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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5459980 No.5459980 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that ICON is still not properly listed on CMC

>> No.5460119

Why? It's literally just passed $1B most likely. Well over most in the Top 100.

>> No.5460137

Can someone explain why?

>> No.5460149

We haven't even seen the biggest mooning yet. Strap in for the CMC listing.

>> No.5460160

because it's a scamcoin.
Easier exit

kidding, no idea

>> No.5460167

once this shit hits CMC and is a top 20 coin out of nowhere, it's pulling a Cardano/IOTA

>> No.5460182

im not chasing the pump. i accept that i missed it. what is the next korean coin??

>> No.5460196

This will shit on Cardano being a whitepaper project and IOTA's fake partnerships.

>> No.5460199

Higher mcap than both I hope >:)

>> No.5460251

Do the math, this shit is already Top 20 in market cap. Not sure why CMC doesn't have their shit together with the listing

>> No.5460483

AION and WAN. Not even pajeeting. They are like sister projects.

AION is Binance right now. It's not mooning. I might pick some up for like 5k right now. Not sure.

>> No.5460545

how many times do i have to explain YOU HAVENT MISSED ANYTHING YET ITS NOT IN KOREA UNTIL JAN 1

>> No.5460599

are you idiot, with 7$, its almost 3 bill mcap.


nigga, once it list in cmc, its real 3-4 bill mcap will show up, noob ppl may not fomo as they doing now

>> No.5460619

This is CMC's request form
You can find it at the bottom of the site.


>> No.5460650


nope, the current meme is high mc coins

>> No.5460667

I am in ICX nigga, I wont touch AION. aion is risky no hype surrounding to it.

>> No.5460689

STAR, jap coin but close enough

>> No.5460714

Dude AION, WAN, ICX. The Blockchain Interoperability Alliance. They appear to be planning on holding hands all the way past the moon to fucking Mars

>> No.5460722
File: 195 KB, 798x770, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 3 bil.. this is going to 20+ bil in Jan/Feb

>> No.5460725

Is it too late to buy into ICX?

>> No.5460757

nice source faggot

>> No.5460781
File: 38 KB, 306x306, 1506881730291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just pumped 90.80%
>anons telling me to buy in
>shits at ATH
Man wtf..... I just cant win.

>> No.5460787

please dont speak about Wanchain until right before its released. WAN will be bigger than ICON and AION...

>> No.5460819

You are in ICX but wont touch WAN??

What an uneducated person you are

>> No.5460844


>t.increasingly nervous ICO bagholder

you aren't getting 40x gains right out of the gate like ICX. Sorry pajeet

>> No.5460853

Nigga I just went nearly all in last night at 3800 sats or current ATH. Look at it now. Get in before this hits $10.

>> No.5460856

if it goes, 12 bill i am going to be mill'er.

>> No.5460887

I know dude, they 3 working together. But I dont want all of them I have heavy icx bags, planning wan thats it. AION not for me

>> No.5460892

just got 15 ICX, will i make it?

>> No.5460924

yes buy WAN not AION

>> No.5461050

When will it be released?

>> No.5461058

Just bought more at 4843 ICX. I need to stop.