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File: 168 KB, 1200x697, LmpwZw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54609075 No.54609075 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the Link FUD suddenly disappear the last few days? Shit was around the clock 24/7 for years. Did the trolls all buy back?

>> No.54609150

Just give a few days they'll be back. I feel we'll never be rid of those faggots until we break ath again.

>> No.54609190
File: 39 KB, 979x141, bulgarianlang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did the Link FUD suddenly disappear the last few days? Shit was around the clock 24/7 for years. Did the trolls all buy back?

They largely weren't trolls. Its been known for a long time there were organized groups paying for what is known as "Short and Distort" campaigns.

This phenomenon has been around since the early days of the stock market even. Anonymous posting on the internet just charged it on steroids. You can't even see accounts past history on here and do analysis of an accounts other posts and age of account to determine who is just disgruntled and who has an objective. Of course that anonymity is why we all are here but it does have some downside.

Regardless, the sudden 90% drop in Chainlink FUD posting should be a dead giveaway that whoever was funding the systemic manufactured FUD has now stopped. If one couldn't already tell it was inorganic this should be necessary confirmation.

Literal Bulgarians. Simeon's name was accidentally in the html text of the Zeus Capital report as well.

>> No.54609206

Absolutely no one cares about your shitcoin.
If you stopped talking about it, it wouldn't be missed.

>> No.54609214

the fud has always cycled on and off. they have to do it this way because if it's nonstop it loses its effectiveness. same reason they pump and dump the price to try and get us to sell.

>> No.54609218
File: 91 KB, 550x260, 1534382654345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's Maren? What is a pink boy? Who is Jason Parser?

>> No.54609229
File: 609 KB, 1125x1995, 53D02A19-6647-4EFA-88AA-2983C810F954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao culties puffing chests about only being down 88%. A cuckold and his money is soon parted

>> No.54609258

Wait, they're here again. Why are they here? I literally dont go in any of the other shitcoin threads to talk shit on it, because that would be a waste of my time. Yet here they are

>> No.54609278

>talks about wasting time
>joined a cult that wastes his time and all his money
>is proud to be a cuckold


>> No.54609337
File: 683 KB, 1649x912, 1681614190644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fud chads have stuff to do sometimes. Not everyone has time to monitor the fud levels at all times

>> No.54609385
File: 868 KB, 1024x652, 1681614247353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a fudder who owns link, reading shit like this always makes me incredibly bearish... Knowing I just fud for fun. Dumb 80 iq brainlets can only make sense of their world view by having a boogie man.
You must be incredibly stupid if you have been on 4chan for years and still unironically believe some illuminati jew Bulgarian whales are fudding your bags.

>> No.54609405

>Wait, they're here again. Why are they here?

Its because I specifically said who they were. They want you to think they are disgruntled investors but its actually paid organized demoralization.

Its like that quote by Goebbels

“The paid bulgarian Fudder is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a paid bulgarian Fudder and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out".”

>> No.54609438

>They want you to think they are disgruntled investors but its actually paid organized demoralization.
Yeah because we all know every link holder is very happy with the price performance. How could anyone be disgruntled with holding LINK?!
Kek peak cognitive dissonance

>> No.54609468

>some illuminati jew Bulgarian whales are fudding your bags
this but unironically. fortunately we're in a timeline where they will inevitably start turning on each other once they realize they picked the losing side.

>> No.54609475


The vast majority of it on here is actually paid FUD. I'm sure there are some disgruntled investors but lets be honest they don't use /biz. They use Twitter and other more mainstream social media channels. If you found LINK from /biz its more than likely you are at least still in profit even if you didn't sell a single token.

>> No.54609499


Just to play along…you think theres an elite group of billionaires out there that believes there is such a rich powerful group against them on the worlds loser forum (biz) and their answer is to send le heckin “bulgarians” here to convince a bunch of retarded stubborn autistic losers to sell their altcoin that no one cares about.

Do I have that about right? Please dont tell me youre so retarded you think you’re going to become a player in world politics because you make a few million pre tax on a shitcoin lottery. Please, please tell me you arent that stupid…

>> No.54609501
File: 56 KB, 1138x343, 200EMABLUELINE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They didn't pick the losing side. Its just a short and distort campaign used for them to cover shorts they took out at much higher prices. Crypto is quite cyclical and LINK follows TA/ pattern formations quite well. It follows them well because deep pockets have been accumulating, distributing, and reaccumulating since the beginning and those patterns can't be hidden on longer frames.

