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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54590821 No.54590821 [Reply] [Original]

And yet their track record of 1000s of wrong predictions doesn't even humble them a little bit. They just keep making bold retard claims.

>> No.54590877

it's easier for a lot of people to cope that the sky is falling then to accept reality

>> No.54590919
File: 89 KB, 740x1316, 740full-helga-lovekaty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a doomer is a type of noicoiner cope, because they failed to save enough money and did not show initiative to take risk and participate in markets, they want to see it fail so that others can be brought down to their level.
That's why /pol/ is filled with worthless, nocoin doomer and incels.

Many Bobos are in fact doomposting incels with a zero Satoshi net worth.

>> No.54591045

I laugh at the J Bravos and Van Metres of the world. The fed or wall street can never do anything right according to these guys. Yet the economy just always seem to hum along, people still commuting to work, restaurants still bustling, houses being built. Either these fuckers are seriously out of touch (not likely) or they understand that panic sells.

>> No.54591063

>me, buying rice and beans 3-4 years ago
>everything wiped out 10 days ago
nothing personal

>> No.54591074

Sooners have been right life is complete shit now in 2023. What they’ve been saying since the early 2000s have all come true and what they are saying now will be reality in 20 years

>> No.54591110
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Chud sisters not like this, not like this......

>> No.54591624

In J Bravos defense he tells you to swing trade the charts up and not be a holder. His thumbnails though are very doomer clickbait. He’s had some very good plays and admits his shit calls.

>> No.54591672
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>How come doomers are always 100% wrong about everything?

>> No.54591779
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Do you really think that the gravy train will last forever?

>> No.54591995

There are just a huge portion of old people who's entire mind is nothing but fear an alienation so they will always lap up these doomer videos no matter how many times they are wrong. It's pretty scarey really. Someday you'll turn into this irrational person consumed by his fears.

>> No.54592062

After 80% of people injected themselves for no reason with something that was created in 6 months and then nothing happened I concluded that nothing is ever going to happen, and possibly, nothing has ever happened in the entire history of the world.

>> No.54592080

They not doomers, they're YouTube content creators. Maybe their content has doomer themes, but that's irrelevant. They just make videos that get "people" watching. If the formula they have works, then they have 0 reason to change it, and they would be fucking stupid to do so.

>> No.54592680

One thing I've learned about this prognosticators is they are usually wrong 90% of the time, even the ones that aren't total doom and gloomer.
But they will always profess to having been right 90% of the time on their past calls. They are just bullshit artists and liars. Charles Nenner and Harry Dent are the worst, IMO.