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54620910 No.54620910 [Reply] [Original]

They are the personification of the chud meme. Angry, small minded, racist little pricks.

>> No.54620917

Yeah but it isn't the chainlink holders making these threads, so. Situation really speaks for itself

>> No.54620961

chain cuckolds like >>54620917 will never be men

>> No.54621002

I don't even want to know what your definition of a "man" is. We're all probably better off not living up to the ideals of deranged internet losers who can't stop posting wish fulfillment out of touch power fantasy threads

>> No.54621027

richer than you are wagie

>> No.54621127
File: 355 KB, 607x925, 1681531312767639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkies have their first "pump" in over a year and they are euphoric over 5% even though link is basically at 2019 prices if you adjust for inflation. Hahahhaha absolutely pathetic

>> No.54621157
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chainlink holders are cucks
but i repeat myself

>> No.54621372

>all these dedicated full time fudders reminding me to buy link
Thanks boys keep up the good work

>> No.54621525

keep going incel loser
write out your full manifesto next post LOL

>> No.54621604

id actually worry if this retard and his fellow coomer discord friends werent here spamming badly made fud 24/7 desu

>> No.54621621

chaincucks are mentally ill losers

>> No.54621629

thats it? thats all you can say?

>> No.54621639

>incel loser thinks I read the ramblings of a genetic dead end

>> No.54621708

Daily reminder that if you hate niggers or say the word nigger doesn't mean you're racist. I just means you don't like niggers. You're racist of you think only certain skin colors can say nigger. I know this is over your head nigger, but you can't change facts, and you don't get to decide.

>> No.54621710

I think you're scared. I think you wish I would go away. I think you don't have a single thing to say other than painting your fantasy world all over a soon to be forgotten thread because the only way you seem to cope with an argument is to believe everyone is the straw man you need them to be. Does that sound like "being a winner" to you? You'll say no. You'll make up some bullshit because you have to. You'll call me a loser again or whatever. You'll make up insults, or make up the person I am. All because you can't cope.

>> No.54621714
File: 63 KB, 900x900, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this loser incel is still raging

>> No.54621755

I wish you had it in you, but looks like you don't.

>> No.54621759
File: 276 KB, 2560x1440, LOL (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still going
LOL it's a broken incel

>> No.54621905
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>> No.54622336
File: 712 KB, 1284x1079, 7C7588D8-48D5-4102-9C37-5DA980E330EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute projection in this thread from coping no linkers gives me a warm feeling inside. Feels good man.