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File: 66 KB, 450x448, Anti-New_world_Order[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5457373 No.5457373 [Reply] [Original]

Will crypto help us overthrow the NWO ?

>> No.5457386

Crypto is how the NWO will take over.

>> No.5457418

>Will crypto help us overthrow the NWO ?
Bitcoin wont, but Bcash will.

>> No.5457459
File: 67 KB, 600x600, NWO Blue World Order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if crypto succeeds, it means the end of the nation state, which is what is protecting us, the citizenry from a full and hostile globalist takeover, anon!

>> No.5457461

This. crypto is how the NWO will establish one world currency.
At least some neets get to get rich in the process so its fine by me.

>> No.5457481

Crypto is NWO. Right now you are taking part in a simulation to help create a bulletproof system that will regulate how and on what you spend your money on, but it goes deeper. See how many of you shill coins on here? Essentially doing free marketing? This is the future. AI will be scanning all your communications and debiting and crediting your account according to what you say. Say something positive about the system recieve a credit. Say anything negative and all funds will be frozen. You will be starved out more effeciently than ever seen before in history. This will be Stalin's USSR with the upmost effeciency. Sleep well knowing what you are contributing too whiles you make your big gains of what a few grand?

>> No.5457527

I see you've stopped clapping, citizen. Didn't you know applause helps prevent coming down with a sudden case of Creudzfelt-Jakob disease?

>> No.5457550

I think current phase is about actually perfecting the tech. They allow these unregulated bubbles so tons of startups get into improving the crypto concept. Once a working and scalable crypto is here they will start removing fiats from the picture.

you can pretend to be a rebel if you want while other go into the NWO sligtly rich.

>> No.5457552

Monero will finally end the loominarti

>> No.5457593


>> No.5457629

The blockchain is Big Brother. Even the privacy oriented ones can eventually be turned against people as they transfer in and , or merely just owning them will be considered a crime.

>> No.5457792

Why so many brainlets in this thread? Crypto is literally the only thing that can protect us from the globalist state. Do you really think that your FIAT paper money belongs to you? Everything you have can be taken from you if a banker or politician decides to do so through inflation or by freezing your funds. Buying crypto is the only way of protecting your property rights

>> No.5457814

Cryptocurrencies are inherently globalist

>> No.5457832
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>> No.5457850
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This. Everything has a catch. You didn't really think you'd find a miracle market that will make you millions with no consequences?

>> No.5457859

A money system based on precious metals as the lord intended it is the only thing that will set us free from the eternal jew.

>> No.5457866

>t. Pajeet

>> No.5457883

This. But I’m a globalist so it’s a win-win. I want to be a globalist elite so bad.

>> No.5457886


>> No.5457912

Guess Im gonna be okay afterall since Im broke as shit, dont have mobile phone, dont have a bank account, dont have shit, pretty much live off the grid technology wise.

What the fuck they gonna do to me? I will revel in the norman tears when this is put into place.

>> No.5457997

lives off grid, feels the need to reach out an have a semblance of human contact with a complete stranger on the internet. The dillusions is strong with this one.

>> No.5458040

probly but ill be riding lambos when the EMPs hit baby

>> No.5458051
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You are overestimating (((them))). They are too invested in the current system. If crypto was their plan, they would have phased out the dollar a long time ago.

As it is right now, crypto is impossible to regulate. You're a brainlet if you think otherwise. The regulation and exposure of the USD allows them to track everything. In fact, the USD is already electronic money, again you're brainlets, its all numbers on a screen.

But now we're getting shit like Monero, Cloakcoin, Verge, the privacy/anon coins will kill the system along with the decentralized exchanges. Crypto is the thing that is going to help us break away from the system. In a few years it will be completely impossible to regulate crypto, and the IRS is a dead man walking.

The American Empire (and all world government for that matter) are finished in their current state. Its the end of an Age. The planet has been oppressed for far too long.

>> No.5458075

We will end up with FEDcoin sooner or later and have a cashless society where your entire spending history is on a centralized blockchain and directly tied to you at all times.

By then, I would like to think there will be some new means of circumvention.

>> No.5458160

Sick of you mobile phone faggots. Go on, get out of here.

>> No.5458289

NSA and CIA built it to keep the US from going under. They know that it does not matter how spectacular their classified weapons are, it's for nought if there's no nation left to defend. They are keenly aware that crypto will most benefit the right people. They saved western civilization and don't you forget it.

Thanks CIA.
Thanks NSA.

I love you.

>> No.5458347

Only if we avoid centralised networks and things. The whole point is no body or group has control or power. If they do they can be corrupted. Bcash is a great example, iota and xrp also.

>> No.5458390

whew faggot they couls buy the entire marketcap of crypto many times over with their playmoney.
They will let nerds play with this until the tech is ready for infinite scale then they will pick a winner or create their own.

>> No.5458410

No, the state should survive. They just need to do their job instead of using taxes for things that are not their concern like welfare and maintaining infrastructure. The states job is protection and enforcing the law (not creating them). Crypto gives control of the money back to the people as long as we avoid centralised cryptos.

>> No.5458420

Well you dont, youre either born into it or youre a blackmailed pawn

>> No.5458463

Exactly. (((They))) are ancient bloodlines none of us know about and are beyond money and the trappings they use to control us. Greed and the need fur power is their biggest control tool and that anon has fallen for the trick.

>> No.5458492

The internet was considered the domain of the anarchist, but the state eventually moved in and realized it could enhance it's grip on people. The same will happen to crypto.

>> No.5458519

In fact, China is working on a system like that right now

>> No.5458615

You are uneducated and think of yourself highly. Bitcoin was created by the CIA and will be used to form a one world currency.

Now please fuck off brainlet.

