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54600335 No.54600335 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Discuss Chainlink

>> No.54600352

What is there to discuss? we're stuck waiting for the fatman to deliver anything

>> No.54600355

What’s there to discuss anymore? The project id doing fine but only the price is shit.
I think we’d have a better time discussing SCALE/BUILD projects.

>> No.54600357

sold my arb for LINK today

>> No.54600361
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>> No.54600362

I like Chainlink

>> No.54600395

The token is needed.

>> No.54600397

No institutional adoption until DECO and the last DECO update gave the impression it was years away.
I’m learning woodworking and modular synth construction to pass the time.

>> No.54600406

Price ever to end reverse?

>> No.54600413

Where to start with modular synth construction, are you learning systems or what?

>> No.54600432


>> No.54600478
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It's mindblowing to me that still to this day so few people in the crypto sphere, and that includes so-called experts, are paying attention to Chainlink,

1. when it's already established a monopoly on the foundational infrastructure/service provisioning slice of the whole pie, meaning it's at the core of most dapps, on most chains/layers, instead of being limited to a niche ecosystem. It's the ultimate backend pipeline play, aka the safest long-term play for patient investors instead of a short-term gambling play based on frontend hype.

2. how by offering a whole suite of different but complimentary products they've secured an obvious moat by locking customers in their ecosystem; meaning a competitor would have to replicate the entire suite or introduce a new attack surface, which long-term will become less and less viable

3. when they're recently started signaling monetization efforts which combined with their actual customer adoption indicates one of the (if not THE) strongest avenues for legitimately sustainable profit generation and value capture in this entire industry WHICH should theoretically trickle down to token holders eventually via staking APR (such as BUIDL airdrops)

4. when, by virtue of being a suite of layer agnostic scalable services, instead of a single static offering (eg, a blockchain or a protocol), they can continue to grow, capture more markets, fuel new narratives, etc. ensuring it's one of the (if not THE) safest long-term bets in this entire industry. What's even crazier to me, is their upcoming products promise to disrupt and create new emerging possibilities in the industry at exponential pace. (ie, CCIP, FSS, DECO, etc. are true innovations, not another L1 or dapp fork, adoption will usher in innovations that aren't foreseen and priced in yet)

5. how they've had virtually no competition in this field for the longest time BUT extremely important players have recently started their offensive to catch up, validating the revenue thesis

>> No.54600501

i'm currently in linkie limbo.
please sergey let me begin my new or rug me.

>> No.54600517

This. We're now in 2023 waiting for proper staking, ccip, deco, mixicles, tsigs, oracle, swift etc etc. There's literally nothing that will change until something happens.

>> No.54600566


Though it's still completely insane how Link isn't at least rank 5 or 4 based on everything that actually is live right now.

>> No.54600576

True in a sense because in terms of real usefulness it should basically behind BTC and whatever L1 wins out - but right now with no material delivery it's still highly speculation dependent for value and other meme projects are beating it on that.

>> No.54600579

>it's still completely insane
At some point even the most deluded bagholders (You) will be forced to align their perception to reality.

>> No.54600587

XRP and ADA have like 0.1% the adoption and usage of Chainlink right now.
Sooner or later reality prevails.

>> No.54600591

I have 1000 linkies is that enough

>> No.54600595

All 3 of them are vaporware.
Keep doubling down on your delusional ramblings.

>> No.54600597

My city has a local scene that runs workshops that are very beginner friendly. Literally just doing some basic principles and soldering at the moment but there are a lot of obsessives who are happy to help where I live.

>> No.54600620

>All 3 of them are vaporware.
Except two of them are 1000x more vaporous, yet are firmly in the top 10.

>> No.54600647

Just because some vaporware shit managed to x1000 it doesn't mean your shitcoin deserves to pump again, it already did 3 years ago and you missed it.
Keep whining about scams outperforming your favourite scam.

>> No.54600660

Any investment "deserves" to pump based on what they actually accomplish.
Not some imaginary timeline you made up in your head.

