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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54625888 No.54625888 [Reply] [Original]

>20 billions dollars to take this surgery and have this
Would you do it

>> No.54625907

Yeah definitely

>> No.54625916

Life expectancy is 11 years after this procedure is done. I’m trying to at LEAST live another 40/50 years. No way.

>> No.54625919

If I'm at that point just put a bullet in my head ffs

>> No.54625922
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health = wealth

>> No.54625928

Life Is Beautiful

>> No.54625944

Not for 20 billion, not for anything

>> No.54625953
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20 billion is enough to hire Boston Dynamics to remake me in the image of Adam Smasher, so I'll take it

>> No.54625965

Hes still alive and healthy

>> No.54626020
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>get 20 billion dollars to become Robocop without the cool suit and squirting shit into a bag from your new anus forever
>not even the dick left

technically he could still operate a forklift.

>> No.54626031

He won’t be 8 years from now

>> No.54626045
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>> No.54626095

>removed his legs, genitalia, urinary system, pelvic bones, anus and rectum
I would rather be tortured every day for the rest of my life.

>> No.54626110

You too

>> No.54626175

imagine being this guy and knowing that no one would be through what he has been through for even $20 billion, and knowing that you went through it and had to pay the doctor an arm and a leg for the operation

>> No.54626317

This guy is like 10-15 years away from being placed in a fully functional humanoid mech suit

>> No.54626359

Was this out of medical necessity or this next wave troon shit?

>> No.54626381

And realistically I'd probably take the cash and kill myself, that's a lot of shekels for the family. Not exactly sure how you'd manage to do it though.

>> No.54626382
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If i get to keep both my arms then yeah I would do it.
When the testicles are removed, 95% of all sexual urges disappear, so missing a dick wouldnt be a problem.
I would just write and draw for the rest of my life, maybe start animating too.

>> No.54626395


>> No.54626408


>can finally afford hookers
>no dick

hard pass

>> No.54626509

Amen brother, you don't realize what you have until it's gone.

>> No.54626546

Checked, I wouldn't do it in fact I'd pay 20 billions if they could make me a complete human again, fugggg.

>> No.54626563

Sounds like some sort of deflection. Everything ok at home?

>> No.54626565


>> No.54626580

Health is defined as the state of being free from injury or illness. He's missing his dick, half his guts, and 3 limbs. If your dog was that fucked up you'd have it put down immediately.

>> No.54626593

Jesus Christ just put the poor guy out of his misery at that point.

>> No.54626611

Unless that 20billion can buy me a fully working cyborg body, yeah nah I'm good.

>> No.54626666

Does he get phantom erections? Pls respond, it's vital imformation

>> No.54626789

My gf says that whenever we have sex.
Claiming these spooky quads

>> No.54626796

1000 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.54626829

This is unironically why robotics is the next boom.

>> No.54626854

I'd say just pop a helium mask on me if that ever happened but I'd probably float away

>> No.54626991
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>> No.54627055

You would be if you took this surgery

>> No.54627076

The main goal of having monet should be to maintain your (and your family's) body integrity. To sell your body for money is just about the dumbest thing you can do.

>> No.54627084

Personally I wouldn’t want to but 20 billion is alot of power and influence and the amount of good I could do for my family and race for the Aryan cause would be worth the sacrifice

>> No.54627106

why even continue at this point? the guy is gonna live like this for a couple of years and then just want to die.. nigga cant even play vidya, he only has one hand. all he can do is browse 4chan and imbibe media. hes basically been forced to become a /tv/ poster.

>> No.54627115

Imagine the online dating profiles you could make
>billionaire here
>6ft tall
>big round dick
>show up in a wheelbarrow with your piss bag 8 inches full

>> No.54627161

Put this fucker in a killdozer

>> No.54627183

I might agree to get shot for 20 billions but not this
I would use these billions to promote some good people

>> No.54627393

He lost a fight with a forklift

>> No.54627467

He can still shitpost on 4chan all day, so his quality of life is comparable to the majority of anons on here. Also, less toilet breaks

>> No.54627535


>> No.54627634

Looks like he paid with both of his legs anon.

>> No.54627778

health > wealth you mean

>> No.54627816

>only got the dogshit robotic arm version
Why hasn't he applied to test high end robotic nerve systems?

>> No.54627881

obviously not

>> No.54628542

So you're saying that our lot is as bad as his already?
You ask what good $20B would do for him. What good would it do for any of us?

>> No.54628680

Eat pussy eviday and evritiem

>> No.54628946

Yes, I would then use 10 Bilion to create a company of advanced robotic limbs and solve the problem

Wealth>>>>>>>>>>Health, only dumb socialist's think otherwise

>> No.54628957

I'm going to apply the "454 EDC Anon" method to this:
>would you pay that amount of money to NOT do the bad thing?
Perfect litmus test for "would you do X for Y?". In this case, I'm sure any rational human being would give every cent they made for the rest of their life to not be in that situation. This is what we refer to as "never ever worth any amount of money".

