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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54600985 No.54600985 [Reply] [Original]







>> No.54601003

So what will you do if you aren't willing to work?

>> No.54601010

i’m so sick of you subhumans who obviously fell prey to russian and chink demoralization on 4trans spreading your disease.

>> No.54601479

Then you have the wrong job

>> No.54601593

in the 1800s 95%+ of american owned and operated their own business. you have been systematically sabotaged to be a slave. you can unparalyze your brain and interact with the market directly. unlock the GOLDEN HANDCUFFS

>> No.54601689
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human beings have had to work to survive since the beginning of time. if you didn't work to survive then you die.

so fucking die

>> No.54601701

Just simply NOT work, that's it

>> No.54601711

>duuuude just find a good job and you'll enjoy not being in charge of your life 8 hours a day every day of your life
I fell for that meme once. Never again. Live free or DIE

>> No.54601721

cave men didnt have half their wealth stolen through taxes and the other half inflated away. cave men didnt work 9-5s. humans mostly hang out and shoot the shit. they spend one day tending their crops and then enjoy the weather

>> No.54601730

You are a slave.

>> No.54601731

WRONG. Humans had to grow things, hunt, fish, build, that's not work. There's no cunt in a suit telling you what to do and when to wake up. Only slaves had that. Everyone else just did things for themselves as they saw fit, to keep themselves fed and sheltered. That ain't work, that's entrepreneurship. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, that's based

>> No.54601738

You're either too ambitious or just plain lazy.
Either way, work would be good for you no matter what and there's no excuses for not working unless you are literally crippled in some way, and even then there are crippled people that work.

>> No.54601748
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no they spent hours hunting and gathering just to watch a deer or a squirrel get away and laugh while they go to sleep on a starving belly

they farmed for days just to watch their crops get eaten by bugs and rabbits or killed by droughts.

Work is literally essential for survival. If you don't work you die. It's simple.

>> No.54601753

find a job with purpose (they do exist I swear)

>> No.54601757

And yet they still didn't have a cunt in suit telling them what to do.
>nooo but it was hard
That's not the problem. The problem is not being free. Hardship is fine if you're the one in control, not the cunt in the suit

>> No.54601762
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>> No.54601790

gardening and hiking are relaxing hobbies, they arent the same as modern wage slavery. imagine spending a month "working" to build a cabin and then getting to live in it and enjoy the fruits of your labours. and then helping your neighbour do the same

>> No.54601795
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>omg le cunt in a le suit
You don't have to work. No one is forcing you. Nature just says if you don't you'll probably get eaten. Only the strong survive. Just like a fish doesn't have to avoid getting eaten by another fish, they can just give up and accept their fate. Some living things were just meant to be food.

Like (You)

>> No.54601796

There’s enough abundance to get by with 10 hours a week. Don’t be a slave to the rich.

>> No.54601814

My dudes cavemen quickly formed packs and you would be the beta caveman told to shovel the tribes shit into a hole whilst the alpha Chad caveman plows all the fertile pawg cavewoman

Cope and seethe

>> No.54601828

Supply and demand and limited resources indicate otherwise

>> No.54601827


>> No.54601830

This pretty much. Neets are technically subhuman

>> No.54601839

I make minimum wage and i like my job, guess im a cuck.

>> No.54601841

>unless you submit to a cunt in a suit you will die
I already said, live free or DIE. If you give 8 hours a day to a cunt in a suit your already ded

>> No.54601849

>ummm actually cavemen hanged out with friends on hunts so it's totally fine that I do what some cunt in a suit tells me to do for 8 hours every day

>> No.54601858

T. Neet incel playing bing bing wahoo

>> No.54601862

There's no resource more limited than your time on this planet. Your trading this for a nicer brand of clothes or vehicle

>> No.54601871

I make $42/hr as an electrician at a factory. I'm working this weekend, but after Sunday I'll be off until next Friday. It's all relative niggas

>> No.54601872

>Hanged out with friends

Oh you poor naive soul

>He thinks it was like his favourite mmo


>> No.54601873

t. poster on 4channel.org in 2023

>> No.54601882

Tbh I'm trading it for privacy and a nice house + good future for family

That's all that matters in the modern world, not what le epic fight club movie told you lmao

>> No.54601883

Anon I know for a fact you haven't experienced caveman life why are you speaking in a patronizing voice as if you have personal experience being a caveman? Is it because you're used to lying about your qualifications?

>> No.54601885

you'd probably be happier with meaningful work where you feel useful that pays well and gives you a lot of time off over no work at all

>> No.54601895

>bing bing wahooo!
>So anyway guys if I was a caveman I'd totally fit right in with all the hunting and stuff
>*Stuffs face with Cheetos whilst tapping at his gaymer keyboard*

Wow sure fooled me

>> No.54601896

Fuck this board is filled with seething pussies. There are jobs that don't require you to sell your soul in an office/cubicle. Just do landscaping. You get fresh air, sunlight, exercise, and you get paid.

