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54601646 No.54601646 [Reply] [Original]

How close were they to changing the banking system and waking the goys up? It seems that gender politics started as a massive psyop to get it under control and look where we are now, the common man is more divided than ever despite being on the same team. Was anyone on the ground floor during the protests? How did the glowies kill it so fast?

>> No.54601774

Peter Schiff shut it down.

>> No.54601787

Answer this: what was the goal of 'Occupy Wall St'?

>> No.54601801

never stood a chance. america is a nation of shabbos goyim who feel pride, even a sense of purpose, in slaving for their jewish masters. a common offhand remark you'll often overhear is "don't these people have a job."

oh and before anyone accuses me of being a communist or a socialist, i can guarantee that i have and make more money than you.

>> No.54601824

Accountability for the GFC

>> No.54601859
File: 133 KB, 750x948, af0118b5-b7ac-4508-92d6-307ddf9c8a06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it s 2023 fren. adapt

>> No.54601892
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This. It was a globohomo psyop to get Wall Street to fall in line.

>> No.54601901

Fall in line with what?

>> No.54601904

Wait, all women should wear burqas

>> No.54602274
File: 89 KB, 800x617, violence_supreme_authority_starship_troopers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of millenicuck hipsters trying to manifest the 90s back.
Blackrock was gonna buy up everything and ESG the shit out of it anyway, and wokeness comes naturally to people because its easier to shit on your fellow man for privilege points than to stand together and risk fighting.
The cucks arguing that woke was engineered to defuse Occupy are coping for relevance.
We live in a society, always have been, always will.
Also this thread is so fucking OT.

>> No.54602286

Not only gender but race as well.
The racially segregated working groups were the beginning of the end. I think the Native American work group was the first, not sure.
By the time the Spokes Council (power move) came along it was over.
There was also a sort of prioritizing in the stack by race & gender, but I believe that was originally proposed by a racially segregated work group, so my timeline should be correct.
I don't know who successfully infiltrated and made this happen, but my prime suspects are
>the Denocratic Party
>the unions
Both of whom had tried unsuccessfully to co opt the movement, and were not at all accepted or liked within OWS.

>> No.54602296

A new government of the people, by the people and for the people.
>When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for the economically weaker to alter the bonds which have connected them with the economically stronger, and to assume a separate and equal status to which the laws of nature entitle them, a decent respect for the opinion of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to this alteration. Our grievances do not concern a foreign prince but a minority of our fellow citizens.

>> No.54602300

<---- >>>/pol/ is that way

>> No.54602309

>The cucks arguing that woke was engineered to defuse Occupy are coping for relevance
But wokeness started right after OWS. It had to be pushed by some entity