The exception being people that would use it to an end where dying is an accepted outcome. Just want to give that money to your family so they live a life free of struggle? Worth it. Want to fund an army to take revenge on Madagascar? Worth it. (They know what they did)

>> No.54629113
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>He lost so much fucking hope he chose to remove almost everything that makes him human for unlimited money
Yeah no, not in a million years. I would rather lose everything and work my way up again then ever be reduced to this barely-human sad pathetic piece of meat. It's not even a question. I have this sad depressed friend and he made almost 7 figs purely by gambling on Pool Party (he lost it almost inmediately because he's a dumbass) but the point is, even depressed people can make money, you don't need to become... this

>> No.54629127
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>He's 20 years away from becoming this
I would give it a thought

>> No.54630684

I'd ask my dad if he could free me from this hell and shot me.

>> No.54630710
File: 493 KB, 1280x1813, tumblr_44b358a929ac99649197f4a6dddeb4fb_3e39ae56_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much to build a dreadnought?

>> No.54630806


>> No.54631175

We're at least several hundred years away from anything approaching that. We can't even cure baldness. When someone's eyes start to go, we can't even restore their vision without going in and chopping shit up.

>> No.54631275

His heart is still beating for the second arm and everything below the navel. He's had stomas created at multiple points. He likely needs to be on broad spectrum antibiotics, immunosuppressants, and blood pressure pills that will take him down to a level where he isn't in continuous migraines without reducing his pressure and heartrate to where it just slows and stops. Most of his guts and excretory system are gone, so his hydration is tricky. There's not much of him left, so nutrition is tricky.

He is not healthy. I wouldn't subject myself to this unless I had a dynasty I could somehow spin out of it before suiciding.

>> No.54631319

>no dick
What's the point?

>> No.54631399
File: 218 KB, 869x742, Screenshot_20220117-175550_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He was driving a forklift over a highway bridge outside of Wilsall when cars started illegally passing him on the one-lane structure, according to SWNS.

>As one car passed him, Schauers veered too close to the bridge edge and the ground crumbled beneath him. He attempted to jump from the falling forklift but his leg got trapped by the seatbelt, swinging him from the machinery as it plummeted 50 feet down a steep hill.

>The forklift rolled three times down the hill before it landed on top of Schauers, crushing his body.

>“I was conscious the whole time. My eyes were wide open and I saw the forklift come down and land on my hips and my right forearm,” he told SWNS in 2020.

>> No.54631730

You can still kiss and touch them

>> No.54631769

Eating pussy is cucked and gay u homo

Ur literally eating cum

>> No.54631961

I'll live in a tree if my legs and penis work. Every billionaire would trade every cent they own for their 20s and 30s back.

>> No.54632095

sure, I'm not using my legs much anyway

here's how I'd spend 20 billion

>1 billion for a nice country estate + staff to keep me alive and comfortable + maintenance
>19 billion split between the most racist party in each EU country

>> No.54632169

Did this dude forget to never jump out of a forklift?

>> No.54632248

He wasn't properly trained.

>> No.54632624

>a billionare
>cant even walk anymore
>cant leave it to your kids beacuse you chopped your dick off

>> No.54632665

He wore a seatbelt for some reason, its not like it has a windshield to slam you up against. Its like some people dont know the first 2 seats in school buses have no seat belts for a reason, its safer that way.

>> No.54632717

incredibly based and checked

>> No.54632817

Obviously, yes. 20 billion is enough to set my genetic line up for a thousand years or more. Top .01% levels of generational wealth over night and I get to live long enough to set up the finances to make sure my lineage does not squander it. You'd have to be a selfish cuck not to take that deal.

>> No.54632829

I have never used a seatbelt in a school bus

>> No.54632868

Fuck no. Basically, no amount of money would I give up my balls, dick, or any one of my five senses. Maybe a limb or something, but even then I'm not sure.

>> No.54632905

Did this poor man even have a say in the matter? There are fates worse than death ffs.

>> No.54632912

hard no

>> No.54632936

One reason I REFUSE to work in a warehouse, they have NO safety procedures.

>> No.54632949

what good would $20 Billion do when your body is completely destroyed?

>> No.54632954

It not troon shit, it's some condition where their lower body becomes non functional.

>> No.54632962

you need 20 Billion to just write and draw all day? You could just do that now.

>> No.54632991

nope. i would pay 10million not to have that happen

>> No.54632998

>We're at least several hundred years away from anything approaching that.
definitely not, AGI will be here soon.

>> No.54633034

Not in this case but there IS an actual self amputation fetish

>> No.54633091
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How is it not considered a cruel and unusual punishment keeping this guy alive? What can he even do in life other than sitting around doing nothing?

>> No.54633467

He can still play video games for the rest of his life.

That's cool. Porn would have no effect

>> No.54633475

At least he has one hand to pull the trigger.

