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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54627717 No.54627717 [Reply] [Original]

new global currency just dropped

>> No.54628314

Just bought 60000

>> No.54628505

More like uuuwuuu ToT

>> No.54628549

Is there anyone actually intelligent on /biz/? Why do I even come here?

>> No.54628553

Why would they name a coin after a fictional animal?

>> No.54628622

It fits their faggy tranny agenda ?

>> No.54628648

You came to a zerohedge thread, anon

>> No.54628701

https://unicoin.com/portfolio.. Why does this not a sound like an IMF coin, this is disappointing.

>> No.54628715

thats a different one st000pid

>> No.54628785

> by tyler durden

>> No.54628841

Except that this "tranny agenda" exists only in the west.

>> No.54628872
File: 4 KB, 150x146, nownownownownowNOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Authored by Michael Snyder

>> No.54628936

>but 99% of the global population has no idea what just happened.
neither do I, and I just read your article Michael..

>> No.54628963

shouldn't this kind of be a big deal?
I'm pretty confused though because UMU's site seems to imply it's been for sale since 2019...

>> No.54628989

This shit is going to crash and burn before it even takes off, lol

>> No.54629040
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https://youtube.com/watch?v=z-dB90SMk5M&pp=ygULdW11IHVuaWNvaW4%3D [Open]

somehow linked to rosie rios, previous treasurer of USA.

sites from them



this guy is the developer or something?

https://youtube.com/watch?v=WIhz_Yr8UW8&pp=ygUOZGFycmVsIGh1YmJhcmQ%3D [Open]

all this seems linked to the show unicorn hunters of which I've never heard before, very weird all in all.

>> No.54629058
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lol, lmao even

>> No.54629114

this just looks like a scam they put alot of effort into.
e.g. it cites the 'DCMA' as a main advocate for the 'unicoin'
but there's no wikipedia page for 'Digital Currency Monetary Authority'.

>> No.54629163

Should have called it the universal wealth unit

>> No.54629431
File: 2.61 MB, 2438x3464, umu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds cute.

>> No.54630039

yeah its just a random crypto project or scam, with an official sounding name
>new world currency just dropped! From the OFFICIAL monetary AUTHORITY!!!11

>> No.54631080
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Can't believe they stole Nero's signature line.