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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54583947 No.54583947 [Reply] [Original]

A very small one at that, that's built in the very least 1990 (to avoid asbestos), but everything I see is minimum $250k. Anything below that price is going to land you in a ghetto area with high crime.

I seriously fucking hate boomers and corporations for causing this. I know y'all who already have homes are going to respond to this like, "hahahaha fuck you got mine already". All I can say to you is congratulations.

I don't know if this bullrun will be enough for me to reach my goal...

>> No.54583965
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They use housing to force you to work in the great economic war against China

>> No.54583972

I'd be happy with a shed insulated and finished into a cozy cabin. What the hell do you need a big expensive house for?

>> No.54583988
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>Parents got a house for $90k at 15%

>> No.54584001

You still need electrical hookups and also it's the land that truly gives the home value. Moving into a shed isn't going to save you that much money in comparison to a small house like I'm aiming for.

I'm simply looking for a 900 sq ft - 1500 sq ft house. That's literally it. Small, clean, fairly modern.

But nope, boomers have to take that from us too and force us into eternal wageslavery for crumbs.

>> No.54584002

You aren't allowed to do that. You can't build your own shelter without paying taxes and fees to everyone forever. Birds can, but you can't. You have to buy a house or rent a house (even though you can't afford that, but you can afford a shed).

>> No.54584006

Me to, just a small middle class house and enough passive income so I never have to work again.

>> No.54584018

>parents got a house for 250k now worth 350k+ a couple years later

Fuck it's sooo hard guys ugh it's impossible! I can't, I just can't!

>> No.54584019

No Ivan housed don't cost money because of da boomers.

>> No.54584026


>> No.54584030

We own a bunch of acres surrounded by woods and ponds. I can do anything I want. I grow weed, I shoot guns, I can damn sure sleep inside a shed.

>> No.54584070

Sure, but you only get that privilege because you already own a House. If you bought raw land and tried to live in a shed and receive mail at your shed you would quickly be told you can't do that. Don't pretend you don't know how things work.

>> No.54584118

I genuinely don't know how things work tho

>> No.54584160

You can't have a legal address without a capital-H House that has been permitted and inspected and made legal in all the various ways you do such a thing. If you try to live on land in a shack you built, you will not be able to have a driver's license, bank account, etc. unless you are able to use someone else's address for those things. "Homesteading" is a disneyland LARP for rich boomers. You can build your very own cardboard house just like all the other cardboard houses, and this experience will only cost you $100k+!

>> No.54584199

You also pay your property taxes

>> No.54584209

If there were no taxes prices would be even higher.
When will people learn how prices are set?

>> No.54584215

Can build a shed to code pretty easy. Don’t be a fag.

>> No.54584228

The codes need to be relaxed so developers can build affordable housing for people. Seems like a pretty obvious solution to a now critical problem.

>> No.54584230

> I genuinely don't know how things work tho
I believe you dude

>> No.54584233

I pay $900 a year in property taxes. Np mortgage. Better than paying $1500 a month in rent/mortgage payment

>> No.54584238

this is the size houses used to be. the average size for a house was 983 sqft in the 50's, and it's 2,000 sqft today, so it's more expensive, not to mention inflation and supply. if you have cash you could possibly purchase one in the near future. housing prices fall as interest rates rise.

>> No.54584242

I don't appreciate being made to say this so directly before you understood me.

>> No.54584257

>boomers and corporations for causing this
Not the fed printing money until it's valueless?

>> No.54584267

Wouldn't be a problem if they gave me some.

>> No.54584295

Right, just make sure it has running water, electricity, a septic tank, and meets the minimum square footage/accessibility requirements to be considered a house, and your shed will be approved for residency in no time!

>> No.54584328

I agree. We've effectively made it illegal for most people to build their own shelter, and then people wonder where the housing crisis came from. Sorry, not everyone has the money to hire a team of legal and construction professionals just to stay out of the fucking weather.

>> No.54584334

Congrats, you figured out this is an indentity politics agitation thread.

>> No.54584360

>Welcome to /biz/

>> No.54584362

Okay you've created names and labels and subcategories for everything. Now what?

>> No.54584383

Make all of those subcategories hate each other so theyre too preoccupied to care about what (((they))) do.

>> No.54584402

Hmm...what are American elite billionaires and politicians for 200?