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54608212 No.54608212 [Reply] [Original]

One day the government will seize crypto like it once did with gold

>> No.54608232
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How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

>> No.54608250
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Only now they also have KYC information from exchanges for almost everyone with crypto.

>> No.54608273

One day the government will seize gold like its done before

>> No.54608314
File: 83 KB, 750x744, NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>letter agency tranny shows up at my door
>wants to take my PMs
>thinks cuz shiny badge will be treated any differently than any other thief

>> No.54608326

Have fun

>> No.54608356

Not everyone is a gutless doormat that lacks principles. There is a line in the sand.

>> No.54608368

I'll still own my bitcoin and your gold will be owned by the state and your wife will be owned by Tyrone.

>> No.54608378
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they won't get mine, i buy it unregistered with cash
no bars, stupid people buy bars, sovereigns only

>> No.54608398

At least you'll have nice looking illegal paperweights that you cannot even leave the country with

>> No.54608402

yeah. the logistics are way harder this time though.

>> No.54608472

>I'll still own my bitcoin
Government says bitcoin being used to fund terrorists. Bitcoin worthless.
> your wife will be owned by Tyrone
Projection cuck fantasy.

>> No.54608487
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>no bars, stupid people buy bars, sovereigns only
Seething bong with no choice because of VAT.

>> No.54608489

the govt saying its worthless doesn't deem it worthless, they already say its for terrorists. USA can ban it and the rest of the world will keep using it.

>> No.54608514

what you planning to do with the bars?
you might get someone to swap it for a chocolate bar

>> No.54608533
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>Thinks world banks will tolerate competition when they roll out their own crypto.

>> No.54608539
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>you might get someone to swap it for a chocolate bar
I'm good.

>> No.54608549

out of my cold dead wallet!
just kidding i don't even have a cold wallet juts thought this was a badass one liner.
i keep my few doge coins in my browser extension which i forgot the password for. i'm a retard.

>> No.54608562

ill trade them for things i want in the upcoming barter economy, they have dates and easily recognisable details
silver and gold coins will be the best things to get what you want/need

>> No.54608575
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>dark chocolate

>> No.54608619

Shelf life of dark chocolate is 3+ years. My negros come sealed in mylar. Lots of time to rotate my stock. Also, milk chocolate is for children and fatties.

>> No.54608650
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>Also, milk chocolate is for children and fatties.

>> No.54608703

>I'd love to hand over my crypto big daddy government but I seem to have lost that little piece of paper with those words on it and I *can't* remember

>> No.54608728

it tastes like shit, people will trade ridiculous items of value for a small luxury in times of suffering

>> No.54608733

Based dark chocolate enjoyer

Milk chocolate is not to be consumed by anyone over the age of 18

>> No.54608816
File: 998 KB, 500x267, Rainman retard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people will trade ridiculous items of value for a small luxury in times of suffering

>eats half rations of Ramen noodles for months on end
>turns nose up at dark chocolate
Sure thing, kiddo.

>> No.54610108

One day I will [REDACTED] every [REDACTED] (((they))) send to seize muh crypto, then I'll drive to the [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] every last [REDACTED] there.

>> No.54610966

>Government says gold is illegal
Gold is worthless

>> No.54611206

>ITT bitcucks pretend like the Bitcoin source code is immutable and the US government doesn't have the power to fork it and ruin it forever
Nice "decentralized" network that can be shut down in an instant
>B-b-but we can still use another fork!
What has happened literally every time someone's tried to fork Bitcoin? Does the fork ever do as well as the "original?"

>> No.54611303

Nope, not with cryptos with decentralized identities and rights.

>> No.54611325

KYC info can literally help the govt track down whoever. However, crypto is evolving, now we are having privacy cryptos and cryptos built for decentralized assets and IDs.

>> No.54611674

Good luck with them trying that with privacy tokens.

>> No.54611687

Yea, cryptos built to shield transactions from outside views like DASH and RAILGUN makes the grade.

>> No.54611785
File: 992 KB, 2832x4248, EWuATRfXkAMBVQ3-topaz-enhance (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone happen to have a high-res version of the order? My googling skills are failing me.