>> No.54633477

so much this

>> No.54633892

Give up your cock and balls for 80 billion dollars?

>> No.54633913
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>"health = wealth"
So.. you'd be wealthy, so you'd take the deal as it's equal to healthy?

Learn to read retarded ESL niggers

>> No.54633937

he's right actually. they are already working on robotic prosthetics being able to experience sensations. guy is like 10 years away from being able to live a bit more freely.

>> No.54634003

>We can't even cure baldness.
We actually can it's just insanely expensive, and not popularly commercialized. Sexual organs being usable will probably be the most complicated aspect to address in terms of implementing cybernetics, or attempting to implement something like it. They are already figuring out how to add sensations to robotic prosthetics. We will probably have robopenises 30-50 years from now, but cybernetic bodies...not that far-fetched being something around the corner that's feasible, and not necessarily commercialized.

>> No.54634027

Unironically a chance at getting prosthetics as some sort of test subject for robotics/cybernetics. He will be waiting a while, but I guarantee he will not be a human tater tot 15 years from now, and will have a cybernetic lower half, and arm years, and years from now. He will have to wait on the cybernetic penis though might not even be in his life-time.

>> No.54634070

>What can he even do

Snort a foot long line of mephedrone, chain smoke natural spirits, then put a bullet in his head

>> No.54634497

He got squished by a forklift.

>> No.54635301

Our school buses don't even have seatbelts.

>> No.54635317

You're retarded. If there aren't any safety procedures you make them YOURSELF. If someone is being unsafe, you stay the fuck AWAY from them. It's not hard.

>> No.54635332

of course not.

>> No.54635345


Play EverQuest

>> No.54635546

Yes, but only because I'm crippled anyway

>> No.54635642

Modus ponens converse is a fallacy brainlet. Learn propositional logic

>> No.54635717

No one would ever take 20 billion dollars in exchange for his body. You could literally never enjoy 1 penny of it. You asked a stupid question dude. The in the pic has more brains than you...and certainly more torso.

>> No.54635771



>> No.54635784

They hated him because he spoke the truth.

>> No.54635816

Learn logic ESL nigger. What does = mean

>> No.54635980

Youre autistic and retarded who takes things literally. Wealth and health are not literally equal dumb shit, one implies the other. Dork

>> No.54636065

In the future there'll be head transplants. He should get one.

>> No.54636103
File: 2.51 MB, 828x1792, 649B8BC6-6CAD-4220-A371-DDC7FFA04D6B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He has a gf. She is emotionally hostaged, if he broke up with him, she would lose all social credit

>> No.54636170

>Life expectancy is 11 years after this procedure is done
Same as covid jab

>> No.54636493

1quadrillion dollars and I do it, will be fun setting up a secret lab in china where Step by step i get new body parts transplants from inocents to replace the lost ones and yeet every bioethical and moral code just to feel complete again.

>> No.54637374
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I would take $20 billion in debt in a heartbeat to avoid having this happen lol

>> No.54637499

I'm relieved the experts now say two decades instead of two months

>> No.54637642

>Adam Smasher in Arasaka rehabilitation
>uploaded to datanet, 2008

>> No.54638427

Not even for a trillion.

I value my genetics more than that.

>> No.54638455


This guy knows. Mephedrone gang 2010-2011

>> No.54638527
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If my family was full of people genuinely worth living and dying for I would gladly do this to secure good lives and freedom from the wage cage system for all of them plus subsidize breeding. If I had friends I genuinely believed in as humans, I would also do the same for them. If my country was worth anything anymore and run by people worth trusting, I'd use 10 billion of it improov infrastructure and buy off debts for whole swathes of people and inform them that their debts are forgiven. But none of those things are true, so living rich without limbs or cock would just be suicide fuel since even meaningless hedonism wouldn't be on the menu.

I'll be honest, now that I think about it, lack of senpai/frens/fatherland worth living and dying for hurts a lot more than knowing I'm most likely doomed to work until I die with every year more grey and meaningless than the last.

>> No.54638670

He can become a genius mastermind

>> No.54639409
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No because my dick and balls are worth way more than that. You could find 3,500 fertile women in their 20's in 3rd world shithole. With help of modern techniques you could impregnate them every year 15 times. That would give you ~50k of healthy children that reach 20. Just a set of organs sell for about $500k, so you could get more if you include other parts. And that's it, 25 billions for jerking a few times a year.

>> No.54639425

*every year for 15 years

>> No.54639638
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>genetic line up
nigga your balls are gone

>> No.54639662
File: 796 KB, 840x730, pepsidog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much money would it take for you to have your balls removed and your penis refashioned into a neo-vagina and to be pumped full of estrogen and progesterone every week for 5 years? After the 5 years you can stop the estrogen if you want but you're forbidden from taking androgens

>> No.54639667

>He attempted to jump

>> No.54639684

I can't even do a handstand, this would be an improvement for me.

>> No.54639686

100 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.54639809

Adam's quality of life is shit tho.