>> No.54601899

good goy

>> No.54601903
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gardening and hiking are only hobbies now because of our technological advancements. These technologies now require different kinds of work to stay running so we don't have to go back to being hunter gatherers. That's what we do now. We work to keep our civilization and technologies afloat. Everyone has a part to play.

then don't work. when your over-coddling parents die what do you think will happen? someone else is going to take you in and take care of you? no you'll be homeless and doing what our ancestors did, hunting and gathering. there are about 3 homeless people right down on my street that can testify to this

>> No.54601906

>Anon I know you havent lived as a deer who got his throat ripped out by a predator how do you know it's bad?????


>> No.54601912

Primitive people "work" 3 hours a day.

>> No.54601914

Poverty incel goy

>> No.54601918

Primitive people "work" three hours a day with people they love and know and not for Mr. Shekelschwein.

>> No.54601948

>Immediately imagines other men having sex
Have you told your parents you're a homosexual?

>> No.54601963

And now we work 8 hours for central heating, cars, processed food, and fat ass wife to fuck

Problem? Go and sleep in a tent in the woods (better life than caveman) maybe beg for money for cheap food too

Or just cry all day about it lmao

>> No.54601972

>Triggered beta cuck


>> No.54601980

No, I cant live like a hunter gatherer in this ant heap with my family. Kys.

>> No.54602022

>Seething schizo word salad

Oh dear

>> No.54602066

Concession accepted. Now go back in the wage cage, peasantcel.

>> No.54602131

you can just errr work for yourself like a real white man

>> No.54602142

I refuse to work for a system which is systematically set out to destroy my way of life

>> No.54602216

>gardening and hiking are relaxing hobbies
Pulling an ard for 10 hours is not, however. You can smell urbanites from 100 miles away, because only an absolute imbecile would seriously want to be a pre-industrial peasant.

>> No.54602241

I fucking hope social secuity collapses, so you can experience you epic survival of the fittest fantasies. Have fun living in your Hobbesian state of nature once that happens, because that's the reality of hobo life in the modern world

>> No.54602307

>hurr durr
Even Niggerzuela has welfare.

>> No.54602368

Whoops seething schizo is mad

Maybe if you save frugally for 5 years you can upgrade your graphics card to a t7266 eventually !

Bing bing wahoo!

>> No.54602375
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These anons are Tedpilled. Modern day work is a surrogate activity

>> No.54602388

This Manlet literally went insane from being short and not getting pussy lmao

>> No.54602395

no, it was from the MKUltra experiments

>> No.54602503

Every incel in the world went mad from lack of pussy. No exceptions. Same with McVeigh etc

Then they go on these surrogate crusades out of butthurt

>> No.54602615
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The problem has gone on long enough. It's time for the government to start providing incels with state-mandated girlfriends to keep them from becoming terrorists

>> No.54602685

Nobody in this thread can survive as a caveman for over a day

>> No.54603114

Anon, call me crazy, but I've learned that you can unironically just live by a code in life. I'm 23 and I haven't worked a job since I was 19. And guess what? I don't intend to work ever again. At least, not for a boss. I'm hoping UBI eventually becomes a thing, but it it doesn't? That's no skin off my back. You have to live by what you believe in.

>> No.54603354

So many goycattle in thread. Thank you for doing your part!

>> No.54603369

Collect free gibs. If brown people and women can do this then I can to.

>> No.54603383

The difference was that we reaped full benefits of our work back in the day. Now we literally have to slave so that Jews and brown people can survive and we get scraps in return

>> No.54603414

This Anon knows, and there is even evidence that suggest living like cavemen is good for the spirit and there is no depression when you look at the tribes of the Amazon for example, they are all happy and enjoy life.

>> No.54603461


>> No.54603470

so every business was just one guy doing something? cause if 95% of people own their own business then no one is an employee.

>> No.54603529
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>> No.54603622

Have you tried not being poor? You don't have to work much at all unless you have no money.

>> No.54603636

>Have you tried not being poor?
Yes. It's a lot harder than just typing don't be poor.

>> No.54603665

no we didn't


>> No.54603678

Were talking about modern day you dumb slave

>> No.54603732

Soda and Frappuccinos are making the world lazy, stop drinking them and break the shackles!

>> No.54603820

You don’t have to work. Go ahead and starve to death. It’s the natural thing to do.

>> No.54603825

i work so that i have freedom

>> No.54603898

still better than school. I remember being so eager to just work instead of going to school.

>> No.54604725
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>find the right job
>get replaced by ai
>ai pajeets tell you to find the right job

>> No.54605772


best post I've ever read on 4chan. Finally someone gets it.

>> No.54606925

Oh okay I'll go to work 40 hours a week while billionaries sit on their yachts making 50% profit annually from being jewish and having jewish friends in the Fed. Yeah that sounds like a good arrangement I should go along with.

>> No.54606979

then partner up with me and let's fucking rug biz for millions, a faggot rugged 80+ million (as of 2021) and was tracked on chain by biztards but still he fucked (us) lol
you provide liquidity I'll provide smart contracts, websites and dapss