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54629426 No.54629426 [Reply] [Original]

Our break room had a trash can and recycling bin right next to one another. Once I was walking through with my manager and threw my leftover lunch away in the trash can. She said “Anon, what are you doing? that was recyclable”.

I replied “oops, my bad”

She said “no. Put it in the recycling bin”

So I dug through the trash to get my lunch waste and moved it to the recycling bin. This was at a white collar job too

>> No.54629437

Anons, get in here. We are telling wagie stories

>> No.54629482

You let a woman talk to you like that? You're not worthy of Robert posting.

>> No.54629932

>Mornings, driving to work
>Regularly listen to a custom CD with NSDAP military marches
>It seems cringe but they are legit catchy and uplifting, great for brightening my mood in the morning
>I'm also skilled at whistling and do it a lot when I'm in a good mood
>At work in the warehouse, my whistles naturally turn to Nazi tunes
>Conscious of this but figured if someone actually recognised it they'd like NSDAP stuff anyway
>Months go by, no one says anything nor gives me any looks, all's well
>Management figure comes over from another warehouse one morning to lend support, it's just us
>Worked together before, he's a cool dude, we're good
>Eventually get around to whistling the big one, Erika
>Voice beams across the warehouse and over the aisles
>"What the fuck!? Anon, are you whistling Nazi songs?"
>He comes over, looks gobsmacked
>I'm socially retarded, can't handle this conversation, brush it off
>"... I dunno what you're talking about dude!"
>He laughs

>> No.54630139
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>be restaurant manager
>restaurant on the water
>services mostly upper middle class people
>It's July 4th weekend
>a group of fat women (I call this a "cankle of broads") walk in for lunch
>they want to be seated outside on the deck overlooking the water
>this is a very premium spot, it's first come first serve. I explain as much
>they get really pissy about this
>"can you ask someone who's sitting outside to come inside?"
>they agree to wait at the bar
>after about 25 minutes a table opens and they sit their exceptionally massive cottage cheese posteriors into our chairs which triumphantly bear their combined weight which likely rivals that of a 14 hand horse
>they have their lunch with not much problem, however, it is getting hot outside
>now they want to come back inside
>problem is we're now totally full inside and I don't have a seat for them
>they are just baffled at this turn of events
>"can you ask those people to come out here and take our place?"
>"why would I do that?"
>"because we're uncomfortable and we're paying customers."
>"those are also paying customers. They wanted to sit inside. You insisted on sitting outside."
>they finish their coffee and leave
>as they're leaving the lead Cankle says "You really need to warn people that it's hot outside."
>On the 4th of July
>At Noon
>Didn't you come from outside...?

>> No.54630177

There’s a sort of inverse relationship between the value of work that a company is doing to how petty it’s employees are.

>> No.54630464

>>Regularly listen to a custom CD with NSDAP military marches
Just say you listen to ww2 music you fucking pleb.
I listen to the French Forigen legion March song.

>> No.54630544
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More restaurant manager stories
>We have a lady who's a regular, real "hot librarian" type appearance
>Comes in once a week and does the exact same ritual: orders a 4 course wine pairing dinner and reads a trashy romance novel.
>Always orders the exact same thing and always sits in the same exact seat.
>One day we are busier than usual and don't have her usual seat. She's OK with this but we have to sit her in the back booth. She's so regimented about everything I'm actually really relieved she didn't have an OCD episode or something
>as a gesture of "thanks for being cool about it" I order her an extra glass of wine on the house
>other manager says he'll close out, sure OK
>I leave
>Next morning, wake up to a text that someone opened the restaurant back door at 4AM
>show up, what happened
>senior manager shows us CCTV
>romance novel lady fucking fell asleep in the back booth
>probably because she drank one extra red wine
>no one noticed she was there because it's dark and she's kinda small
>closing manager didn't do the usual walk around where do a last minute check but even so he probably wouldn't see her
>she woke up at 4AM, looked around, and left through the fire escape and drove home
>other manager gets fired
>next week she comes back and acts as if nothing happened
>I just think of this woman as a legend now