>> No.54600674

You and me both, man. There was a point a couple of years ago where the information asymmetry been /biz/ autists and the rest of the market was somewhat justified, given how hyper fixated we’d been on every single bit of LINK news while everyone else was oblivious.
But these days the publicly available information is absolutely immense. The adoption metrics, the uniqueness of the offering, the lack of competition. None of this is speculative any more. But the level of general understanding is still close to nil.
The only thing I can tell myself to make sense of it is that maybe there are other areas that are highly monetisable but get no attention as well. Things like decentralised storage (Filecoin/Arweave/IPFS etc) may be huge deals but they are also pretty dry and technical and almost nobody is incredibly excited about them specifically. And maybe Chainlink just gets lumped in with them as another niche technical solution that works, and works well, but is a fringe part of the general narrative.
But if you’re one of Chainlink’s many existing clients and you’re buying LINK to use their services, and you understand that adoption is increasing exponentially, then surely it’s in your interests to stockpile as much LINK as you can while it’s cheap so you can continue using the chainlink toolkit long into the future.
Like if you could buy electricity tokens that entitled you to x amount of electricity, and you knew the price of electricity was going to increase, you would want a stash of those tokens.
But we’re not seeing that at all. Where are the devs beginning to horde LINK? Where are the VCs anticipating this and buying millions? Why are we still seemingly the only ones who get it even after all this time and after all of these insane confirmations of what is clearly and irrefutably happening?

>> No.54600715

>Wahhh it "deserves" to pump
Complete nonsense, keep waiting for your "well deserved pump" while every shitcoin under the sun leaves you *inexplicably* behind.

>> No.54600720

In may be happening now. LINK consistently has top 10 volume day in and day out.

>> No.54600722

>>Wahhh it "deserves" to pump
lol you're the one who brought up the word "deserves".

>> No.54600930

Agreed, I’m genuinely baffled. Maybe we were the greater fools after all? Though imagine if any other coin had Faceberg, Google and Microsoft stating that they’ll use your services for their web3 stuff and SWIFT and DTCC saying they are excited to work with you.

>> No.54600943

This pic literally saved Chainlink. Can't believe they took so much time to get it out. Only up from here

>> No.54600976

We’re not the greater fools, though. That’s the thing. There’s literally zero chance we have this wrong.

>> No.54601194

The team is transitioning to a pay to access network for established teams now. Since there is a need for teams to buy the token going forwards it gets more value locked in.

>> No.54601282

I can't believe it's from a presentation which they refuse to officially release though.

>> No.54601320

What do you mean? This is their new Economics why wouldn't they show it to everyone?

>> No.54601527

I'm pretty sure the OP diagram is from their recent Coinbase presentation, which is available for Coinbase insiders only.

>> No.54601582

I see it like this: Imagine you'e in a PvP computer game where in the main game arena you're up against multiple very strong opponents. If your character in the main arena is killed, the game is over and you have to start from scratch.
Before you enter the game arena, you have a training arena where you can't play against other players, but you can build up your stats.
Say you want to be the #1 player in the world. How long do you stay in the training arena? The answer is basically "as long as possible". Every single possible stat increase you can milk before you enter the arena is to your advantage, and given you want to be as strong as the game will possibly allow, this means you want to optimise your character in the training arena for as long as the game will let you.

Until the cover gets pulled off and the world realises what Chainlink actually is, Chainlink is in the training arena. So how much moat, how much warchest, how much money, how much market dominance, how many features, how much regulatory resilience, how much political support, how many industry integrations, how much talent, how much control does Chainlink want before it actually steps into the limelight and attracts the sort of hostility that a global truth machine will inevitably attract?
As much as possible. It wants to be as big and as untouchable and as well resourced and as connected as it can possibly be when those covers come off. And while they are making progress on all of those fronts, while staying almost completely out of the limelight, why would they change that?

>> No.54601609

Based following in John Maus' footsteps

>> No.54601884


There are no incentives for anyone to buy the token.

>> No.54601911

Newfag question, if the technology is so critical and important how does it translate to price? How do token holders benefit?

>> No.54601919

Users have to buy the token directly if they want to use functions, keepers, VRF, custom DONs, ...
Users don't have to buy the token directly to use the main feeds, but they do pay for them indirectly.

In short: you're an idiot.

see above.

