

Blacklisting wallets will kill the coin. Whales won't want to invest. He can buy and sell whenever he wants.
The market is a dumpster fire that's bleeding due to everyone aping into one coin and it still only pushed it to 150m mc. The bull will not start before the halvening.

>> No.54674443

same.....I've held a few coins that I sold early and I said never again...This is the other side of the coin while we hold in the red and it doesn't feel good either.

>> No.54674463

>Just pull a Nixon and use centralized powers on a decentralized coin bro

>Just do what the NWO system does

>it'll be good for the defi token bro

It's easy to see how we ended up with our current fiat system^^^

>> No.54674485

Boys, I want this token on ALL CEX's too and it's going to happen. Something tellsme within a week after Devfest we're going to see the first CEX followed by a flood of CEX listings. The patient diamond hands will be rewarded. Paper hands will still be eating ramen while fudding the next big token.

This is what this thread reminds me of....

>> No.54674539

Hey craig just wanted to let you know how big of a fan I am.

>> No.54674574
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, EveryOneWhoIsntMeIsCraigSchizoSamefag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

craig is in jail retard. its hilarious how youre samefagging like crazy, while accusing others of same fagging, fag. The only people that fall for your influence are broke bitches. youre literally wasting your best years anon. lift some weights. research how to eat healthier. research money management. improve yourself instead of trying to keep internet strangers broke, anon. I unironically love you and i hope your life gets better. only you can change you <3

>> No.54674651

amazingly based, bonus points for a creative filename. go crush some fuckin weights and make some money brotha, wagmi

>> No.54674681

Pepe is an incredibly unbased, dishonorable operation.

>> No.54674699
File: 205 KB, 543x634, 377E4D6B-74E5-4E8B-AD10-473ABC8F61C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’d push her down the stairs and then set her on fire for this shit to go back up so i can sell and break even

>> No.54674721

If kikery was punished with death we wouldn’t have to ask for it.

>> No.54675621

>Something tellsme within a week after Devfest we're going to see the first CEX followed by a flood of CEX listings.

well if this is a project funded/paid by the dev team as they said... this is the best opportunity to recover their investment...

like, come on.. We need bigger volume+fomo.
no more rugs for the little guys

>> No.54675725

i wouldnt be surprised if multiple CEX's list DURING Devfest to capitalize on max hype possible. Im hoping theyre going to just go full blast the whole week of Devfest

>> No.54676110

>this gay cope