You think something just goes sideways in a tight range for a year straight?

Look at this shit even the 200 EMA became a straight line kek

>> No.54609521

In your mind (the delusional fantasy), who is paying them? How much are they getting paid? Whats their end goal? Bonus points if you articulate all of your answers without an emotional outburst

>> No.54609535


No it was NEXO and actively proven people connected to them are doing guilty. They took out shorts near the highs and wanted to cover them this last year.

Simeon's name was in the Zeus Capital report on accident AND even the bulgarian lang link that guy posted in the pic here>>54609190

There has been many threads on here over time showing further evidence. Archive search would yield results.

This isn't some epic global conspiracy. Just a business that has spread negative sentiment to profit.

Its not even that uncommon and happens all the time in stock and crypto trading.

Anyone can look up the term "Short and Distort".

>> No.54609537

I think the fuddsters go between link and XRP. XRP has increased again recently.

>> No.54609546


refer to


>> No.54609551
File: 77 KB, 569x660, 04957A38-86F4-4D81-A348-E0DBBB343317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, are these the same people shorting/“manipulating” Bed Bath Beyond and Gamestop, or are those separate conspiracies?

>> No.54609586

>Also, are these the same people shorting/“manipulating”

Idk anything about Bed Bath and Beyond or Gamestop. If someone has a vested interest in the price of an asset going down, many will spend money to help that occur. Think of it as an expense of doing business. The guilty parties will make much more in profits than what they spent to drive the negative sentiment.

I just know of the evidence in regards to LINK because its what I'm interested in.

>> No.54609633

it's not a secret how this all works. in fact they're very blatant about it.

>> No.54609637
File: 841 KB, 1125x2136, 8713994C-BC45-48CF-B1AA-7A6816EA2313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im aware of the nexo report, which was over two years ago at this point. Im talking about now, today. Is it still Nexo? Because I havent seen any proof lately if so, and I follow crypto weekly.

And to reiterate again, the idea that someone is spending significant money to fud biz of all places out of an investment, is beyond laughable. Look at the iq of posts here. Its a fucking retard hangout. And the few big brain posters are prob all on the spectrum so they sure as shit arent going to be fudded out of a position because of a cock cage meme.

>> No.54609679


So youre saying hedge funds are posting on biz to get some neet loser to sell his $2,500 position which constitutes his entire life savings. I dont know whether to laugh or shake my head.

For the record I fully understand how manipulation works in markets. We all saw it play out with crypto as a whole when the media used FTX as a reason to discredit the whole industry, for example. My point, again, is the idea that someone is spending significant money running secret campaigns on fucking Biz to fud out the worlds poor losers is beyond laughable.

>> No.54609695

we hold a significant portion of the supply of arguably the most important asset of the 4IR. so yes, it's not unreasonable to think that there is significant money being spent to fud us out of it. i'd have less conviction in link if that wasn't they weren't here doing that.

>> No.54609702

*i'd have less conviction in link if they weren't here doing that.

>> No.54609719


Its well known that out of all the retail level investors, frequent /biz users hold the most. Why would you focus your efforts elsewhere? Its the Pareto Law in effect. 20% of the effort will yield 80% of the results. No point in heavily fudding Twitter or Reddit etc as they hold little in comparison to long time /biz users.


The pic in this post above with the "lang=bulgarian" was just 6 weeks ago. That is quite recent and the post was deleted but not before it was screenshot by many in the thread.

>the idea that someone is spending significant money to fud biz

It doesn't take much money to do this actually. Most of the fudders are obviously ESL. Its not like this likely pays a ton.

You are misconstruing what he posted which was just general evidence that what we are suggesting does take place and often.

What you posted is one type of market manipulation on a large scale. What is happening to LINK is a more targeted small scale. NEXO has shorts to cover and /biz retail holds the LINK. If they want to cover their shorts without adding a ton of buy pressure and thus pumping LINK they need to demoralize others from purchase and even encourage long time holders to sell. Otherwise people will buy as they see it pumping.

