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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54625870 No.54625870 [Reply] [Original]

Whats approved /biz/ food?

I drink 3 liters of Coke and a mix of adhd meds everyday

Is it accepted or goyslop?

>> No.54625894
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ok but what food do you eat? you cant only drink soda and survive from that

>> No.54625966
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anyway my diet is as such
wake up 7 am pop tarts and either monster energy lo carb or starbucks mocha frappucino 1000mg vitamin D (to supplement for lack of sunlight)

1030 am grilled cheese with avocado and bacon or a bacon egg and cheese on a bagel homemade

230 pm either a turkey sandwich on a bagel with hots, bacon and cheese or something else like pulled pork sliders, sometimes italian food like lasagna or arancini

diet dr pepper straight from the 2 liter all day
sometimes a beer or 2

skip dinner

>> No.54626648
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My guy, coke is high fructose corn syrup. That's like the king of goyslop only beat out by seed oils.

>> No.54626682

Oh I see it's "coke zero" just as bad. Those artificial sweeteners are known to cause cancer. Nothing mass produced by giant companies is good food wise they are actively trying to kill us. I still consume it because I don't have a choice as I'm poverty tier poor and have to eat whatever I can get, but as soon as I crawl myself out of the hole I'm in I'm going to just hunt wild boar and buy organic vegetables.

>> No.54626695

hey at least you cook

>> No.54626735
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For me, it’s the coco croissant

>> No.54626748

seems based if you are making the right trades with this combo

>> No.54626763

The acid from the coke is causing you to lose out on Adderall. Find a less acidic way to caffeinate

>> No.54627159


>> No.54627211

A banana/pb smoothie + nuts & fruits
Heavy dinner, usually pasta or rice based

>> No.54627287

Umm. Wouldn't adhd drugs and lots of Coke be bad?

>> No.54627378

No why?

>> No.54627403

Coca cola's syrup will get your heart going fast, ADHD meds will also get your heart going fast. I think you're doing damage to your heart. I kind of hate adhd drug abusers though so go ahead and hurt yourself.

>> No.54627418

coca cola is based IF it's the real sugar version, otherwise it's gay and cringe


>> No.54627426

What kind of manchild drink 3 liters of Coke a day???

Coke tastes like fucking trash, pure carcinogenic sugar in liquid form

>> No.54627444

>live with mom
>her cooking sucks
>she mostly buys fastfood
>it sucks too
>all my money in crypto don't really feel like taking it out to buy better food
>my cooking is good but crypto matters more
it sucks knowing that if you aren't in when it pumps you get fucked in the ass

>> No.54627468
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For me. Its Monster Energy Zero™ and three raw eggs every morning.

>> No.54628290

remove the drinks and ur good

>> No.54628335

They cause cancer in mice if you inject them with the equivalent of 20,000 bottles worth every 5 hours for life. Let the nigga drink his coke zero. The only real problem with it is the caffiene which is destroying his sleep cycle

>> No.54628378

>but as soon as I crawl myself out of the hole
you being on /biz/ tells me you are going to be poor for the rest of your life, enjoy it

>> No.54628389
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For me, it's room temperature tap water.

>> No.54628437
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I'm on the Brekkie diet. 4 sausages,4 rashers bacon, 2 eggs, baked beans, black pudding and 3 slices of toast, once a day. About 1600calories, I've lost 10lb in 3 weeks.

>> No.54628485

>avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup
>eat only whole, fresh ingredients
>buy meat directly from butcher/farmer
>no sneed oils, use butter, ghee, tallow, avacado oil, coconut oil or real olive oil

All you need to do is put forth the minimum effort to cook for yourself.