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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54607907 No.54607907 [Reply] [Original]

It’s about fucking time I say. We’re finally getting somewhere. Onboard ze liquidity, ze layer 2 and ze feeless paradigm. Ladies and Gentlemen, we won’t not be eating ze bug. Still early.

>> No.54607917

BNB Bridge got hacked, surely the Ethereum bridge made by a guy in Telegram will work better

>> No.54608023
File: 654 KB, 1325x957, 7CFB05E7-6E79-4688-935C-B7EDE1428119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey hey hey~

>> No.54608100
File: 138 KB, 1077x1056, Screenshot_20230415-203255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did we overpaid?

>> No.54608116
File: 90 KB, 1280x1136, photo_2023-01-12_20-32-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fool me once shame on me
fool me twice well...fuck it! its liquidity farming time lads!! LFG

>> No.54608565

This is the power of community. We got guys learning to code so they can make bridges to the future of web5

>> No.54608778
File: 126 KB, 512x512, thisway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if theres one lesson the bridge hack instilled on the community it was
"dont trust, verify."
This motto is a core tenant in the community and was a harsh lesson to lean but has made the network more durable and robust at every level as a result.

>> No.54608824
File: 436 KB, 452x390, ella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's hilarious how the community would rather circlejerk in telegram than to spend that effort marketing to jeets

did you personally verify any of the code that was merged recently?

>> No.54608839

no i trust verify that george has done that for me

>> No.54608863

did george actually audit all that code?
i dont think so

>> No.54608874

Well its a good thing we have chatGPT to pick up the slack

>> No.54608960
File: 77 KB, 500x500, henlo_lawenforcement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many memes in this community.
Let me list a few.

1. "Don't trust. Verify."
Except Mr. Kaine supposedly did the auditing and nobody else could be bothered to double-check. His word is still law. Decentralized, my ass.

2. Dual PoS+PoW consensus
kek where's the PoW? It's just dPoS, allowing whales to accumulate ungodly amounts of the supply until someone (George) develops sentinels.

3. "It's a community project"
Except 90% of the community sits around asking "wen" and arguing with each other all day like a bunch of faggots. Literally being carried by five people doing all the work.

4. "The aliens know"
my fucking sides


>> No.54609184

I think he did. George is like 50% of the community after all

>> No.54609198

>10% of the community is productive
I dunno that sounds pretty bullish.

>> No.54609250

No, it's three dudes' part time hobbies, a six year old PIVX-fork without smart contracts, and it's only available on Stex where there are a few hundred dollars worth of bids a week.

>> No.54609256
File: 111 KB, 251x179, eto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think he did
>"dont trust, verify" is a core tenant in the community

anon i...

>> No.54609284

Unironically the dev comes in telegram once every six months and tells bagholders to build the rest themselves or fuck off.

>> No.54609345

Talks of the bridge being audited by Chainsafe or Certik is on the Zenon Forum. If that’s something you’re interested in finding more about.

>> No.54609369
File: 84 KB, 221x204, ohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean mr kaine?

he unilaterally leads the project while berating actual contributors for not working fast enough

i don't consider him to be a "dev"

apparently mr kaine said "looks good to me" and it's being deployed before a security audit

>> No.54610210

kaine is playing 4d when you are all in 2d 1996 anime hentai

>> No.54610571


all i see are periodic visits to keep pumping the project with grand delusions of copium

just breadcrumbs, no substance

at this rate, bip 300 will be implemented before anything practical on nom, nullifying all these efforts
>but muh htlc
>but muh bridge

and skeptical bitcoiners will hesitate to participate in PoS ecosystem that is larping as "decentralized with PoW"

on a separate note, i see shazz has woken up
get in here and insult me uwu <3

>> No.54610638

lol cope you say but until kaine brought it up, you all thought a narwhal was some kind of sea mammal you feed your peanuts in a zoo

>> No.54610647

Lmao, now even zenon is kneeling before Ethereum

>> No.54610692
File: 3.86 MB, 459x259, E91135C7-E9C4-4A20-B232-E866F33D85A4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hewoo is an actual nigger
Hewoo is an actual nigger
Hewwo is an actual nigger
Hewoo is an actual nigger