Also ask yourself how the technology and criticality of Bitcoin translates to the price of BTC.

>> No.54601993
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>> No.54602037

>you have to buy the token for all services except the ones that are actually currently massively used

So yeah, not that much incentives to buy the token. Maybe when as a stakers you get all the shared fees then yeah will be worth buying it just to stake

>> No.54602091

we still don't have the chatGPT equivalent in crypto that everyone wants to use

>> No.54602165

>except the ones that are actually currently massively used
You're buying tokens for these as well, indirectly.

>> No.54602276

Is 1k link enough to make it?

>> No.54602322

it isn't, that's just the narrative bagholders have created to cope

>> No.54602326

plz is 5.5k link enough to make it?

>> No.54602341

>it isn't
It is.
So critical in fact that users are describing the recent usage fee hike as "blackmail".

>> No.54602360

what users?

>> No.54602378


>> No.54602399

like I said, imaginary bagholder narratives revolving around millions of users adopting this vaporware technology yet the price is seemingly unaffected

>> No.54602401


>> No.54602416

I think it's time you step outside of your little fud echo chamber lol
Chainlink is one of the most-adopted cryptos in existence.

>> No.54602419

by whom?

>> No.54602421

The thing is, the main game arena gives huge buffs to those who enter first. You can't stay in the training arena forever.

>> No.54602427

Bing it.

>> No.54602429

why you guys even answer these low effort fudsters

>> No.54602432

Teams behind ponzis use market makers to pump their coins. I don’t believe Chainlink does this. That’s why it doesn’t trade like other projects.

>> No.54602434

you seriously can't even name one out of the millions of users?

>> No.54602442

You're right, I can't. I made it all up.

>> No.54602462

the question is fairly simple, it is baffling how you avoid answering it
you said it's one of the most adopted cryptos, who exactly is adopting it? and what are the other most adopted cryptos by your definition?
pretty ironic you accused me of being in a "bubble", it seems the only one in a bubble is you

>> No.54602481

>who exactly is adopting it?
Nobody, I lied.

>> No.54602506

truly bizarre behavior, I guess you're used to spouting outrageous and ridiculous statements as facts all the time and nobody ever bothers to address them kek

>> No.54602511

You're obviously playing a game. You feign ignorance, you refuse to look anything up yourself. Whatever that anon mentions you will tear down and pil pull your way out of till the cows come home. He chose the only winning move, which is to not play your game at all.

>> No.54602527

if you can't back up a statement with facts, it's better to stay silent and say nothing at all

>> No.54602532

Is your Google broken or something?

>> No.54602561

Chainlink is the most integrated crypto in existence. No, I won't provide source. How does that make you feel? You have 2 choices: either you seethe or you confirm/deboonk it yourself.

>> No.54602584

are those the millions of users and the massive adoption you keep inferring to?
So it's literally money laundering crypto startups adopting crypto startups in a self enclosed wash trading loop with zero consequences IRL?
At least with BTC I can actually pay for real things.
I understand now why you all together avoid bringing them up by name, it would become immediately apparent how paper-thin this entire marketing facade is in reality.
like I said, bagholder narratives created to cope with the abysmal PA, many such cases

>> No.54602602

>googles it
>finds out he’s wrong

Many such cases, sad!

>> No.54602642

>So it's literally money laundering crypto startups adopting crypto startups in a self enclosed wash trading loop with zero consequences IRL?
And the pilpul starts.

>> No.54602659
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I choose to seethe, thank you


>> No.54602732

Checked and everyone on biz Inc fuddies are maxxed up on as much Link as possible. It's only money preventing us buying more.
I'm working on the theory that there is a ton of big money waiting to go into the token but green lights aren't lit yet. At some point they will be and we'll spend the rest of our days lamenting when Link was under $100. Green light day is getting closer.

>> No.54602747
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Patrician choice

>> No.54602860

I want to play a vidya like that btw. sounds comfy

>> No.54603650
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Its an incel coin

>> No.54603670
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>another day hunched over the old twitter screenshot and cuck meme generator, where I am paid up to $0 an hour to keep it all humming along

>> No.54603792

The token is needed, janitors allow "cuck" trash while banning anons for legitimate threads, after years of TNN after which steaking causing immense seething, sudden shill change to "cuck", there's clearly coordinated FUD, I bought Link 1% because you guys made funny memes and 99% because anonymous fudsters seethe about people holding so I guess I like that my holdings hurt someone, financially and psychologically speaking.

