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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54618474 No.54618474 [Reply] [Original]

>mo money mo fucking seething

I'm well into 6 fig territory. When I was at 40k and my freinds got jobs for like 60-70k I was happy for them. A bit jealous but not seething. Idk how to describe it. Shit just feels off with them. We used to talk shit to each other and now they are hypersensetive all of a sudden. Lots of other things. Over the years as I got better and better jobs and started working out and betting myself in general their attitudes toward me changed..

Also whenever I or anyone posts on this board about making good money from working there are a few posts of just deranged seething. Not even good insults just fucking random jabs which are obviously beacuse the anon is broke..

Even my parents are seething a lil bit..

>> No.54618607

cringe tier: being poor
pleb tier: LARPing as middle/upper class
chad tier: actually being upper class
god tier: actually being upper class but LARPing as poor

>> No.54618613

I know what you mean; but ultimately we all end up the same. Doesn't mater if you're the richest guy in the cemetery. Money is just another coping mechanism, to distract us from death.

>> No.54618632


>> No.54618971

who asked though?

>> No.54619066

you sound like you're a low iq retard who flaunts his wealth any chance he gets (sorry, "flex" in your monkey language)
basically you're being annoying so people are annoyed
as a low iq retard you will now cope by inventing a narrative where i'm poor or something
it's easy to understand you mongs. it's always "muh respect, "muh hataz", "muh game"... you watch movies and shows about drug lords and bank heists and think that stuff is the hottest shit either, don't you
i'll give you props for rising slightly above your station posting in this shithole rather than twitter or facebook
now try to think before you open your mouth

>> No.54619141

>now try to think before you open your mouth
Another seething fag who thinks he's the authority

>> No.54619145

stop posting scat

>> No.54619212

You're supposed to throw a few bones out from time to time to people you trust & respect, I don't mean handouts (handouts normally have a detrimental effect) but business opportunities, I have little side schemes with every one of my close friends and I encourage them to do the same and this was the thing that kept us all together. I remember they seethed the same as how you describe during the 2017 run but I had gotten all the nocoiners in my group in come the 2020 run.

>> No.54619336

You aren't posting any figures so I will. My net worth is about $1.4 million, or $1 million in cash and Bitcoin ONLY with the rest in real estate. I'm married with children and my wife and I own a second home, but this one is in Seoul, not the USA, as well with no mortgage, completely paid off, which would bring the total net worth to about $2 million. On top of this I have a salaried job with total compensation $200k for this year. I am 26 years old.

Now every single time I post openly about my finances on this board I get at least 5 responses saying I'm lying or just angry at me. That being said, OP when I look at you saying "I'm well into 6 fig territory" it's like someone saying to you "I'm well into 4 fig territory". It just feels a little childish. I am competitive, and so are you probably, so of course I'm going to take advantage of any opportunity to prove superiority over year in an empirical way. Take this for what it's worth: Everything you consider impressive is nothing to me because I am better than you in virtually every measurable metric and it's easy for me to be that way. I know all your favorite cultural references, your favorite jokes, all that, and I still have the time to make more money than you and to raise a family. This is why you probably shouldn't bother posting here anymore.

>> No.54619372

this is the way

>> No.54619388

Nice pasta anon. I genuinely hope you're not wasting your life with this mentality. Money allows you to do whatever you want with life, you have an incredible range of options now. Don't waste it on trying to flex and be "better". Just let the money roll in, raise your family and find some things you truly enjoy doing. which really shouldn't be mainstream cultural references or anything like that

>> No.54619480

>I genuinely hope you're not wasting your life with this mentality
It consumes me every single day.
>Find some things you truly enjoy doing
Easier said than done. Most things are relatively easy to figure out, and those that aren't feel unproductive. Most collections are easy to buy immediately, and those that aren't feel like a waste of money.

>> No.54619483

We're they there for the 2020 bear market lol?

>> No.54619496

OP here, I'm 2 years old than u. I'm happy for u and inspired. I listen to musicians and podcasts by people who are younger than me. I know I fucked up early so I'm not going to seeth and hope to catch up 2 u one day

>> No.54619508

extraordinarily based.

>> No.54619559
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It's lonely at the top, just get a good hot girlfriend and you're good to go brother.

>> No.54619570

Can u tell us what u do at least?

>> No.54619580

Therr are no women at my work, I don't want to do online dating. I have no options..

>> No.54619587


>> No.54619591

Then go to clubs or bars. You sound like a whiny incel bitch.

>> No.54619594

kek lmao look at this fucking nuclear wagecuck seethe right here. "we all die so it doesnt matter anyway" hahahaha better get to bed wagie its monday tomorrow!

>> No.54619625

What if I'm poor (no running water in last three years) but LARP as an aristocrat?

>> No.54619822

Sounds like a you problem. You were jealous of them before. Now you got big money most likely expected them to treat you like a king or something but you found out they dont give a fuck and your ego cant take it.

>> No.54619872

consider the mail order bride option

>> No.54620075

Yea, this is increasing problem. Find women on social media, you can find a girl on tinder but it is hard.

>> No.54620659

I'm not photogenic. I think I have a good face but it just doesn't come out the same way on pics. On top of that I have no freidns to take pics of me so it will all be selifes.. I already tried many times.. on top off all that I'm 5'9 manlet which hasn't hindered me until all the woemn went on the dating websites and think they can get the 6'2 chad

>> No.54620671

That's my final resort, nothing is gonna stop me from having a family

>> No.54620717
File: 101 KB, 566x564, 1621674951566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah they're obv jealous but you're also probably acting like a faggot somehow.

Truth is somewhere in between I'm sure.

>> No.54620836

why u post monke instead of pepe

>> No.54620848

yeah everyone around me is seething too it's so weird, it's like they're just not happy for me

>> No.54620867
