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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54618610 No.54618610 [Reply] [Original]

How can we profit from all the money laundering happening in Ukraine?

>> No.54618614


>> No.54618684

why can't I find a source for this outside of russian/indian/schizo outlets parroting the same allegations of Seymour (((Hersh))) who cites an anoymous source?

>> No.54618729
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how do I invest in the military-industrial complex?

>> No.54618734

>Why can't you find the mainstream US media reporting on something that goes against its own propaganda.

>> No.54618752

Because it's Russian propaganda.

>> No.54618766


because its shit that never happened

>> No.54618800


>> No.54618865

reporting on something that the most reliable source of the base allegation is a jew using anonymous sources
just becauze zog propaganda is retarded doesnt mean you should go full tilt and believe russian jew propaganda

>> No.54618929

Hersch is american and is an award winning journalist.

>> No.54619121


>> No.54619136
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>the hindustan times

>> No.54619157
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>Russia bros how are we gonna win? It's too much

>> No.54619317

russians don't need to change what they're doing in order to get what they want, it's only a matter of how many of "his" people the comedian actor president zelensky is willing to sacrifice

>> No.54619612

You must be 18 to post here.

>> No.54619680

>it's only a matter of how many of "his" people the comedian actor president zelensky is willing to sacrifice
It's actually only a matter of how much aid Ukraine gets. If reports like these turn out to be true, the west will eventually stop feeding Ukraine weapons, which is what Russia is waiting on. Once that happens, Ukrainian forces won't be able to defend themselves from Russian trebuchet attacks or pikes or whatever the fuck else the Russian military has resorted to using.

>> No.54619696

Both sides do it

>> No.54619699

I don't see anything about this on CNN so it's obviously fake news

>> No.54619763

I'd be very surprised if the west didn't pay any attention to where their money is going. Where the fuck would he deposit 400 million in a way that the west wouldn't notice? China? Lmao. Most of the aid the west is giving is in the form of weapons anyway not cash. 80% chance this is just pure russian propaganda

>> No.54619829

haha, the old anonymous source circlejerk, the russians do it too i guess.

>> No.54619919

Bullish for FTT

>> No.54619977

when were proxy wars not about embezzling tax money? there are literal ex somali warlords and ex iranian bureaucrats involved with the muslim spring takeover of iran that are living peaceful upper middle class lives in canada. all it takes is donating a fee of a couple thousand out of the millions embezzled to a politicians foundation or reelection.

>> No.54620429

They know, they fucking know. They also know about all kinds of shit everywhere but they wont do shit about it unless it's politically useful like knowing if someone paid a whore. That shit gets the priority
There are US funded bio labs in Ukraine too, that fat female that is leading foreign something office admitted it to Marco Rubio. Same for Wuhan labs.
Ruskies are selling fuel to Ukrainians knowingly too.
Have you seen how did the media rat out on their source for those silly leaks? And then those spooks just asked questions about how to prevent these leaks instead asking about the shit in the leaks themselves? And they are legit ex FBI and CIA spooks, it's in their resumes. Mockingbird all over again.
Holland and Merkel admitted they tricked and pushed Ruskies to do the invasion, and blind idiot took that bait.

John McCains widow just admitted that everybody knew about Epstein but they were afraid to say anything.
And then pipeline gets fucked and everybody is afraid to say anything.

Its amazing how much fuckery is going on.

>> No.54620446

>implying he wouldn’t do that
there are still some naive plebbitors on this board it seems
go back you fucking faggots

>> No.54620467

Because the journalist who exposed this in the Panama papers was literally blown up in a car bomb in Malta.

>> No.54620801

wtf do you think ftx was retard?

>> No.54621089

So what's going to happen to all the Ukrainian shill farms when we pivot to Taiwan and we stop sending them aid?

>> No.54621280

Turning WW3 into a grift and leeching off the gullible Mutts while sending goyim into meat grinders is based

>> No.54621316

Ukraine is a black hole in financial reporting. We have absolutely no idea how US funding is being allocated. An audit would be impossible. Just turn a blind eye, goyim.

>> No.54621364
File: 363 KB, 1274x1307, 0DAED78C-F43C-414D-B7CC-EE766AEBABF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa! You mean it’s a color revolution and he was never a real politician? Whoa! The troon you hired to run a country into the ground stole money? Like bros… can we not? Putin literally sounds like a better alternative daily

>> No.54621423

Ukraine's been a fucking dodgy money laundering shithole for longer than it's been whatever heroic defender it's currently being drummed up towards

>> No.54621478

War bonds and defense contractor stocks.

