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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54603812 No.54603812 [Reply] [Original]

i have been fudding link for 2 years now, and slowly accumulating link.

wanna know the reason?
it's because i'm never selling link.

yes i know, i can foresee my other fellow fudders coming here and telling me how i missedout on selling at 50$.



now imagine for a second, that you enter my sick mind and fully understand my line of thought, If i'm never selling, to me, the price doesn't matter at all. I literally take joy into seeing weak minded linkies who plan to sell at some point suffer; i know deep down i will never sell, so i will be here holding link in 3, 7, 12 years, the vcs missed out badly on chainlink, so to them they claim that they avoid it, but they cannot afford to missout any longer especially with sergey turning the payup switch.

now i see it this way:

>fud link to make those who plan to sell mad so they dump it earlier (more link for my dca)

> i know that in the long run, the passive kmincome from chainlink is basically passive income from all of defi on all chains. me never selling basically ensures me and all my descendants unlimited wealth

>there is no bad marketing, fud just spreads the word and keeps link threads up every day all day all year, didn't you notice when we stop fudding, the number of link threads dwindles to 0?

> fudding comforts the faggots who have no idea of what chainlink is, or those who hate link into believing that chainlink is shit so we keep out all l the tards that doesn't dyor it's a win for us

>fud puts pressure on the team to go faster and to please its investors, us fudding link embrasses chainlink employees who will work harder and also they will bring critiques from the community into their meeting rooms

i will never sell, vcs will keep fomoing into each link low, creating each time a minecraft tier bedrock that prevents link to go any lower and that bedrock is getting thicker and thicker over time

stay based linkies, and be happy we are doing all this for you

>> No.54603822
File: 1.02 MB, 933x923, ramsy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the token actually isnt needed

>> No.54604067
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Incel manifesto thread

>> No.54604114

>i have been fudding link for 2 years now
No, you've been SHILLING link for 2 years now. But nice try linkie.

>> No.54604127

pink boys, rise up!

>> No.54604143
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the link marines are typical entry level dunning-kruger, their cult like mentality makes em hold on mcfatfuck conditioning.
OP will never make it holding a 2017 dead coin

>> No.54604167
File: 591 KB, 736x981, 1681145683238071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duuuuuuuuuuudddeeeee you have been shilling a shitcoin for 2 years
>duuuuuuudddeeeeee nicee try

OP will never make it anyways he's a midwit cuckold who lusts on sergey using him as a cum rug

>> No.54604298 [DELETED] 

have you ever heard of thegreater good?

you've just admitted to yourself and everyone here that you're no different than a jew

that's just how i see it

>> No.54604527

It's needed for bagholding like OP.

>> No.54604826

yesss, and wanna know whats better? me bagholding, it makes nostinkers seeethe

>> No.54605684
File: 355 KB, 607x925, 1681589052070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yesss, and wanna know whats better? me bagholding, it makes nostinkers seeethe
I encourage you guys to baghold and buy more. I love the entertainment

>> No.54605701
File: 912 KB, 2040x1197, 1681001300253019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Linkies never sell their bags

Their shitcoin is pure entertainment for all of /biz/

>> No.54605924

that's what i do every 2 weeks bro. i never stop buying.

wanna know what's funnier? right now i am entertainment to you, tommottow you will be enyertainment for me.

>> No.54606886
File: 260 KB, 680x680, 1681596815741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanna know what's funnier? right now i am entertainment to you, tommottow you will be enyertainment for me.

>> No.54607986

linkies are deluded faggots

>> No.54608131

Diamond hands always kept bagholding at last after rug pull

>> No.54608449

>doesn't know diff between fud n shillin
Lol. Lmao even

>> No.54608526

i think linkies will never make it, and OP is a giant faggot even thoug he is ME, listen to me this isnt incompatible, in fact it IS compatible, because i know i will make it no matter what chainlink is the best investment in crypto, and i am convinced that all linkies will get rekt except me because I will never sell my link.