>> No.54630549

So I was working at a fast food place back in the day.
I was the new guy, the new blood. The old guard (mostly women) never took a liking to me so they made my life extremely difficult.
On more than one occasion during a busy lunch hour, 90% of my female collegues disappeared into the staff room drinking coffees and gossiping whilst me and a little indian guy ran the entire shop. Two people cooking food, washing plates, making coffees, cleaning floors, stacking shelves all with a massive queue of customers out the door.
It was at that moment I realised most people are complete wastes of space.

Needless to say I left that job fast.

>> No.54630653

>McDonalds job at 15 yrs
>I'm doing the meat at the end of the line
>"Anon you have to call out when the meat runs out"
>I'm something of a little beta at that time
"Th-the meats empty... !"
>No one hears
>I'm randomly on shift with like 4 of the overnight guys, beardmode neckbeards highly intimidating to my retarded young mind
>every time it's empty I try to call out but they're heavily involved in banter
>walk up to them and they visibly annoyed to stop talking
>"Meats empty"
>"Anon... Just fucking call it out"
>Spend the next 5 hours calling out empty meat, not being heard, waiting for them to realise, and them going nuclear that I left the meat totally empty.
Lol that shift haunts me still man.

>> No.54630679
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>other manager gets fired

>> No.54630927

99% of those bins just get 100% added to the trash anyway lmao

>> No.54631406

>We have a lady who's a regular, real "hot librarian" type appearance
Hope you at least fucked her desu.

>> No.54631496
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>Hosting a bridal shower for Dominican family
>I was just a waiter at this event.
>heard a stereotypes that Dominicans like to party, just hope they're pleasant
>they made a barrel fire in the parking lot
>everyone's doing shots
>all the women are dressed like neon hookers (picrel)
>exceptions is the bride, who is visibly 8 months pregnant
>nieces are giving their uncles lapdances
>the party was only supposed to be 4 hours, but they extended it for 8.
>meringue is so fuckin loud the windows are creaking
>they buy ANOTHER 4 hours
>at this point the maid of honor passes out in the bathroom
>paramedics show up
>she passed out from alcohol poisoning and hit her head on the sink
>fortunately didn't die
>no one even got reprimanded

>> No.54631637

Same with the amount of money they make.
>boss does zero work, gets paid the most
>directors just sit around telling people to do work, checking other people's work, get paid the second most after the boss
>office staff get all the easy work, sit in a heated/ac room all day and get free coffee/snacks, get paid less than the directors but more than everyone else
>us lads on the yard doing pretty much all the work, dealing with customers, taking the brunt of whatever bullshit happens in the office, get paid the least
Why is it like this? No, seriously. I know we've come to accept this as completely normal, but just think about it. It's not fair.

>> No.54631656


>> No.54631664

I would’ve said “no” and continued like nothing happened

>> No.54631698

>im a sperg
>manager knows im a sperg
>boss knows im a sperg
>everyone knows im a sperg
I still have to present PnL to the entire company. Im a fucking software engineer for fucks sake.

>> No.54631801

>Why is it like this? No, seriously.
You were chosen from an early age to be groomed into a laborer. Your test scores kept you in classes designed to instill the right thoughts, morals, and ideas that lead you to be the ideal blue collar workman. I'm sorry anon. Leadership is a learn able skill, and you can make it to middle management with some experience under your belt. It's not much, but to many, it's a good living and let's you make life choices with how you want to live and who you want to live with.

