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54579001 No.54579001 [Reply] [Original]

The covid vaccine gave me ADHD. Who do I sue?

>> No.54579039

Your mother

>> No.54579065

You have no recourse. Might as well kys, given you were to retarded to begin with, with all the proper information before hand to 'figure it out'. It's your own fault you took the 'clot shot' no ONE CARES, kys

>> No.54580977

stare at a wall until your brain stops being retarded (not even kidding)

>> No.54580992

>he didn’t read the fine print


>> No.54581017
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no refunds

>> No.54581033
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Anon, you signed a release form...

>> No.54581154
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Don't dead

>> No.54581198

Here I got you anon

>> No.54581269

You thank the govt for saving your life.
COVID kills.

>> No.54581288
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>Who do I sue?
he doesn't know

>> No.54581381

look into USDOGE

>> No.54581408

Oh boy it gave you a lot worse than that. You’re in for a shitty time, retard.

>> No.54581583

It gave me IBS :(

>> No.54581741


>> No.54581953

You can sue your psychiatrist. Make sure you videtape all your interactions with the hospital people for a few months.

>> No.54581973

I feel so bad for people who got tricked into taking the vaccine. I have no idea how serious the risks are because I don't care. I got covid and recovered. The point was they tried to force me to get jabbed for something totally benine, so any risk at all was too much.

>> No.54581985

Something in my heart area sometimes hurts for a while but it goes away again. I never got covid, had three vaxx shots. 2x Moderna, 1x Pfizzer.
Im not sure if the heart pain is vaccine related, I had something similar as a kid but havent had it since then up until recently

>> No.54582000

Why the fuck did you let them inject all that shit into your body? They have 4 different boosters now because they could never figure it out and basically just gave up at this point. Why wouldn't you just wait and see for a little bit?

>> No.54582020

Are we still doing the vaxx larp in 2023? It's time to move on and go back to /pol/ anon...

>> No.54582059

I waited for a while, then got it so I wouldnt have to wear a mask in public spaces. I guess I also got kind of "peer pressured" so as to not stand out as an antivaxxer. But desu I dont regret the decision. I lived like a shizoid until I got my first shot constantly refreshing /cvg/, not leaving my house unless I went for grocery shopping with mask, and tons of pure ethanol, I froze all my social contacts, stopped leaving my house for workouts etc etc etc. I tend to get overly paranoid over small things.
For me the vax was like the homeopathy placebos.

>> No.54582116

Man that sucks. I felt really bad how they were targeting people with anxiety disorders and such to rope into their covid agenda. But wait, surely you realize by now it was all bullshit right? Covid isn't even very dangerous, literally the flu.

>> No.54582126
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I have adhd and I didn’t take the vaccine

>> No.54582156

>muh anecdotal experience

ok but a LOT of people who antivaxxed died. Like 90%+ of the deaths were antivaxxers.

>The bogs are both alive

Nope. Dead. 7 million people dead. 6.3 million of those were unvaccinated. Did the vaccinated people just get lucky?

>> No.54582161
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>> No.54582178

Oh, I didn't realize you were trolling or whatever. Yeah it's pretty common knowledge by now that covid was a big nothingburger posed no risk to anybody besides the obese and elderly.

>> No.54582186
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only feds post the tracking pepe

>> No.54582194

I know people who died from it or had serious consequences from covid, either unvaxxed or pre vaccine was dropped. Part of the reason why I got it. Idk its been over a year since my last jab, and I never felt bad up until recently. Maybe its vaxx unrelated but recently I saw a lot of "vaxx side effects" even in serious media so thats kind of got me panicing

>> No.54582203

Crazy anecdotal experience which contrasts with reality shown from the data after the fact.

>> No.54582206
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>> No.54582208

ngl I'm a doctor and had to do some ER shifts during the big waves and I felt no remorse watching the anti-vaxxers die. And it was mostly anti-vaxxers. In my hospital we actually had a lower than national average death rate for vaccinated people (~3%) but I think it's because operationally we were informed to spend less time on unvaccinated people.

>> No.54582219
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2 seconds on Google lmao

>> No.54582254

I can tell you are a chinkoid bug

>> No.54582261

Don't waste your time on those retards it's not worth it. When nobody acknowledge them anymore they will eventually go back

>> No.54582282

Take NAC, Selenium, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin C, and 30mg worth of iodine Lugols brand every day for like a month and it will go away.

>> No.54582283
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Think again detective. Aryan blue eye chad here.

>> No.54582305

That is not you.

>> No.54582322
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Giga cope nigger.

>> No.54582343

How long until we get a class action lawsuit for everyone who took the vax?

>> No.54582344

Still not you. Filename is intentionally edited. Also this looks like a woman's eye so its obviously not you

>> No.54582357

I wish it had killed more of those boomer fucks.

>> No.54582360

What would you need for proof, my social security number? Fucking queerbait.

>> No.54582370

Honestly the vax was fine. The vax might have killed thousands but it had lower side effects than the virus itself.

>> No.54582392

Covid was essentially a glorified flu. The vaccines are a RNA modifying cocktail with 3 updated boosters because they could never get things right. Deffinetly more risky than just a regular illness unless you're an obese diabetic or elderly.

>> No.54582415

The virus was much worse than the vax itself as far as risks. The virus wasn’t that bad. Do the math.

