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54616774 No.54616774 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest, how many of you guys are losers, or NEETs.

Sometimes I just come here because I honestly don't have any friends; I think I just vent out my frustration here and blame niggers and Jews for things because it's fun and makes me feel better about myself.

Most of the gamers I play with always yell nigger and Jews, and when I look at their Steam profiles they usually have 100+ weekly hours, me included.

I don't have a job, I pretty much just browse here and cycle between four different games. When I lose I always call the opposing team a nigger or a faggot or something offensive, and it got me thinking about how I always made fun of blacks for living off welfare when I live under my parents.

I've never really put thought into this, but am I the only one here like this? Is the redpill just cynicism, not any real truth?

I'm so fucking pathetic, this place is the only place that makes me feel like I have a voice in the world. I tried Reddit once but then I couldn't hold an argument and resorted to name calling, but here everyone is anonymous so I could just post anything without repercussions.

I don't know, but honestly, is anyone here successful, so I know I'm not backing up an ideal consisting of a bunch of failures. Like proof that you go to a good school or a good job, it would make me feel a lot better about myself, I'm having an epiphany.

>> No.54616789

>Sometimes I just come here because I honestly don't have any friends; I think I just vent out my frustration here and blame niggers and Jews for things because it's fun and makes me feel better about myself.
shalom rabbi, wandered here from reddit?

>> No.54616793

Damn, it glows in here.

>> No.54616945
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> loser or neet
I go neet every few years to relax. I have 21 bitcoins.
> friends
friends are for children. you outgrow them and then take aquintances you see sometimes. But friends like how it was in highschool or before. you don't need that as an adult and many times friends will betray you. they are not friends. friends is a meaningless word. its just people you hang out with for a specific period of time. everyone is my friend.

> gamers
I don't play games. I stopped playing at 16 years old. my last game played was counter strike source. gaming is for losers. I rather aquire knowledge or do gardening, working out, meditation. or just plain old going outside and experiencing life.

> I don't have a job, I shout nigger
jobs don't mean anything. you can let go of the nigger demon. its an entity that is embedded attached to your psyche that makes you say nigger. it feeds of emotion/anger from you and the one who is reading the word too.

> am I the only one
who is neet and not really doing much beyond gaming? no.

> I'm so pathetic
You have gotten the life you needed with the challenges laid out for you. You are playing a character. are you going to fail or succeed the missions? your mission could be as simple as "be humble and take care of your parents into old age" others have missions like "make family" and others have "become a spiritual/ascend" The character you play is just the character you play. No one that has even a grain of awareness or worth will look up or down to you for playing the character you are.

>> is anyone here sucessful
succesful is what you make it, for some its being a 40 year wage slave with a mortgage a wife and 2 kids. for others its freedom of all this and travelling the world. for someone else its being a NEET. success is only something you can define for yourself.

>> No.54617011

I'm just broke.

>> No.54617034

i am wildly successful and i come here to blame jews and niggers for things because those are genuine problems

>> No.54617162

I am literally the same except I am extremely succesfull but I go to wage cage 5 days a week, so you are not really missing out on anything. I love to just take off stress on fellow gamers they then say how I am a bitch and get no pussy but the funny part is I am fit and have a beautiful girlfriend that I have sex with regularly It's just brings me joy that their insults are just a reflection of their life

>> No.54617208

wow you are a fucking loser.

i'm 24 and still in undergrad, i just moved back to my parents. i'm also gay and in the closet.

>> No.54617219

Someday I got ridiculed when I couldn't win I a call of duty ranked match, I said I was getting a blowjob from big titty future wifey so i couldnt conencentrate and they all laughed, but I really was

>> No.54617519
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literally didn't read your gay larp lmao
>no porn
>no caffeine
>no inhaling with your mouth
>no sugar, no white flour
>social interaction
>reading new things, philosophy
>strategy and action-rpg vidya
>writing a page for the daily journal
>drumming, playing guitar, singing karaoke
>whistling, improvising, creating new music
>scetching common items in different positions
>using pictures/recalling images from memory
>drawing emotional faces, shading 3d
>empathy, teaching skills
>truth, no negativity
>water with ice
>eggs, oats, nuts
>hard cheese/fish/liver
>onions, olive oil, parsley
>carrot/tough apple after meal
>gelatin jello with grug berry
>long warm shower before bed
>nettle shampoo, aloes honey body cream
>deep pore cleanser/exfoliating face scrub
>herb mint facial mask, coconut conditioner
>electric toothbrush, clean tongue and floss
>not oily nivea cream on hands and feet
>cerave's nigh ream with retinol on face
>melatonine, eye cover mask for bedtime
>growing mother-in-law's tongue next to bed
>30 min meditation with wim hof breathing
>no sleeping on belly, chest or face
>7.5 hours SLEEP
>spreading toes, sun and moon salute
>hot to cold shower
>single blade shave
>sunscreen moisturizer
you got it nigger