>> No.54632834
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Hello based fellow restaurant manager. I used to work a similar prestigious yacht club on the river during law school.
>busy Sunday lunch service
>restauarant is full.
>couple comes in with a guest, asking to be sat by the window.
>no can do as, should have booked rather than walk in (pro tip anons if you want good service always book in advance)
>tell the wife I can't sit then inside as well only in the back room usually reserved for functions/private dinners
>evidently she told her guest she would be able to sit by the window as she begrudgingly agrees.
>bring out complementary fresh baked bread with French butter and smallest pinch of premium salt
>service goes fine, no issues. Table appears to enjoy their meals when I check each course.
>fast forward to following Wednesday.
>get called in for a meeting, the club has received an email complaint
>“dear anon, I attended the club on Sunday, it was very busy so [insert my name name] wasn't able to sit my by the window. This was disappointing but to to make matters worse, then we experienced the butter dilemma. Had your club been more considerate they should have asked each and every guest in the restaurant if they preferred salt with their butter. When bread and butter was served to our table, much to my guests shock and horror there was a pinch of salt on the butter. She was very embarrassed and confided in me she only ate unsalted butter. This embarrassment left me and my husband most displeased and we would subsequently like a full refund of our meals. Please ensure your staff are more considerate in the future, regards, anon”
>literally lmfao’d once the email was finished being read.
>club management not laughing, they explain this should be implemented as a new policy
>I refuse and continue doing what I do.
To this date it still blows my mind complaint even occurred. I am glad I treated literally like a grain of salt

>> No.54632955

Nope. I wagied both blue collar (manufacturing) and white collar (finance), people are assholes everywhere

>> No.54633315

The one saving grace of where I worked was the owner had a philosophy of standing up for the staff. He would hand write a letter to every person who complained. He'd often send a gift card.
One memory that stands out
>new girl starts with us and she's having a tough first day
>customers are making a lot of unreasonable complaints
>we get this ridiculous email that just goes on an on
>"Your stupid waitress forgot our ketchup. She's so stupid she didn't even know Napa Valley is in California."
>the owner responds to the email asking if she could provide her address so that he could mail her something
>customer provides it, probably expecting she'd get a refund or a gift card
>he sends her a handwritten note with only one sentence
>"We don't hire stupid people."

>> No.54633520

Former amazon wagie here,
>Ambulances always on the premises waiting for someone to pass out from heat exhaustion
>managers are all fresh out of college retards who never worked a day in their lives
>people unironically buy fucking 12 packs of premium water
>one fatass ordered 130 cases of monster energy
>in the mornings we would have our "warmup" which usually ends with one of the managers forcing us to give a Hulk Hogan "oh yea" or a Ric Flair "woo"

>> No.54633953

>be me, white collar wagie
>having lunch with colleagues and doing trivia (gay I know)
>one of the questions asks who sung this song
>no one knows
>answer is Stevie Wonder
>say “heh didn’t see that coming”
>colleagues (most of them 20-something women) are visibly uncomfortable
>one guy manages a stifled snicker
>one of the girls gets annoyed and says I can’t say that
It was low hanging fruit but the joke needed to be made

>> No.54634150

Good on her. Fuck you for not recycling when the bin is right next to the trash. They literally made it easy for you and you still said fuck the world

>> No.54634187

Amazing you let that pass without a trip to HR. Well done friend

>> No.54634388

Working with a fellow schizo can be comfy.
>before covid
>working in office with redpilled buddy
>discussing (((current events))) together while walking to daily scrum
>wrap up conversation as we enter the meeting room
>say something along the lines of "Yeah, theyre basically Satan worshipping child sacrificing demons" loud enough for the whole meeting room to hear
>get some blank stares, but nothing more than a 'well okay then' from the scrum master
>never hear about it again

>> No.54634412


>> No.54634574

Kek, it’s a rare thing to find someone with the same power level in the workplace

>> No.54634610
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>sell crack pipes
>haha I mean incense burners
>customer asks for incense burners
>>You mean a crack pipe? You want a crack pipe right? Alright $4.99 for the crack pipe
If that anon is reading this I quit my job today. Your response to "how can I profit from this" really helped me

