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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 1800x971, Kadena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54600280 No.54600280 [Reply] [Original]

I've just bought a considerable amount of this. What should I expect?

>> No.54600307


>> No.54600315
File: 49 KB, 774x344, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait for the next bull run and enjoy your massive gains

>> No.54600359

We are already having a bullrun. I am not sure what you mean.

>> No.54600373

have you pumped kadens today sir?

>> No.54600383

weekly 8% is not a bullrun lil bro

>> No.54600393

late 2024-2025 is next bullrun, newfag. halving is next year. Anyway, $1 isn't a bad entry

>> No.54600464

Not only that. Input the market cap of the scam known as BSV at all time high, and tell me why KDA cannot reach the same mktcap. Then tell me the token price at the same mktcap.

>> No.54600721

>This is the first time I bought something and it started to pump.
It's good to be winning once in a while.

>> No.54600822

>still lower than when I sold a month ago
kek fuck this coin man

>> No.54600866


>> No.54600926

TVL on kadena is? LMAO. Bullrun my ass

>> No.54601481

sudden onset of gender dysphoria

>> No.54601938

To be scammed by the founders and any project their associated with.

>> No.54602089
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https://kdaexplorer.com/ yay

>> No.54602111

so fast

>> No.54602397

shit son, is this the official one?

looking good bros

>> No.54602417

4chan version of cardano fueled by trannies and jannies

>> No.54602426

Poverty and half black grandkids

>> No.54602665


>> No.54603352
File: 31 KB, 641x530, C3A1FB35-947A-43B6-8DF0-B6B2DA813B63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just crunched the numbers

>> No.54603367


>> No.54603394
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>> No.54603754
File: 17 KB, 498x196, emily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The CEO of Kadena Eco has not had a hand in things since they double dipped in their ICO and tried to desperately hide it, showcasing their tech illiteracy of the blockchain as supposed engineers
>>Kaddex which is owned by francesco and pocketed millions with other kadena llc members isn't the problem, francesco is.
She's actually retarded and denying reality, failed damage control
She's claiming two rando's Tyler and Dan alone are the only ones in charge of handing out grants (which coincidentally only benefit kaddex) and doesn't even question who appointed any of these people or affiliation with the founders / other core members.
She's claiming Francesco, who was with kadena 2 and a half years before kaddex and is good friends with the founders, hasn't had a hand in anything for 2 years.
She's denying the concrete evidence that francesco has any association with kaddex, doesn't acknowledge trademarks, or grants to wallets or grants in general, kaddex employees all working from latium italy, golf course, etc
She is wrong, and she knows she is wrong, which begs the question... who else is involved?
This is your queen. Defend her honor.

>> No.54603777
File: 314 KB, 1396x934, afgeZUT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you find the scammer ?
You know what this means if the founders are involved in any way... r-right ??

>> No.54603840

why would someone buy kadena instead of nexa at this point?
nexa solved scalability without having issues with atomic composability (10k tps in testnet), and they solved state growth issues by using UTXO commitments

>> No.54603875

>nexa solved scalability without having issues with atomic composability (10k tps in testnet), and they solved state growth issues by using UTXO commitments
Explain how they did this in your own words.

>> No.54603966

hilarious how all those ((advisor)) roles the trannies try to claim nobody was involved in anything when it best suits them but when stuart haber is an ((advisor)) they use it to market as the next btc falsely misleading the retards that dont do any due diligence.
GG if you fell for this scam
the kadena foundation own all patents, it's unequivically over.

>> No.54603983

How does financial ruin sound?

>> No.54604018

The crypto bubble isn't over until garbage like this stops trading hands at any price.

>> No.54604028

- solved bandwidth problem related to big block approach via compression (via graphene compression, where you don't have to broadcast the entire raw block to other miners but work with the fact that the other miners will have most of the transactions already anyways)
- solved state growth by using UTXO commitments, basically the same concepts as using Merkle trees but doing it with the chainstate itself. miners add commitments to blocks periodically so that you only have to start from a block that's deep enough such that the likelihood of a reorg is small enough

in contrast, a sharded approach loses composability, which means that for example you can't do AMM routing across chains. if liquidity pairs are spread over various chains you're going to have to do the routing manually

>> No.54604147

these BU cunts genuinely tackled every issue with blockchains people have voiced concerns over. no more low TPS.
no more 10 minute wait before 'finality' either ; with their double-spend proofs & forfeits you can instantly buy your meals and coffee with negligible probability of being fooled
no more high fees due to tokens being treated natively
lots more use cases because of the way their tokens are designed
the coin has no ico, premine or legality issues and it's made by a bunch of highly educated OGs many of whom are British

>> No.54604190
File: 56 KB, 1149x722, 8C4F64C1-3F87-4293-944D-93865EAD448A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54604211
File: 1.27 MB, 440x500, 1604907517437.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah that one technology that basically goes we can just scale the verification of the blocks by... not doing them in the first place. I wonder why it's not been adopted by every chain yet it seems genius!
>solved state growth by using UTXO commitments
Oh you mean they solved state growth by simply not having nodes store them and leaving that work to other nodes that have the bandwidth and storage space? Seems like a genius solution anon
>made by a bunch of highly educated OGs
You mean by bitcoiner rejects, right

>> No.54604265

Were you, at one time, Asuka-poster

>> No.54604321

person above is the same person that missed out on kaspa when it was shilled to their face in august
they're just that fucking stupid
they still don't know what kaspa does
it's either Lain from the kaddex in-group or the other zoomer, in any case there's zero point in talking to them
they lie about the tech of other projects to shill their tranny shitcoin made by people with little to no credentials / experience
all of the three responses are nonsensical and demonstrate that they don't know what graphene / utxo commitments are
no point in talking to them

>> No.54604344
File: 52 KB, 600x450, 18E23oLmDdFrchkconvNIx4Xt_77162k-VaaMqeRATs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Asuka.

