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54602950 No.54602950 [Reply] [Original]

I cannot imagine having to go somewhere at a specific time to do something for someone all day every day for ~40 years just to survive
This occurred to me when I started thinking about the prison-like nature of my college experience thus far and how frustrating it's been; then I realized this is a (comparatively mild and lenient) microcosm of most first worlders' entire lives

>> No.54602977

It's easier than having to gather or hunt your own food every day.

>> No.54603007

Yep. People cope massively video games, bars, television. Everyone is feeling inflation and absurd rent prices. The world lacks meaning as cliche as it sounds people in the first world just exist to consume now. Buy TRUFF to profit off the upcoming shroom boom where normies try to search for meaning

>> No.54603061

Is the average BTC just 10k? (Business and Financially speaking)

>> No.54603122

>the prison-like nature of my college experience

anon if you think college was bad and prison-like, life only gets worse from here on out. seriously consider kys. this is 110% financial advice.

>> No.54603129

Yeah I'd kill myself any given day except I've got a family to care for. I found getting a CDL helped because I don't mind driving around and the pay is decent, and it doesn't really feel the same as sucking fucking dick in an office or whatever.

>> No.54603130

If you had brains you'd study aboard and fuck da foreign girls in da pooper. Yes, things don't get better. And if you get laid off you get left behind by the people who were lucky and didn't get laid off.

>> No.54603138

Having a job can give a sense of purpose and satisfaction. Its also good karma to help others.

Its too much like hard work for me though so fuck that.

>> No.54603150

And yeah OP you have no clue how exponentially fucked it gets from here. You'll think you're sad in two years, but it will continue to get even worse until you're numb to a lot of it. You'll beg for death that cannot come

>> No.54603215
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The fact that you’re already this distressed about college doesn’t bode well for you.

I went to an Ivy League school and found the experience so easy and freeing and fun. Aside from a few difficult courses/projects that really stick out in my mind, college was pure fun and irresponsibility. Nothing “jail-like” about it. Im sorry your experience has been so distressing.

As for work, I work from home. With no threat of returning to the office bc my company has no central office. I don’t enjoy my work, but whenever I’m stressed out I can just step away and sit in the backyard in the sun for a few minutes. Overall, it really isn’t that bad. I’m far from miserable.

You can make a life that works for you. But, like I was saying, if you’re already this miserable in school I think it doesn’t bode well. Potentially indicates you need to change what you’re studying, make some more friends etc.

>> No.54603241

>> catching a few fish some days a week is hard.

>> No.54603269

The average person is 100iq (or lower). Ignorance is bliss

>> No.54603373

Every neet I know IRL has been a depressed loser with no money and life. You wont even be able to survive in the next few years as cost of living continues to rise and your welfare payments stay flat.

>> No.54603488

>Potentially indicates you need to change what you’re studying, make some more friends etc.
Yeah, I am quite shy + mild autism and don't have any friends. Even though I don't have an intrinsic interest in any of the clubs here I think I will start forcing myself to go to just to try to meet people and quell loneliness

>> No.54603517
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bro anon, i hope you and only you get to see this but i'll share a story to show you how bad it really gets

>live in norway
>decide fuck it, wanna go out
>good for economic jobs, away from the west with just as good if not higher standards of living
>business economics
>best 4 years, if you exclude corona
>last year can't decide if stay or go, mainly because all family and friends in the west
>japan is best for me, but for me alone and i'll be in fact, alone
>decide fuck it, back to norway
>it's been months, almost a year by now
>no job
>no interviews
>don't receive any feedback from when i send CV's
>don't want gibs, not a nigger
>can't go back, no permanent visa/work visa
>living off 5 usd a day for food in worlds most expensive country
>70k usd debt
>refuse to work in retail grocery shop, "work" as football ref, 100 usd a week
>any degree from outside the country is nullified
>just did my weekly shopping for 25 usd

anyways, here you go OP. enjoy the ride. In a year, all dreams crushed, all hopes vanished, live daily as despair man. Luckily i have friends i hang out with, sometimes

>> No.54603523

How many fish did you catch today?

>> No.54603916

hard life lesson. Never look back.
>life is simple you make choices and you never look back
there's two ways to take this, in japan i would have stayed and never looked back to norway. Move somewhere new if you want a change, a social life.
Secondly, you have made your decision, stop pining for japan, thinking what ifs, move again, do something else, stop withering in self pity. Things will be shit for a while, then they'll be better.

>> No.54603934

college was amazing, surrounded by a bunch of people your age, young and optimistic about the future. No one really took anything too seriously

Once you get into wagiedom, the whole experience flips on its head. People your age are rare, most people are jaded and disillusioned, and everyone takes everything way too seriously.

Might have to become that creepy late 20s boomer and go back to college again

>> No.54604005

>don't have any friends
Make some friends. And KEEP them if you can. Difficult I know but just stay in touch, chat with them online. That's the most important part of college. All the best experiences I can look back on were with/because of frens in college. I've completely disconnected from everyone I met and I frequently think about them, wondering where they are now in life. This coming from an INTJ.. don't disconnect anon

>> No.54604025

how many fish did YOU catch?
>verifocation not required

>> No.54604038

thanks anon, but that's basically what i've got to do, as you say.
I couldve been happy alone, or sad with others. I wanted to believe i could get both by being happy with others but it was definitely not meant to be. Regardless I'm happy knowing i've got people who got my back if I were to take a fall, some day

>> No.54604744

What keeps you going?
And what do you eat for $5 USD per day in an expensive country?

>> No.54604905

just cooked my one meal a day
either rice with chicken, or pasta with the pesto sauce. Meat with pasta is optional as it is more expensive but worth it. Apples and bananas if i get hungry. there's also this thing called fiskegrateng for 2 usd, fish with pasta, 50mins in the oven. a decent small meal
fixing these things definitely beats waging.

>> No.54605753

you're so based for this. I especially liked the
> >don't want gibs, not a nigger

>> No.54605782


Most people are able to fit in with others in an office environment and genuinely enjoy it. Then you get the likes of us who get our social interaction through 4chan because we're not socially acceptable / wanted by others.

>> No.54605844

Jesus Christ Anon, just go back to Japan. Go teach English in Korea or China or what ever. Fuck the debt. Get out and start fresh. What do you have to lose at this point? If you give up, that's on you, when you already know there's another life waiting for you.

>> No.54605979
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checked, i'll look into it. I applied recently for a HR roastie position there, so i'm intrigued to see how that goes. English teaching is also an option