>> No.54634775

>working as a bouncer at a club
>there's a new blonde bartender, super cute and she's into me, but she's not my type
>have a regular night at the club, it gets late, people start to leave
>bartender comes up to me
>hey anon, can you come deal with this guy, we don't know what's wrong
>follow her, there's a naked fat guy standing there with a blank look in his eyes
>go up to him, bartender leaves for now
>hey man, you alright?
>no response
>he's completely out of it and doesn't even seem to acknowledge that I'm talking to him
>bartender comes back with another bouncer
>apparently the guy's clothes are all over the place. his shirt was in the staircase, one sock was behind the bar, etc.
>the other bouncer found his phone
>at this point the guy notices the bartender there, gets a fucking erection and starts to masturbate
>bartender leaves,I hold the phone in front of the guy's face and bring his hand up to it to try to change his focus, thankfully he had the instinct to unlock it
>I call the number that's tried to reach him like 20 times
>hey buddy your friend is still in x place, you need to come get him, it's pretty bad
>friend shows up, "bro he's not on drugs I swear bro"
>it doesn't matter since I'm not a cop, but he insists
>they leave together in an ambulance, we're still finding his clothes a few days later
Never knew what he was on , crazy stuff though

>> No.54634797

>be me, temp in stamp metal plant
>get asked to show the new guy how to work a process despite being a temp
>show him how to operate the process but he almost slices me open swinging around a hunk of metal
>gets angry when I tell him to put on his PPE
>tries to punch the sticker printer when it jams, misses and hits the brick wall
>when waiting for a bin he just pulls out his phone and begins watching porn
>boss sees him do this, just says “huh” and walks away
>turns out he’s the nephew of the plant manager

he still works at the plant and still breaks multiple OSHA regulations daily

>> No.54634811
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Did you use the same hand he was masturbating with anon?

>> No.54634828

No, I didn't get paid well enough for things like that

>> No.54634830

>training while being a temp
Fucking nightmare fuel, unwritten code when you're a temp is you do not train or hold a clipboard/radio. The other temps look at you like a kiss ass

>> No.54634863

I didn’t get no radio or clipboard, they just walked up to me and told me to train him while I was in the middle of loading a bin and told me to stop loading and train him , saying no wasn’t a option at the moment

>> No.54634864

"recycling is a scam"
*put on sunglasses and walk away*

it's that easy

>> No.54634906

Yes I know, and from the line of work it was probably just you as the only temp
Imagine you're 1 of 10 temps sent out to unload cabinets to bring up to a retirement home under construction. You do not want to be the faggot that sits in the back of truck with a clipboard marking it off. It might be comfy but nobody from the agency will want to work with you from that point

>> No.54634927

And by "want to work with you" I mean you could at a later date be carrying heavy shit with another person and they intentionally throw it sideways to fuck your shit up

>> No.54634942

God I hate temp agencies lmao. I got prison vibes from that garbage

>> No.54634946
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Great story!

>> No.54635006

Yeah it’s shit, hoping to go full time when a spot opens up so I can stop acting like I’m walking on tightrope

>> No.54635364

Do you just work with faggots or something? That's nothing compared to what gets said at my place. That's something we'd joke about around the boss lmao

>> No.54635552

I don’t think you know how bad the new cadre is, especially at larger organisations which inevitably hire people educated in today’s universities

>> No.54635618

>mentions black celebrity
>gets fired
God bless office monkeys

>> No.54636628

You dont get paid for how hard you work. You get paid based on how hard it is to replace you, and the bottom tier manual jobs can usually be filled in less than a week with little to no drop in quality

>> No.54636822

Mine is a bit different as a tradie, but here goes:

