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54594069 No.54594069 [Reply] [Original]

Boomer wealth will transfer directly to zoomers. I work for a large ag equipment dealer with 80% of the employees at my branch being old boomers. Since the start of covid we’ve had senior techs retire and some deaths, but all of the new hires have been zoomers. Has anyone noticed something similar?

>> No.54594100

hmm well i went back to my old job about 3 months ago, it was filled with genx boomers and millenial faggots. i was like, wow they didn't hire any zoomies? but recently just saw a batch of new hires in the past month and they were by a large majority 18-21 zoomers. maybe it's happening like you say OP.

>> No.54594114

They're hiring you for half the pay zoomer bitch

>> No.54594121

Uh no zoomie, pay the inheritance tax

>> No.54594156

literally saw another zoomer wigger with this haircut. i just can't help but cringe when i see whites with this hairstyle, knowing that it's to fit in with black people.

>> No.54594255

The fuck it will.

I've done benefits and retirement analysis for a large company for 20+ years and you'd be shocked how many boomers I've seen have their entire retirement allocated to assisted living. Their kids don't want to deal with their bullshit so they park em in a home until the money runs out and then transfer them to a shittier home, file for medicare, and walk the fuck out until the funeral.

Invest in elder care, trust me.

>> No.54594296

Many nazis had the short on the side long on top hair cut. The difference is the nazis kept their hair straight while zoomers curl their hair to be like blacks. Being white with naturally curly hair sucks since people think you're trying to be black.

>> No.54594335

I meant it more career-wise, from what I have noticed. Maybe my managers are just retarded, they seem to have chosen to hire younger guys with some experience and train them up

>> No.54594372

>Being white with naturally curly hair sucks since people think you're trying to be black.
I'm white with curly hair and I don't really give a fuck what boomers on 4chan think, girls my age think it looks good so I go with that haircut, simple as.

>> No.54594379

Ok nigger worshipper

>> No.54594413

Ah, my bad. In my experience working within the HHS sector, I've only seen Boomers leave (or die) and be replaced with a slightly younger Boomer. I don't think my organization has hired someone with more than 5 years left to retirement in the last decade. We literally fill C-suite positions with people who say they intend to leave in the next couple years. It's nuts.

If someone hit a button tonight that caused every Boomer in the US to drop dead, my organization of 1000+ would shrink by ~80%. No joke.

>> No.54594446
File: 107 KB, 400x388, 1676172376105525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do what you gotta do, but im still gonna make fun of you

>> No.54595500

What's wrong with le nahtzee haircut? I understand not everyone can pull it off but why feel the need to shit on it.

>> No.54595516

I wasn't shitting on it. I was saying it's a cool hair cut that got ruined by zoomer niggers and wiggers

>> No.54595726

>girls my age think it looks good

>> No.54595734

You don't like it femanon?

>> No.54595853
File: 2.94 MB, 368x480, ReverseMortgage.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boomer wealth will transfer directly to zoo-ACK!

>> No.54596559
File: 68 KB, 505x509, Skinner_box_scheme_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same vibes

>> No.54596602

>zoomers curl their hair to be like blacks
No they abso fucking lutely do not. This is just a hip way of styling hair that would have been this curly regardless. No boys are curling their hair.

>> No.54597567

this is pure cope anon

>> No.54597596

>No boys are curling their hair.
Little zoomer queers are definitely going and getting perms like the homos they are.

>> No.54597724

i for one welcome our new zoomer overlords