>> No.54621531

>I'd be very surprised if the west didn't pay any attention to where their money is going
oof, you really don't know how the US govt works do you

>> No.54621563

>The West simultaneously has such control over Ukraine that they can push them to war with Russia but also no control over anything the Ukrainians do with the aid

The constant contradictions are always a dead giveaway for Russian propaganda lmao

>> No.54621617

kys rancid pajeet

>> No.54621660

Does it ever bother you how shit in the world always seems to happen at exactly the right moment? Like it's calibrated like an expensive Swiss watch? With no deviations? Think about that

>> No.54621664

>tags three different posts
>none of what they said resembles anything in the epic greentext part
haha it almost looks like a strawman

>> No.54621776

>falls for some really stupid contradictory propaganda
>someone points it out
>can't admit he's a gullible retard
>copes instead
Lmao always the same shit with you people

>> No.54621798

This image makes me feel a strange yet genuine pride.

>> No.54621856

A lot of the stolen Ukraine money is going into the Dubai property market
Most people can't tell the difference between Russians and Ukrainians - and all of the Ukranians in Dubai are speaking Russian and everyone assumes they are Russian.
So yes, look to Dubai. How to make money? Don't know? Pimp out some Ukrainian hoes?

>> No.54621873

America did die. Comparing modern America to America from 1776 is like comparing the British Empire to the UK. We have absolutely nothing in common with the country we were.

>> No.54623162

I'm Croatian and my dad killed spetznatz in the Homeland War on the Lika front, Medak Pocket, one grandpa was literal Ustasha, however I dislike Muslims and other shit
I'm staunchly libertarian capitalist, moved to middle class on my own and I never voted SDP and never will, my parents and grandparents being cofounders of HDZ (illegally, during communism)

Yeah, total Russian asset right here

>> No.54623165

Marry into the Biden family, it's the only way

>> No.54623172

>Lika front, Medak Pocket, one grandpa was literal Ustasha
Which Final Fantasy is this

>> No.54623194

Its Croatian Homeland War in the 1990ies
Grandpa was stationed in Slavonija during WW2.

>> No.54623517
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>the media that walk hand in hand with corrupt politicians (basically all of them) don't report things
oh boy i wonder why

>> No.54623534

Buy a money washer/dryer

>> No.54623794

First two might be true. But you should edit the third to be a gender identity confused black Trans fe-male wearing an LGBT flag for accuracy.

>> No.54623818

Yes I remember all those countries buying Tejas from India as confirmed by those anti-west outlets and how they'll become a superpower by 2020. Totally legit...

>> No.54624537

that's because everyone who's job it is to pay attention is getting a cut retard.

>> No.54625361

The British Empire just moved operations to the US but it looks like they're about ready to cut their losses and move on to the next host.

>> No.54625426

Install your crackhead son as a board member of an energy company.

>> No.54625647

Glowie post

>> No.54625748

Buy LM

>> No.54625810

it's your problem degenerate . go fuck urself cunt

>> No.54625825
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Go back to /k/ shitbirds

>> No.54625951
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gay pride?

>> No.54626018

russian psyop, always remember russia attacked physically first, they walked in. I dont care how corrupt ukraine is, russia needs to be taught, that starting a physical war in this age has consequences.

>> No.54626051

>noooo what do you mean ukraine is a corrupt shithole eastern euro country... this cant be truuuue
are guys some of the people who never heard of ukraine until the war?

>> No.54626062

because it's nonsense

>> No.54626264

You mean like when the USA intervened in the civil war in Yugoslavia, earning itself permanent enemies. How’s your investment in Yugo doing?

>> No.54626378

RTX, LMT, GD, BAE, Leonardo Spa, Boeing, Rheinmetall AG, KTOS, Airbus, Northrop Grumman, L3 Harris, Huntington Ingalls

>> No.54626438

war is cool you faggot ass bitch

>> No.54626479

Short Russia? Kill of the young and make it as miserable as possible to encourage the rest to leave.

>> No.54626492

ok you go fight in one then.

>> No.54626548

I do not consent to have my taxes pay for such low tier NATO propaganda

>> No.54626781

There is a beauty in herpes.

>> No.54628002
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>Asian news International