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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54605360 No.54605360 [Reply] [Original]

I have accepted that Pulsechain is never going to launch

>> No.54605374

Oh Ye of little faith, you weren't going to sell for at least a year anyways, so why does it matter if it launches this month or next?

toilet paper hands never make it.

>> No.54605418

I just wanna see some dollar value to give me comfort and not have my money stuck in limbo in perpetuity

>> No.54605497

I bought hex on Day 3 after it was delayed a year. Then I legit forgot about it until it was 2 cents. Followed RH since the long hair top hat days.

RH wants his projects to succeed to badly he will probably use his own money to pump his coins. I sacced 5 digits for pulsechain myself. If you need to see your sac amount go to the checker on V3 testnet. Just have faith, it's coming.

>> No.54605526
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thanks for the kind words anon

>> No.54605549

WAGMI Brother, most of biz lied to themselves and drank the koolaid that hex was a scam, it's ok, they can buy our bags.

>> No.54605692
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I sacced 5k, im set if it does just 10% of what hex did

>> No.54606668

two more weeks

>> No.54606823

It's the half life 3 of crypto.

>> No.54607178


Nigga this ain't Hex. This is a fucking L1 fork they've failed miserably at. 1 year delay? They've already delayed this joke 2 fucking years. Fatfuck and his retard devs will keep finding bugs and excuses too never launch while they're spend all your fucking money for the next 10 years. How do you not realize this is what they're doing? Richard literally hired like 3-4 devs to just keep building testnets to make it look like they're actually working on it but it will never go to mainnet. They will keep dragging it out until this fucking cult of normie faggots finally turn on Dick.

>> No.54607217

It probably will, but everything on it will rug, and Pulsechain will be abandoned. Then RH will be arrested and extradited to the US.

>> No.54607599

You sound really mad that you're about to lose alot of money.

>> No.54608267
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lol, i've accepted that Sora Card is launching soon and I will be able to use my XOR to buy booze