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54629071 No.54629071 [Reply] [Original]

Why must the economy and population always be driven towards perpetual growth? What significance does it hold that Starbucks has 35,000 locations instead of 30,000? Why do we rely on "growth" as the sole indicator of societal well-being? When will we recognize the detrimental impact of this unsustainable pyramid scheme on the environment and shift our focus towards sustainability instead? It is time to question the pervasive ideology of endless growth and prioritize a more sustainable and responsible approach to ensure the long-term health and well-being of our planet and society. When will our society shift its focus from quantity to quality?

>> No.54629098

most businesses can't innovate. they pump their numbers with inorganic growth (acquisitions funded by cheap debt or pumped equity) and fudge their organic growth with population growth.

>> No.54629157

The more we grow, the more resources we have available to us to skim from the top and spend on research and development, making growth faster, which allows for more r&d, and then suddenly we got the interwebz and man on the moon

>> No.54630193

>let's blame them for being losers instead of our own failures
Oh the irony

>> No.54630300

>Why must the economy and population always be driven towards perpetual growth?

to pay middle men jews. they provide no real benefit or service but they must be paid like they do. and as they gain more power, they add more members of their tribe to the grift, necesitating more returns for the same product or service.

>> No.54630324

>giving money to middlemen is how we got a man on the moon, not random german farm hands and coal miners just dicking around with chemistry as teenagers, turning their hobby into a passion, and eventually transitioning this knoweldge into a mature technology due to a global world war

you have no idea what you are talking about and it physically pains me to respond to you.

>> No.54630390
File: 8 KB, 300x168, isitsafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because, we live in a debt base economy.

>> No.54630425

Life is a ponzi scheme

>> No.54630472

Baby boomers lived during the greatest period of economic prosperity in all of human history. The conditions which created that (end of World War 2 and start of the Cold War) are not present, so it's impossible to expect natural growth of that rate. Instead, baby boomers artifically grow the economy by importing foreigners and increasing our debt.
They want to maximize their comfort and money and don't care about the younger generations. They only had kids because "it's just what you do lol", but they're primary focus is wageslaving and watching tv.

>> No.54630535


>> No.54630559

How did they get the means to transition from being farmers to rocket scientists anon? I'm sure the state taxing the cream of the crop had nothing to do with that

>> No.54630630
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You know what, I was thinking about this exact subject this morning. Translating mankind evolution on a graph would probably looks like any trading graph, which means general growth long term, with corrections when the price is overestimated. 19th and 20th century made mankind go parabolic, but it's way overbought, and we're due for a big correction to 1/3 of ATH. After that point, expect slow upward trend until the new paradigm comes. Or maybe we fail to recover and we go to 0, idk.

>> No.54630678

When OP pointed out Starbucks as an example it makes expansion seem pretty useless, but expansion of real things like steel, energy, etc. Allow for us to spend more on things and create new things that we otherwise wouldn't be able to afford. Since we live in a global economy we can turn 35000 Starbucks stores into another aircraft carrier, or a cutting edge fusion project, etc. All of those useless things we think we have share one thing in common that makes everything have universal utility, you can buy and sell them for money

>> No.54631084
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Neets are big old faggots.
You had the wealth to sit around and play video games all your life because you're so fucking stupid and retarded you don't know how to study.
What a fucking pathetic excuse.
I bet you dropped out too.
Wanna know why growth is a thing? It generates wealth and jobs and tax revenues you fucking little shit eater.
They don't teach this in American school?

>> No.54631141
File: 122 KB, 350x504, 1599671428951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you mean people pool resources and take care of each other so some people can go to school while others work to keep society going!
>Golly gee Billy! Sounds like that Der socialism to me!
Taxation is rent for living in modernity and civilization.
Secondly, Taxation is used to build things like roads and schools.
Third, The Dunning–Kruger effect.

>> No.54631193
File: 278 KB, 931x682, 1600106482942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baby boomers lived during the greatest period of economic prosperity in all of human history.
Before that was two world wars killing almost 100 million people each while destroying all of Europe and most of Eurasia.
The great depression killed boat loads more.
The only reason boomer had the money for the house was because the US still has massive industrial power and huge ports on both coasts.
Land and housing was cheap and the human population was dropped by a third.
Stop acting like boomer JUST got lucky.
>They want to maximize their comfort and money
Well, come the fuck on dude! Who the fuck wanted to be poor and break their back? No one, who the fuck doesn't want to be rich and comfortable?
What kinda question is that?
>and don't care about the younger generations.
No one owes you anything, you don't owe any one anything.
Welcome to life kiddo!

>> No.54631392

There is never enough money to pay back all debts (since usury/interest/Jews) so you always need more debt to pay for old debt.

>> No.54631572
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The spirit of man died and was replaced with a wallet

>> No.54631610
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Living in modernity used to be funded by other means

>> No.54631699

Growth for a country is required to pay back debt or fund spending without increasing taxes

Growth in a company is required to grow share price which is necessary to provide return for investors

>> No.54631737

Taking a break from this obsession with progress would be nothing be healthy.
I'm starting to believe that occasional dark ages are absolutely necessary to humanity in the long term.
We just can't keep up with all the craziness anymore.