We're in it for the tech and not interested in your scam of the week, please stop coming back.

>> No.54604348
File: 2.07 MB, 1920x1080, Literally me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitcoin made by people with little to no credentials / experience
Do you mean she is a shill of BTC, ETH or Monero?

>> No.54604364

help my cross-chain kadena transaction is stuck
where's the gas station when you need it

>> No.54604514

what is it like namefagging as the worst girl ?
what is it like bagholding to zero because you're "in it for the tech" ?
what is it like to still be a poorfag and missing an entire bullrun and going to miss the next one as well ?
what is it like being "in it for the tech" yet having zero dApps, wallets, DeFi. being unscalable, nowhere near 480k tps and being scammed by greasy long nosed italians ?
what is it like going 4 years since mainnet and having zero smart contracts ?
what is it like doing nothing but playing vidya rotting away as your youth recedes and you complain to the void hoping all your problems will be solved by itself ?

>> No.54604620
File: 145 KB, 850x850, sample_061bf196599094442a4198f4e1a2f839a629f1d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will answer on her behalf because I get the impression it will annoy you. She is welcome to answer herself too.

>what is it like namefagging as the worst girl ?
Asuka is cute
>what is it like bagholding to zero because you're "in it for the tech" ?
Fun, people who say they are only interested in making money are lying. Everyone who gets into crypto does it for cute reasons, even if only 10%. The people who say they don't care about this are just scared of showing emotion. Not being able do that on an anonymous imageboard is sad. Be better.
>what is it like to still be a poorfag and missing an entire bullrun and going to miss the next one as well ?
The real bullrun was the friends we made along the way. Unironically her connections are worth at least 6 figures.
>what is it like being "in it for the tech" yet having zero dApps, wallets, DeFi. being unscalable, nowhere near 480k tps and being scammed by greasy long nosed italians ?
Every chain except ETH and BSC are ghost chains.
Where did the Italian hate come from? They are extremely well liked as a race.
>what is it like going 4 years since mainnet and having zero smart contracts ?
See above.
>what is it like doing nothing but playing vidya rotting away as your youth recedes and you complain to the void hoping all your problems will be solved by itself ?
Fun, but she larps about that as does everyone else here. You don't really feel in good company with the people who pretend to be shut in here... Right?

>> No.54604678
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>> No.54604711
File: 337 KB, 858x900, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is it like bagholding to zero because you're "in it for the tech" ?
The good thing about it is that I am not worried if line go down, it's a big plus
>what is it like to still be a poorfag and missing an entire bullrun and going to miss the next one as well ?
I'm doing great financially.
>what is it like being "in it for the tech" yet having zero dApps, wallets, DeFi. being unscalable, nowhere near 480k tps and being scammed by greasy long nosed italians ?
There is more than one dapp
>what is it like going 4 years since mainnet and having zero smart contracts ?
Why lie, say what you mean, I'm not going to put effort into replying if you say zero and no dapps
>what is it like doing nothing but playing vidya rotting away as your youth recedes and you complain to the void hoping all your problems will be solved by itself ?
I literally have 0 problems

>> No.54604733

> respond to post directed to other ID
right, that explains some of it

>> No.54604880


>> No.54604925

there's something about batshit people, in that they always end up projecting
there's a tad of self-awareness, but no way to cope

>> No.54604953
File: 511 KB, 850x641, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever thought of becoming a poet, you'd do a wonderful job, I can tell.

>> No.54604981

>What should I expect?

>> No.54605121

Personification is a good tag, almost as good as cosplay.

>> No.54605198

no pain no gain

>> No.54606109

how much kda, xcm, prq do you own
why come no one shills these coins anymore lol

>> No.54606149

a lot, a lot, never had any but I still manage the few thousand of my dad.
making kda threads is not fun if while ecosystem is getting exploited by incompetent people, xcm you can't shill due to the floor, although there are daily coinmetro threads because the exchange itself works fine, never entered a prq thread after they devolved after the crash.

>> No.54606264

high four figs or low five figs?
kadenas circ supply was 60M in 2021 and currently sits at 227M
shouldn't the make it and sui stacks be adjusted as well
1K kadena seems nothing
as does 10K

>> No.54606305
File: 1.04 MB, 1300x1268, 1671905907959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as does 10K
It's over

>> No.54607674
File: 868 KB, 1895x1256, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI is finally allowing men to benefit from onlyfans. I think this is a great step towards equality.

>> No.54608108

Where do I buy L1 coins like KDA or NEXA?

>> No.54608331

in the balls