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54622418 No.54622418 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a resource issue? is it impossible for everyone to enjoy american middle class standards of living? note: not talking about american middle class culture, i mean standards of living

>> No.54622428

>is it impossible for everyone to enjoy american middle class standards of living?
you'd need 5 more Earths to bring the world population up to normal US standards.

>> No.54622429

That's a man

>> No.54622444

most people are stupid and lazy

>> No.54622446

tbf america's standard has been in steady decline for a few years now

>> No.54622455

yep, we're diluting our wealth by paying it to poor people in exchange for cheap goods. This makes them richer and us poorer. But there's way too many of them to bring them up to our standards. We can only bring ourselves down to theirs.

>> No.54622467

all white men need to live "middle class" is a plot of land and self defense being legal

>> No.54622474

The average person is a retard who can barely output more economic value than a farm animal

>> No.54622485

If there were no poor people, there would be no rich people. The have-nots serfs must exist for the ruling class to exist.

>> No.54622546

>Is it a resource issue?
If you understand this, you understand why bitcoin is the best form of money to ever exist.

>> No.54622621

American wealth standards aren't sustainable in the global economy. Labor wouldn't be cheap enough and there isn't even close to enough energy production in the world. Those nuclear fusion reactors can't come soon enough. Energy and menial labor are the two things holding back the wealthy economies from genuinely eradicating poverty within their own borders. Beyond that, many countries have political situations (insular policy and corruption), cultural attitude(high crime, or frequent militias, banditry etc.), and demographic problems relating to their aging populations that effective economies can't exist.

By far the best and fastest way to stop being poor is to reduce corruption, start manufacturing and selling goods to the USA. China was once a third world country on par with Africa, and the investment and access to US markets has propelled their economy into the stratosphere like Japan in the 80's, and what was originally going to be India until their recent involvement with BRICS and Russia in the Ukraine war. India was about to become Japan/China mk. 3 but those plans have debatably been put on hold.

It's kind of a really interesting question which country is going to get the golden ticket right now after India threw it away. Mexico would be convenient but the crime is too intense. The USA is potentially looking to bring manufacturing back inside the states which is wild. It could be possible with the advent of robo labor maybe, but it's still way too early to bank on that being widespread.

>> No.54622638

>It could be possible with the advent of robo labor maybe, but it's still way too early to bank on that being widespread.
said the chat bot

>> No.54622645

Read Cantillon’s Essay.

>> No.54622649

beep boop, cuck my robot-dick fag.

>> No.54622848

a fool and their money is parted quickly

>> No.54622869

Because inflation keeps the cost of living high and the landlord class doesn't contribute shit which involves all the central bankers

>> No.54622909
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Finance is covert monarchy. The game is to keep the wealth exclusively among themselves by means of power. Power is obedience and that is achieved by force, mostly criminal. The majority shall fight for fright of dangers real and imagined and dim their resources along. You're poor in numbers because the aim of keeping numbers is poverty. Otherwise they would govern themselves and be a source of fear as any free agent might. Unacceptable.

>> No.54623528

It is an *economic system* issue you dumbass

>> No.54623538

Niggers have 5-9 kids on average

>> No.54623703
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Checked. These unfortunate people are not aware of the wealth-creating mechanism called 'checkems,' hopefully they find out before its too late.

>> No.54623706

100 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.54623788

It's mostly the corruption in governments, and poor people's own fault for being dumb, uncooperative and shortsighted.




Wrong, they need to cooperate and trade with each other too.



Super correct

This result is more about bad/corrupt government policy that encourages that behavior.

>> No.54623888

Kind of. It was a political choice in the 90s and the pros outweighed the cons according to the thinking at the time. Similar political choices in USA helped Europe and Japan become successful after WW2 and so everyone thought it would happen again. But it didn't.

One way to think about it is that Reagan tax cuts funded the savings of Japanese corporations. GWB and Trump tax cuts funded the Chinese state companies and so just the communist party. It might make more sense to pay taxes to your own government instead.

>> No.54624096

American society is sick

Just go to any other anglo country and see how much richer, happier and less drug addicted people there are