>> No.54603975
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>another day of working for CIDF while dilating at your desk

>> No.54604013
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>0.01 link has been deposited into your community advocate account, thanks for doing your part to #stoplinkhate

>> No.54605654


>> No.54605664
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>> No.54605677
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kek I made 2 of those memes

glad to see I made the baggies SEETHE

>> No.54605906
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Trying to explain why crypto is important is hard enough but at least you can get some people to see the benefits. I've been trying to explain this shitcoin to people since 2017. No one fucking gets it. I've been discussing it off and on with a friend who works in tech and I still dont think he really understands. I read a little about btc and the light went on. A year or so later I read about eth and the light went on and I started to really understand that this is the future. When this fucking basketweaving forum introduced me to link I was considering selling my house to buy more link. I didnt but I kind of wish I had. I wouldve been on a boat already. At least I got to pay off the house.

>> No.54606102


>> No.54606788

When will they understand?

>> No.54606878
File: 59 KB, 888x893, 8A10A13B-BC53-4269-AE3D-E8D73DA3FD86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic gets the troon fudders really riled up

>> No.54607603

Crypto is difficult for a lot of people to grasp because it requires both intelligence and imagination. You literally have to be an intelligent non-NPC to make it

>> No.54607675


>> No.54607683

This is now /lsg/.

>> No.54607690

They're really low quality, anon. You should take a lesson from that meme and put a bit of effort in to make them interesting and funny.

>> No.54607887


>> No.54608787

hello yes. i am discussing

>> No.54608794
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didnt read
not buying
not staking
no paying up

>> No.54608843
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>> No.54609064

is chainlink going full up sirs?

>> No.54609065
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also sergey owns like 450 million tokens, it's a giant red flag no matter how good the project is. you cant base your whole value proposition on truth > trust. but somehow your project is all about trudting the fat fuck to do everything right with 0 obligation toward the investors and 0 guarantees regarding the preminted warchest he got.

>> No.54609171
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>if i keep repasting my heckin BURN theyll eventually upvote it

>> No.54609203
File: 1.76 MB, 1125x2160, E66E5DEF-2245-4496-BF7A-BDB42C00F139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey is a con artist. His run wont go on forever. Soon

>> No.54609211
File: 433 KB, 1508x2639, E041171A-CA75-49DB-B230-75CD9607FF81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dear diary: heres why I joined Gamestop ReVoLuTiOn


>> No.54609326

You’re the only cringe here

>> No.54609393

Why does no one talk about the crabbing price of link being caused by the team themselves?

>Sergey fucking doesn’t care about the token price, there’s even a section in the terms and conditions of the chainlink network where it is shown that the price rapidly increasing is a risk for the project, they’ll do everything in their hands to not pump the price

> See below:

>Risk of Rapid Adoption and Insufficiency of Computational Application Processing Power of the Services and the Chainlink Network: If the Services and/or the Chainlink Network are rapidly adopted, the demand for transaction processing and distributed application computations could rise dramatically and at a pace that exceeds the rate with which Chainlink services can be provided. Under such a scenario, the Services and Chainlink Network could become destabilized, due to the increased cost of running distributed applications. In turn, this could dampen interest in the Services, the Chainlink Network and Link Tokens. Insufficiency of computational resources and an associated rise in the price of Link Tokens could result in businesses being unable to acquire scarce computational resources to run their distributed applications. This could result in lost revenues and disruption or halting of business operations.

>> No.54609449
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It gets talked about plenty. Culties dont like those threads much. There are tons of these comments in the last 6 months or so. The comments are never refuted (because you cant really refute the truth) and so culties resort to attacking the “nefarious reason” you have for critcising such a perfect project such as Link. Understandably so this is the only card they have, so they are doing their best.

I cant imagine how difficult it must be to leave a cult. Of course Im not stupid enough to ever join one, but Im trying to be empathetic.

