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File: 267 KB, 1280x1600, tumblr_8029bf8b8e45d4f2e8e45915f8c7aedd_9ad30d47_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54607508 No.54607508 [Reply] [Original]

How much bitcoin and/or ethereum to acquire a women such as this?

>> No.54607556


>> No.54607567


>> No.54607576

to rent ? maybe 0.5BTC per month

>> No.54607583

Apparently she only dates japs, Amerimutt

>> No.54607602

Imagine thinking you need money to acquire women when you can literally manipulate them

>> No.54607610


>> No.54607639

Just be non white

>> No.54607652

She only fucks Asian guys btw

>> No.54607672


>> No.54607679



>> No.54607691

That would 20 camels and 10 goats

>> No.54608021

mutts law is real....

>> No.54608061

You just need to be a Saudi prince.

>> No.54608162
File: 179 KB, 1238x872, 1655041015003 ashley model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She only sleeps with Japanese men

>> No.54608179


>> No.54608191

Built for small japanese penusu

>> No.54608196

posts like these dont make angry, they dont make me feel anything. it's like watching the same shit movie for the 100th time. why do people keep reposting their trash forced memes?

>> No.54608275

>children: some day

>> No.54608306

>be surprised when a clearly asiatic eastern slav girl that has been fucked by mongols, has no actual female sexual secondary characteristics, only dates other hairless short weak nerdy losers from an economic zone where people barely have sex

>> No.54608313
File: 138 KB, 500x899, Ashley Ella Freya dutch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's dutch she's not slav

>> No.54608325

That is not anywhere close to a dutch person. Immigrant at best.

>> No.54608328

She's in for a culture shock

>> No.54608345

how much anime/kpop does she consume?

>> No.54608392
File: 136 KB, 740x1213, 740full-asmr-bluekatie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dutch/Jap hapas have slav-ish features and are cute as a button. One o my favorite asmrtists is dutch/jap bluekatie. She mostly whispers in japanese. Hearing a hapa speak her asian tongue is so hot

>> No.54608409


>> No.54608478

A single physical silver dime.

>> No.54608540

About tree fiddy

>> No.54608574

that's a man

>> No.54608685

Niggers have black cum? Gross I thought it was white like every other race. Truly demonic species they are.

>> No.54608915

i married a woman like this and she looks like a goblin at home, always in unsexy pyjamas. we don't have a kid rn but with a kid sex would get weirder. how do you manage this married chuds?

>> No.54608935

just be white

>> No.54609145

1. Communicate your desires in terms of your feelings
2. Frame it in a positive way
3. Buy her the clothes you want her to wear
4. When you're married your life becomes about your kids and less about sex. You will get over it.

>> No.54609511
File: 236 KB, 1058x1411, reviewbrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I think Reviewbrah is so stunning and brave for going through with this transition

>> No.54609540

ftfy gramps

>> No.54609548

$300-$400 an hour

if you're not bored by the third hour, you have mental issues. just rent her/him and get this retarded fantasy out of your head

>> No.54609918

500000 Pesetas

>> No.54609922

this looks dutch

>> No.54609979

Sex is a chore anyway.

>> No.54610238


>> No.54610289

Enough where you can turn it into a lot of hard cash and actually buy her things in the real world and take her on nice vacations.

>> No.54610305

Why would a ‘woman’ of any sort spend time with some crypto faggot? Serious question m, most people are shallow, including women, but no one wants to hang out with some crypto faggot, it’s like hanging out with some faggot that won a scratch off ticket and now thinks he’s gifs gift. Fuck you

>> No.54610314

Someone had to say it. Slow clap sir.

>> No.54610598
File: 387 KB, 720x887, 1681621030369961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much LINK or XRP to acquire this particular woman?

>> No.54610850
File: 50 KB, 609x544, 1677876075963418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, I flex my crypto swag and prove my alpha status by copping some sick bling on Suay and Kud24. After that, it's game over for those bitches. They can't handle the sheer awesomeness of my crypto lifestyle

>> No.54610902

>t. Schizo white incel

Seethe more, i love to creampie pink pussy

>> No.54610915

Also who is this semen demon

>> No.54610950

I'd seethe if she was actually hot (bubble butt nice long legs etc). This is basically a child lookalike slav worth about $10k most can probably be bought off a desperate poor mom somewhere.

>> No.54610957

Anime was a mistake

>> No.54610987

Can get the Ukraine version on Tinder for the price of a plane ticket. They'll do anything to get out of the war zone.

>> No.54611067
File: 2.54 MB, 1873x1063, waifuai-newestt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are obsolete. WaifuAI is the future.

$33k stealth launch, get in! gg/waifuai

>> No.54611319

>when i'm done partying

>> No.54612314
File: 41 KB, 500x370, 1645702974299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got me there