>Working on building a new 3 million sq ft amazon warehouse
>Get tasked with uncoiling a bunch of cable left in the rafters so that we could make the final connections
>480v 500mcm cable designed to handle loads up to 200 amps
>Go up there in the scissor lift by myself, take off gloves to be able to grab onto the end of the tape and more easily undo the electrical tape
>Undo the ground and the first two wires and let them hang off the edge of the lift.
>Think nothing of it when I undo the taped up end of the cable that was stripped already
>Go to throw it off the edge of the lift, it touches the I beam and all my vision goes green/blue while it arc flashes a foot from my face
>Pants full of shit and half blind, but manage to think clearly and hold all the cables off the edge of the metal scissor lift in open air
>Have to stare at these cables while I’m shaking realizing I just cheated death, waiting for foreman to come and verify breaker is off
>Somehow the gaggle of useless amazon drones nearby didn’t see a flash brighter than the sun or hear a big explosion
>Foreman gives me a smoke and asks if I’m ok
>Gives me the option of reporting it, or not if I didn’t want to get in big trouble and possibly fired for some other idiots mistake of not locking out the breaker
>Decide not to, we grab a sawzall and cut off the melted end of the cable and he takes it right to his office and none were the wiser.
I always test everything from now on

Be careful out there anons, no wagie job is worth dying over

>> No.54636930
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I don't even get it

>> No.54636939

Just say no.

>> No.54636964

This, companies have to pay extra for recycling services and obviously they’re not going to do that

>> No.54636976

Just say no applies to lots of these stories. People respect you more if you tell them no. This goes for your "bosses" too.

>> No.54637072
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>Work as an IT in the Navy
>Old woman who works in the kitchen asks me to download a list of games on her android tablet
>I have nothing to do so i accept the task
>Have to download some of the games as APK's since i can't find them on the app store, so i open the browser and click on the search bar
>"Yoga petite cutie bounces on dick"
>"Girl sucks and fucks monster cock"
>What the fuck
>Imagine her husband jerking it to these things
>Finish downloading games and call her to come pick it up
>Say nothing about it
>She gives me a grocery bag full of candy and soda the next week as thanks

>> No.54638408

You're welcome fren. That job sounded really gay and it was a matter of time until the place or you got hassled for selling scumbag shit. Flipping burgers would be a better job. Best of luck!

>> No.54638439

My friend worked as a security guard during covid. He walked the wrong way down a "one way covid path" the manager asked him to walk back and go the "proper way" once he had almost reached the end anyway

I think he refused though. This is why I have no time for people. They are evil

>> No.54640066

>working a job
get life or get your mental health checked

>> No.54640230


>> No.54640391
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OP btfo

>> No.54640442

>leftover lunch
Probably not actually recyclable lmao. I usually use the recycling bin just because it fills up the trash can slower and I'm the guy that has to take it out if it gets too full. That shit absolutely goes straight to the garbage anyway. It's just a blue trash can.

>> No.54640460

Had a similar situation with a female manager. So glad to leave that company. Probably a dozen others left around the same time i did as it was getting too much for us and we were all hired at the same time. Takes 1 bitch to ruin the bunch

>> No.54640581

I listen to jihad nasheeds and I'm a white eurofag

>> No.54640961

neckbeards who work on the line are literally retarded apes and you have to act like them to get anything done

Found the redneck fatass line cook junkie

>> No.54641020

>failed the shit test and lost the promotion and never knew it

>> No.54641106
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dude join the ibew or at least find a respectable shop, let me guess you're in the south? sounds like retard city where you get paid $20 an hour to do all the work for your boss who bills $150 an hour for your labor. even redneck rat fuck jobs usually wouldn't let someone as dumb as you work on 480 I hope. Guess amazon hired the lowest bid

>> No.54641168

it’s because he’s black

>> No.54642178

That job is long gone brother, I work in the albertan oilfield now making real money. I guess I should’ve tested the cables, but you don’t go up there thinking someone had just left live fucking 500’s there where anyone else could’ve got lifted by it

>> No.54643427 [DELETED] 

This is the emissions control center
Now set river city one
Make all river city reports to the ews in cic via ivcs 2101 or NET 15

>> No.54644019

making assumptions about people having basic compentency for safety is an easy way to get hurt or killed