>> No.54609557
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>> No.54609623

You are not one of us and we can tell by your smell. I love that the only fud you poor lot could come up with is 'you might get too rich too fast and that would be bad!' The team wallets are all known. If they move tokens we can watch it in real time. We know about the sergey dumps. It used to be your kinds' ammo. Now that he stopped dumping you have to resort to speculating on astronomically unlikely events taking place simply because the team had the foresight and knowledge of game theory to acknowledge a remote possibility. Anyway, if that level of rapid adoption came that fast that it caused destabilization then the disgruntled bagholders that you paid fudders are supposedly comprised of (by your own insinuations) would sell what little link you have as would many early holders waiting for the fabled 1k-81k. Its not happening. Sorry. I know you think you had something here by your gloating tone and feigned sympathy but you just showed us your hand. Whats that chinese saying? Something like better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot than speak and prove it true.

>> No.54609648

I shouldn't have left out your teammate. That was rude of me.

>> No.54609711

No shit Im not one of you. Why would I join a cuckold cult? Fag

I got dizzy reading the rest of your incoherent fantasy. Sounds like a guy pulling random words out of the dictionary hoping people will think hes smart. Me, Im just a simple man, who can read a simple chart. And from where I sit, you keep losing money, while your cult profits. Hmmmm….

That last quote you had, sounds like Mark Twain. Good advice

>> No.54609738

Not surprised too many big words would confuse you. Time will show who the fool is. Shame no one, not even I, will remember you and have a chuckle. Have a good night, anon. Dont work too hard.

>> No.54609901

pioneers get arrows; settlers get the land

>> No.54610881


>> No.54610897

It is widening

>> No.54611071

>3 separate posts in a row
you fuddies always get so emotional

>> No.54611157

>the team had the foresight and knowledge of game theory to acknowledge a remote possibility
did they foresee missing their self imposed deadline?

>> No.54611161

Spoonfeeding newfags is not something we do here.

>> No.54611212

>missing their self imposed deadline
Very nice, let's see ETH's missed deadlines.

>> No.54611346

it has been mentioned here before a lot, but it was the exact same with amazon and google and early btc itself
the tech is so new and disruptive people just dont get it and those that do get it still cant believe the monetisation part of it
just look around here, many og linkies still cant believe the monetization going on right now

this is the problem with being early it takes time for the market to catch on and lets face it explaining link to someone is at least an order of magnitude harder than explaining btc to someone ever was

>> No.54611358

>which is available for Coinbase insiders only
this was disgusting and how they deleted the video are we started talking about it here
we were never supposed to know about it or buy in

>> No.54611475

>yes mom i failed math again, but look at steve, he failed as well, so it's ok

>> No.54611652

To be fair, I've noticed that I've been falling down the wallet rankings even though I've got >11k LINK. Over the past 2 months I've fallen like 70 places, that means 70 more people with >11k LINK. I guess that means they're accumulating. Anyone with bigger stacks kept track of their rankings and noticed similar?

>> No.54611704
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dying shitcoin

>> No.54611805
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>> No.54611829

I tried linkpilling my uncle and my brother. It was like talking to a brick wall. Some people just won't get it at first try, but they didn't even try to understand or take the cue to do their own research. You can lead a horse to water...

>> No.54611852

When I first tried linkpilling my friends they just looked at my like a retard back in 2018, now they all scramble together whatever they can get to buy Link. The truth is that humans best reply to constant repetition of something

>> No.54611877

polygon? yeah sadly the less normies are into nfts the less usage polygon gets

>> No.54611892
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>> No.54611984

link is less expensive now, so less money will buy you more of it. if you measure the dollar amount you initially invested, you probably aren't far off from them. it's just that your initial dollar amount is now less dollars, if that makes sense

>> No.54612131
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>That’s the thing. There’s literally zero chance we have this wrong.

>> No.54612814

How long do I have to get into link
I bought some 3 years ago and stopped watching crypto.
I'm not gonna have a job soon that pays 100kish so I'll have money to invest

>> No.54612828

>im gonna have a new job soon*


>> No.54612868

The reality is that crypto’s reputation has been demolished by shit like FTX and the whole NFT craze.
While this is a great time for projects like CL to work on their protocols without the distraction of a bull market mania, it’s incredibly frustrating for the investors.