>> No.54609775

>he doesn't know the cycle
FUD to prevent people from buying when cheap -> pump -> buttcoin dumps hard before chainlink can hit $10 -> chainlink goes back to $6.66 because it's the satan new world order cyberslavery coin -> FUD resumes and the cycle begins again

>> No.54609927

Bro... Theres only like 3-4 link fudders. I know because i shitpost in link threads. Its not that deep. /biz/ only has like 100 daily posters who are mostly neets.
Even 300 reply threads only get like 50 unique posters max. You guys seriously must be newfags.
Its exactly like with the andy sixx log threads on /b/ its just a couple guys shitposting because it pisses people off.
Its ridiculous to image a cubicle full of jeets/bulgerians making and posting link fud memes in threads that have 10 unique posters.
/biz/ is dead all the alpha moved to private telegrams and discords.

>muh why link?!
because just look at your guys reactions, you dont see any other bagholders sperg out and get butthurt even close to as much as linkfags. Its for the lulz

>> No.54610048

>3-4 fudders
>spam fud full-time for years
>just for the lulz


>> No.54610050


refer to >>54609190

Just 6 weeks ago even Bulgarians were posting link that outed themselves.

>> No.54610065

>still married to Chainlink bags
just sad.

>> No.54610085

The linkfudders completely loss
It's over for them (You)

>> No.54610182

Here's some advice, sell.

>> No.54610241

For the 1000th time, twitter doesn't translate to Bulgarian if you use that language option url, it literally does nothing. You retarded faggots got trolled.

>> No.54610258

Here is a list of languages that actually work in the url. https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-for-websites/supported-languages

>> No.54610291

Literally never selling.

>> No.54610378
File: 47 KB, 1298x572, BulgarianLanguageDisplayTwitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bulgarian language display

>> No.54610457

That isn't the same thing as the URL the troll posted, the URL lang setting only pulls from the languages in my previous post.

>> No.54610620

Sergey failed us.
Why did they not do anything to short squeeze and bankrupt Nexo?
All my efforts were wasted.

>> No.54611001

>paid FUD
do you know where i can apply? making fun of the deluded while getting paid sounds like an amazing gig

>> No.54611512

I have never seen so many people so worried about what other people put their money into. Nothing organic about it.

>> No.54611518

Literally nothing but link spam.

>> No.54611537

>Shitcoin doesn't put anyone in profit except those who bought in 2018 which literally any coin bought in 2018 would give you the same gains except more so in 2021
Literally shit fuds itself, you guys claim "THIS GUYS A BULGARIAN"
I'm from the midwest dumbasses and I've never been paid a penny to fud or promote anything.

>> No.54611582

We just figured you knew by now so we stopped hammering you so hard

>> No.54611865

Nobody is mentally ill enough to spend their free time round the clock posting fud FOR FREE, regardless of whether they own the token or not.

>> No.54611962
File: 2.01 MB, 2560x1900, yes, he does all of this FOR FREE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody is mentally ill enough to spend their free time round the clock posting fud FOR FREE
oh sweaty...

>> No.54613495

You must not have followed Gamestop then. This is the crypto version of that. As Ive previously explain, your ego needs the excuse of the third party, because surely your incredible investing background would never lead you down the path of a cult. The mythological “fudders” are the perfect scapegoat.

>> No.54613508

nobody feeding the trolls anymore.
chainlink is going to lose market share, big time, but its going to be the first time in years that the price has mediocre positive price action

>> No.54613578

Why would it lose market share?

>> No.54613810

WOW, SUPER organic comments right here lads, As an AI language model I can't say that I'm human but these organic comments give me the hope required to sail this $EOY $1000 journey.
The price of chainlink is currently around the $50 dollar area and investors expect big news in what is left of 2021 and all throughout 2022, making a $1000 price target for link fairly realistic. As always, be sure to take the necessary precautions to protect your capital from sudden downside movements by placing "Stop-Loss" orders, you can also check with your broker/exchange for the options they offer to protect your capital against price volatility.

Overall, Chainlink Labs' Chainlink is a strong proponent in the wider Cryptocurrency ecosystem with great upside potential for this upcoming 2022

>> No.54613834

I hope you all live miserable homeless lifes, fucking cunning niggers

>> No.54614242

he's one of those idiots who thinks API3 is gonna make a huge comeback or something

>> No.54614770
File: 28 KB, 1232x380, 1681641868434942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been dying