>> No.54582428

I used to get a cold every fall and have sore throat and cough and sneeze a lot. Never had this once in a year since I got the vax. Call me a shill or whatever you antivaxxers want to think of me, this is my honest story. It makes sense, the common cold can be caused by a weaker coronavirus so maybe all coronaviruses fear me now.

>> No.54582430

I disagree. For normal healthy adult males covid holds virtually no risks while an untested zero liability mass produced and rushed "vaccine" they had to re-do 4 times is just brimming with exciting possibilities.

>> No.54582444

You probably changed your vigilance around bacteria, sick people, etc.

>> No.54582450

Do you think that's because everyone is taking precautions like handwashing and covering their coughs more seriously ever since and germs aren't spreading as much? I experience the same thing and never got vaxxed.

>> No.54582457

Larp, I could see this happening if you browsed /cvg/ before like may 2020 but by the vax period everyone was more anxious about taking the vax as opposed to being anxious about being anti vax.

>> No.54582461

Well you’re paranoid that figures. I don’t think the vax did much.

>> No.54582473

People are not doing these things much anymore. A few people still are.

>> No.54582472

hi! i didnt take the nigger vaccine and used my friend’s QR code (because we had that dystopian retard shit over here) to still go out to restaurants, get cancer :)

>> No.54582478
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God I am so glad this fucking hypochondriac hysteria is over

Truly the gayest period in human history

>> No.54582479

You hope it does nothing*

People who got the injection are the clinical trials so good luck.

>> No.54582491

Alright paranoid bro

>> No.54582502

Okay don't forget your annual booster.

>> No.54582517

It really damaged my trust in institutions all of that shit was repulsive

>> No.54582521

I really don't blame them, the media was fucking DRILLING this shit 24/7 as the most scary dangerous disease ever. I almost believed them at one point until I got it myself and recovered within like 1 week.

>> No.54582527


>> No.54582538


>> No.54582556

Jeet doctors don't realize their people kept dying from the literal river of shit flowing through their country and not covid.

>> No.54582557

Tried this, dude was broke. Fucking loser.

>> No.54582582

Now you are starting to make sense anon

>> No.54582589
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W00t this is my most successful thread on biz so far. Thanks guys!

>> No.54582590

Kek, are Indians the most loathsome gross pitiful race of people of all time? They're a cruel joke.

>> No.54582619

My pleasure anon, I ignored all the covid masks vaccines everything and it feels awesome to take a victory lap after the fact. They tried it!

>> No.54582623

OP is always an attention seeking faggot.

>> No.54582632
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Same. I'm a retard guys. How do I profit from this?
When I hyperfocus I'm literally a genius. How to be in that headspace intentionally?
Btw drugs like metylphenidate give me anxiety . I drink a lot of cofee go mimic that stimulant high , but again it gives me anxiety.

>> No.54582639

You are a walking clown meme

>> No.54582648

Bro you need to get good sleep and stop burning out your frontal lobe

>> No.54582657

How come half the time it seems like you're making mostly sane level posts but when you reply to me it's really nonsensical intentionally inflammatory and confrontational? Do you want me to fuck you or something? Cuz you're for real acting like a bitch.

>> No.54582677

I was in the earliest wet market virus threads during the initial China lockdowns and bought a full face respirator and a bucket of N100 filters weeks before they became scarce on Amazon. I wore an N100 cuck muzzle to work (in hindsight counterproductive) long before it became a thing. Then March rolled around and almost everybody who died had one foot in the grave already. I paused and processed the new data, stopped wearing masks and forgot about all of it until Summer 2021 when I heard people were injecting mystery juice gene therapies for the equivalent of a nasty flu and getting fucked up and that physicians who complained got b& from all western social media and had their Wikipedia articles vandalized. Then I went to/pol/ and found /cvg/ still ongoing with a bunch of scared retards in it. You were one of them? I thought they were all bots or glowies. LOL

>> No.54582717

I was there too what was that like December 2019? When the stuff was first coming out of China and Biden and them called Trump a racist zenophobe for shutting down travel from China and Nancy Pelosi told everyone to go enjoy the festival in China town?

>> No.54582781
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the vaccine court of the united states

however if you win the drug companies still aren't held liable and the payout comes from taxpayer money. they used to have publicly available data back when the public wasn't looking and they had to settle A LOT of cases. but as of a few years ago they don't show that information anymore. anyways it's all mad sus to say the least but that's about pear for the course

>> No.54582807

I'm just glad everybody knows the truth. They showed their true colors and the fire rises.

>> No.54582817

I'm doing that, thanks anon

>> No.54582871

you took the vax, you were already retarded but the vax amplified all your ailments. congratulations, you a super retard.

>> No.54582886

I kneel, sir.

>> No.54582892

Thats mean bro they were manipulated and lied to they just wanted to do what they thought was right.

>> No.54583010
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why do some anons have all the luck
>this shit post was made from my Android(tm)

>> No.54583080

enjoy the early onset rapid vision decay, ocular degeneration and possible blindness. its a weak gene.
t. 40 year old blue eye

>> No.54583106

These eyes get me so much pussy, I wouldn't trade them for anything.

>> No.54583588

just realized this is a schizo thread

>> No.54583608

Bad post, very cringe zoomer buzzword used where it doesn't really belong.

>> No.54583695

Maybe you had ADHD already, but you didn't know it?

>> No.54584170

what word, schizo?
I mean yeah op this could also be possible. there are varying degrees of adhd

>> No.54584198

No the word "this" yes the word schizo, it's not even relevant here.