I think of this time the same way I think of the post dot com bubble era. The companies like Google and Amazon who survived the crash really came into their own in that time and dug in to their services.
Chainlink is doing the same thing, and it’s just going to be a few years more of this frustrating price action.
I’m just as frustrated as the next guy, but obsessively checking the price over and over isn’t helping anyone.
It’ll happen one day, but it’s going to take time.

>> No.54613449
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You did hear this in 2018 though, or after any of the other scandals of the past, e.g. Mt Gox. You can say FTX was a much bigger institution and more recognised brand, but you could make other interesting arguments about Mt Gox happening to a fragile, infant industry.

What drives a bullcycles at the end of the day is mania. Mania is just what comes from the kind of green candles that people simply can't ignore. When some dolt you know turns up to dinner and tells you he made $50k on a silly sounding trend, you can't ignore that. When the news runs more and more stories about BTC because it rallied further than anyone really expected, you can't ignore it. We've already rallied off the bottom to the tune of almost 2x. As retarded as most people are, I think they're generally able to discern the difference between BTC being a scam and FTX being a scam, or say the USD collapsing versus a bank collapsing, and there are many mainstream onramps these days anyway. I focus on BTC because it's the gateway drug.

I don't think there's any proper reason it should take as long as you're making out, at least not longer than normal cycles or close enough to them, nor is FTX the horseman you're making it out to be, that's evident already. I'll bet on the enduring, inevitable history of human greed and envy.

>> No.54614656

>The adoption metrics
Show single business use case using link oracles

>> No.54615943

In 2030, yes.

>> No.54616164

Even experts (or especially experts) are retarded. Physicists have a hard time conceiving of dimensions of reality that have nothing to do with physics for example. People entrenched in their world view take some time to change

>> No.54616238

>What drives a bullcycles at the end of the day is mania.
This is both true and false. The marginal bull is driven by the marginal buyer, but the bull might be initiated by different reasons.

Mania is a lagging indicator, not leading. Bull cycles have historically been centered around Bitcoin, when the buying pressure overwhels the sell presure being halved every 4th year. Of course players in the space are foreseeing this and fulfilling the prophecy themselves.

The most recent development that will initiate another bull is Ethereum. It's tokenomics will drive the price upwards because the sell pressure is lower the buying pressure fundamentally (it's deflationary).

Sure, BTC will also initiate its own bubble as well because of the coming halving. Maybe Chainlink will initiate one someday too, either because of LINK appreciating or because of other projects that utilizes the capabilities made possible by Chainlink, ie. innovation.

>> No.54616255

nobody cares about your weird DMT trip bro

>> No.54616302
File: 325 KB, 1331x1519, 1670511789305426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54616457

O shit

>> No.54617910

>time may shift slightly
yeah, we know

>> No.54618237

Based. Link will be back to ath in 2 weeks

>> No.54618458

>Like if you could buy electricity tokens that entitled you to x amount of electricity, and you knew the price of electricity was going to increase, you would want a stash of those tokens.
>But we’re not seeing that at
If it requires buying more and more prohibited prices of link to use the network then no one will use it. Investors will support other chains not spending all their money raised on oracles. Especially when most don't even need it now or can make their own. The usage of chainlink network can't be punitive in costs hence it relies on volume to generate significant revenue. You aren't going to get that volume for another decade.

>> No.54618671

>If it requires buying more and more prohibited prices of link to use the network then no one will use it
you still haven't gotten the tokenomics. the price for the oracles will not rise linearly with the price of the token. the price for the oracle service is not dependent on the token price but the token price does affect oracle usage. higher price = more usage because more collateral security.

>> No.54619075

Half of what you said has no relation to the post and the other half is retarded. Pretend all you want that BTC doesn't act first and drive everything that happens next but you're being a pseud at best.
>Mania is a lagging indicator
What are you on about? The point is FTX cannot prevent human nature from doing the same thing it always does.

>> No.54619173

we’re going to make it pretty soon