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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54622338 No.54622338 [Reply] [Original]

>32 years old
>networth only 300k

And this is after years of working constantly and investing every spare dollar I have. It's OVER for the average person in society now, your only chance is to be born into money or win the lottery.

>> No.54622353

i actually unironically feel bad for the tiktok generation those <22 right now

Theyre going to grow up with a fucked up world if it even still exists.

>> No.54622383

Bro, I'm 34 and have $29.02 in my checking account. I'd feel on top of the world if I had 300k.

I don't even know how I'm supposed to pay my upcoming bills.

>> No.54622406

300k is fucking amazing you retard
though if its mostly tied up in like a house or something you are retarded

>> No.54622432

if i were you id kms but thats just me, gl anon

>> No.54622449

I'm similar to you but I'm almost 40. it's fucking over for me

>> No.54622452

bro are u for real damn

>> No.54622457

its really not that much. ceiling looks high from the bottom but once you get to that next floor you cant even see the floor above and still cant afford shit. op probably lives in a city

>> No.54622461

These stupid threads should be banned. You encourage these stupid idiots then ban beggars. Who came up with this retarded policy.

>> No.54622522
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The truth is that it will never be enough, even at 1 mil.

You're supposed to find meaning.
Accumulating endlessly until you die to give it back to your government is not a purpose.

>> No.54622708

Checked. Also a house is 1M these days, so you need at least 10M.

>> No.54622768
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Mostly this.

300k should yield around 20k a year unless you're a retard. Granted, when it's networth barely any of that will be liquid but at least the number will grow quicker from there when compounded

>> No.54622776

you have a greed motive, there should be a wealth limit for society to run correctly. 175k max. 10k min. keeps the money circulating. imagine all the liquidity that billionaires hoard entering the economy. instead of seeing it spend on degeneration, it goes to industry, building new houses, reconstruction, education, updating the law and obsolete institutions. the problem in a globalized economy is that many people are trying to accumulate as much as national currency as possible. only once people start leveraging the power of community to sell and good trades in their own physical or digital currency, such as blockchain-driven, then the community will grow prosperous, it's basically what a parallel economy is. you pay costs in the national currency, and buy/sell goods such as food or utilities in a local currency. as a leadership hierarchy emerges, the community can start to develop their own schools and universities and technology, so that suddenly you can buy high-tech goods and services in the local currency. once the currency envelops 30-50% of most sectors, upscaling is a matter of increasing the birthrate. stop believing in the dollar, the euro, you're basically feeding into a system designed to keep you poor by burning through all your money and savings. be actively pursuing alternatives.

this is my plan and i want as many people as possible to join me. i wan't my own seperate nation, you see. and makes you think different.

>> No.54622777

Invest all of that in American dividend stocks and Move to a cheap tropical country or buy a Tenere700 and tour around the world.
You could be enjoying a life you wouldn't even dare to dream of right now.
Do this for 10 years and watch your stocks be worth easily a million by then anyways.

>> No.54622957

>be unironically born into money
>will only have access to it when parents die
>am currently technically a poorfag
>can't even make investments as a result
It's not all roses. Can't use or enjoy it for another 10-20 years and I'm well into being an adult. Obviously it's better than not having anything, but families with money tend to have weird things going on in the background in one way or another. (weird here for me is standard "we don't want you to be one of the spoiled rich kids" meme)

>> No.54623062

Biz has a seriously warped sense of reality. Yall are better off than 95% of the planet yet complain about being the poorest motherfuckers alive. It's like shits never enough, hungry for more and more when most people are one paycheck away from eating their dog out on the street.

>> No.54623097

degeneration is an industry

>> No.54623305

Yes but please understand this site is mostly visited by young adults in their early 20s. Boomers who're here 15 years ago either made it or kys'd but 15 years is a long time, so those who made 1M back then is like making 100M today.
Hence the longing for 7 figs. I do also think that zoomers are beyond fucked not just economically but because most have been coming here since they're like 11-12 with an undeveloped mind only to have nothing going on here but brainrot.

>> No.54623727

How you earning 20% on 300k? Treasuries are paying 5% and stocks are moving sideways

>> No.54623743

It’s true. You’d be a soft lump of starch. You need to feel some pain to actually enjoy the money anon. Otherwise it will ruin you

>> No.54623747

No he said 200%

>> No.54623748

Check-em. Might not be possible unless he's willing to VaxxMax to cross borders.

>> No.54623750

100 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.54623780

I don't think so, brother.

As soon as zoomers grow up a bit and gain more power (voting rights, more physical power as they grow up), they will take away money from millennials - I already foresee move "social justice" movement to "equalize playing field", more taxes for "rich" and social gibs.

Boomers are apparently bitches, but zoomers are spoiled beyond imagination. They expect everything to be granted for them just because they get used to it.

Dark times are coming

>> No.54623801

>175k max. 10k min
kek. no reason for me to move forward in my career then.

soviet union has already shown what will happen in this case - people are just not motivated to work. People will try to steal in one or another way - either some stuff from work directly, or as party representative who "help" others with some problems for the small award.

>> No.54623803

20k on 300k arent 20% based retard

>> No.54623846

you would not feel the necessity to steal if you could afford a home, a wife and nurture 5 children and cattle and own multiple acres of productive land. a planned economy is a necessity, let the edges be free, but the core be planned.

>> No.54623857

Average /biz/ness aficionado, you've been taking advice from lel

>> No.54623902

With a mindset like that it'll never be enough, OP. If you aren't living paycheck to paycheck you are already doing better than 60% of people. If you can afford an emergency expense without going into debt, you'd be doing better than about 80%.

Dont grind away to see a number go up. You could get cancer and die in a couple years and you'll never have lived a life.

>> No.54624431

Am I supposed to feel bad for you? I'm 32 and have fucking $900.

>> No.54624850

Word of advice: take some financial risks, blowup a few times while you are small and learn the hard lessons early

>> No.54625054

>Blow up a few times
>No safety net due to no money
>Wind up homeless