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54619098 No.54619098 [Reply] [Original]

>21 years old
>just wasted 3 years doing a bullshit liberal arts degree
>too dumb for academia
>no skills, interests, connections, or experience
>30k+ in debt
What would you do in this situation?

>> No.54619132

it's not ethical but I know the answer
also I said not ethical, not kneepads or bs like that

>> No.54619134

work until you die like the rest of us

>> No.54619237

Nah, not going to be a wagie unless I can make back. Would sooner go hermit mode or join a monastery.

>> No.54619249


>> No.54619307

>go hermit mode
Yes but how will you afford it?
>join a monastery
Are you expecting the other monks to just not use prison gang-style tactics to extort you for beer money?

>> No.54619340

>Are you expecting the other monks to just not use prison gang-style tactics to extort you for beer money?
NGL that sounds like a based monestary

>> No.54619344

Wage for eternity

>> No.54619355

>>too dumb for academia
What's your problem? Bad at maths?

>> No.54619519
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Commit arson, suicide or even treason against the state kek, but that's just me you could simply gamble the little money you probably have into AI garbage or tech, like layer 0, marlin maybe, but idk, it's your call

>> No.54619527

I didn't read a single post in this treahd but i post anyway HAHAHAH LOSERS

>> No.54619536

Stfu nigger faggot

>> No.54619541

>Commit arson, suicide or even treason against the state
Unfathomably based kek

>> No.54619543

I could probably become a school teacher if I put my mind to it but it seems like a hellish dead-end job. Don't have an IQ for anything more intellectual than that.

>> No.54619544

The fuck is layer 0

>> No.54619553

Some retarded shit that was supposed to make web3 faster and better than web2, never happened

>> No.54619554

Somehow I managed to contribue more to the therad than you do, amazing this feels good

>> No.54619562

>layer 0
>marlin maybe
>obvious pajeet shill

>> No.54619567

rug biz niggers you brainlet

>> No.54619569

this is the way

>> No.54619619

>Don't have an IQ for anything more intellectual than that.
What does that even mean? I'm not an expert by any means, but if you really wanted to learn something then you could do it, even putting math aside there's different things you could be doing.

>> No.54619633

Go be a waiter or bartender for a bit. You’ll meet lots of people, make good money and you’ll have time to figure out what you want to do.

>> No.54619739
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>> No.54620806

lmao have you seen who they let into academia these days. just say you're a tranny and you'll be a professor in no time

>> No.54620872

Unironically true

>> No.54621021

Same boat. There’s always law school...

>> No.54621062

OP you are me
You WILL work in IT instead
I went with Psychology I am retarded

>> No.54621098

Learn to code

>> No.54621161

Hustlers university

Checkout with code : a8G6791#

Andrew tate will make you rich with his network of millionaires

>> No.54621201

did you get the degree or not retard?!

>> No.54621205

A Lark made her nest in a field of young wheat. As the days passed, the wheat stalks grew tall and the young birds, too, grew in strength. Then one day, when the ripe golden grain waved in the breeze, the Farmer and his son came into the field.

"This wheat is now ready for reaping," said the Farmer. "We must call in our neighbors and friends to help us harvest it."

The young Larks in their nest close by were much frightened, for they knew they would be in great danger if they did not leave the nest before the reapers came. When the Mother Lark returned with food for them, they told her what they had heard.

"Do not be frightened, children," said the Mother Lark. "If the Farmer said he would call in his neighbors and friends to help him do his work, this -wheat will not be reaped for a while yet."

A few days later, the wheat was so ripe, that when the wind shook the stalks, a hail of wheat grains came rustling down on the young Larks' heads.

"If this wheat is not harvested at once," said the Farmer, "we shall lose half the crop. We cannot wait any longer for help from our friends. Tomorrow we must set to work, ourselves."

When the young Larks told their mother what they had heard that day, she said:

"Then we must be off at once. When a man decides to do his own work and not depend on any one else, then you may be sure there will be no more delay."

There was much fluttering and trying out of wings that afternoon, and at sunrise next day, when the Farmer and his son cut down the grain, they found an empty nest.

Self-help is the best help.

>> No.54621223

Just finish your degree man, you're 3 years in it already. You probably aren't that dumb but you're feeling imposter syndrome.
Take some time and go work a random job, maybe a trade? Maybe bartending? Or even working at a liquor store. Just relax for a bit a get your head back on your shoulders. Things get better.

>> No.54621460

Your young enough that it doesn't really matter; ignore your debt. Maybe mix it up, go be an english teacher somewhere for a year (you can with any degree), settle down, get experience, then re-evaluate your skillset and interests. Really think about what you at least kind of want to do for the rest of your life that is a realistic job which your natural personality traits lend themselves too. You say your too dumb, but you probably are just depressed and unmotivated and down on yourself since you have no real plan or goal. Read what color is my parachute

>> No.54621481

Get an old truck, put a bed in the back and drive to your closest mining area and apply for jobs. Be in the area first before calljng them or applying. I make like 80k a year first year.

>> No.54621577

Not ethical, but learn to be a scalper. You can make millions by buying crucial items that are needed or desired.

A lot of scalpers made millions on those tailor swift concert tickets.

>> No.54621588

Too dumb for academia is a blessing as it's a poison pit. Anons of all intelligence levels must avoid it. The answer is: do whatever you want. That's always the best and hardest thing to do.

>> No.54622283

>no connections
Unironically, use your parents connections, that is how I, as a political science major got a data science job despite not even having a cert for it.
All be it I knew python and took a lot of stats, but you get the idea.

>> No.54622317

oh you'll be makin 'back'...
you'll be makin about twice as much as normal when you let em go bareback.
so don't worry little one. the big boys out there gotchu covered ;)