>> No.5458770

Yup its a beta test

>> No.5458992

mining hardware - the ressource crypto is based on can be paid with regular money, extreme wealth concentration means same parties could always buy the majority in mining and thereby own the network.

>> No.5459220
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this reminds me of a certain coin with a certain technology.

>> No.5459391
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If you can posses value without the use of a bank, then a huge point of control is out of regulatory hands. No bank can tell you whether or not it is moral to donate to Edward Snowden. Say you can put home ownership and car ownership on a blockchain. You no longer have to go through multi-billion dollar companies to trap you in balls of debt. You can also put insurance on a blockchain. This way, you sidestep the trillion dollar, government subsidized companies that have very flexible rules for payouts. Your only interactions with big companies would be super markets, phones, and taxes. Everything besides taxes can be made for oneself without having to rot the Earth in pursuit of making the 6 mega-corporations rich.

Essentially, if you continue to disconnect from looming corporations and government institutions, the only connection you will have to your government is that you have to pay taxes (unless you get drafted). In that way, you don't need to overthrow the NWO, you can just ignore them like the bullies they are.

>> No.5459522
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anyone who posts (((they))) as an argument does not have an argument

>> No.5459715

There is no "New" World Order, it's the fucking kikes like it's always been, and their stranglehold on the finace systems of nations is nothing new. They already control every major bank of every first world nation in the world, why would they need crypto? Crytpto is global sure, but there are to banks for the kikes to control, its also decentrlized, and there's planty of privacy projects too. It could be the vehicle if used correctly to finally revolt against the Kikes control over the financial system. It could also go the other way, be weary of coins like ripple that are centralized and backed by kike banks. It's a currency arms race, and the victor has yet to be decided. But "Crypto is NWO i'll just stick to my kike manipulated and controlled fiat money" is not the answer.
Also I get real suspicious of people who use terms like NWO and refuse to name the Jew. It not that fucking hard to follow the money and see who pulls the strings.

>> No.5459773

The weak point are the exchanges. Criminalize direct trading cash-coins person2person and regulate exchanges - done.

Since you have an eternal full track for all coin use you can also likewise block people from exchanges as soon as they use them in a way you don't want just as it happens with banking&paypal refusing to send money.

>> No.5459870

>(((They))) are ancient bloodlines none of us know about and are beyond money and the trappings they use to control us

Those "ancient bloodlines" are like 200-300 years at most and new money keeps flowing in over time into the elites. Coming from a dirt-poor background is very unlikely to ever help you become a "global elite" since you'll lack a contact network which is super important for maintaining power, but over time, a family that were once serfs could become the new elites over time. The Roman patrician families aren't holding onto power today and even the monarchs of Europe are nothing more (save for maybe the British monarchy) than old money rich people.

>> No.5459915

Still not available to buy until January

>> No.5460084

>Criminalize direct trading cash-coins person2person and regulate exchanges - done.

That would suck really hard. You really force the NWO to show its hand at that point. You also force a bunch of innovators into other countries which is a poor choice economically because they'll pay reasonable taxes in reasonable countries with reasonable exchanges.

That sounds like the war on drugs all over again - that's gay as fuck.

>> No.5460121

What's the big fucking deal? If they buy all of a certain coin, we'll just make another one.

I've been hearing a lot about the theory that bitcoin was a CIA psyop lately. 4chan likes roleplaying as false flagging CIniggers, playing contrarian because bitcoin has hit maximum bazinga. Fine. But what the hell happened to all the anons thinking that bitcoin and friends might actually unfuck the world for a change?

>> No.5460186

>this is different from just having your checking account chargeable through a chip stored just under your skin

>> No.5460189

Wouldn't surprise me if CIA or the government has a hand in the price of Bitcoin or is keeping a close eye on the influence of cryptos - after all, cryptos are a threat to the banking system.

IIRC, 23% of BTC was at some point a year or two ago seized by CIA/FBI after the traced the hackers of some exchange. Question is, are the HODLing or selling?

>> No.5460735

It's already happening in germany. They say you need a license to operate a finance bussiness and if you don't they close you - and with that the platforms got shutdown. Even just small guys trading between people got hunted with the reasoning that they operated as a exchange. Coinbase officially stepped down from doing bussiness with germans for the same reason. Because the legalities create such a huge hurdle you also have a natural centralisation of exchanges. Namely for a long time just one.

Upcoming we have new EU regulations that were just signed and supposedly will be valid in 2019. I've not read them yet but i don't expect anything positive. If anyone did please tell.

>> No.5461190

>Will crypto help us overthrow the NWO ?

Actually its part of their plan.

I knew that digital coins thing would happen back at 2012-2013 when I didnt new bitcoin and stuff like that existed

Read this text, is explain alot of stuff about nwo plans

Rules for reading.
1-Extraordinary claims require extraordinary explanations, the problem is that extraordinary explanations require a huge text, since people think the extraordinary claim is bullshit they never read the entire text (some dont even start to read the text at all) and so, dont read enought to be convinced. So read the entire text or dont read it.
2-If you are afraid of virus or of this being my site, the text is called new order order of barbarians its free and at many sites.
3-If you start to read the text dont stop no matter what, see part 1

>> No.5461270
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No. Crypto IS the NWO. Enjoy.

>> No.5461303


American express already is at ripple

>> No.5461314
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Keep telling yourself, anon.

>> No.5461369

They knew back in 1996 at least, when MIT published a paper on cryptographically secure digital assets. It's likely they've been working on it since before then.

You must understand that these people plan in decades and centuries.

>> No.5461551

The MIT paper doesn't have a solution for the multiple-spend problem, which Bitcoin solved with the blockchain.

>> No.5461624

Join The Resistance i VIVE MONERO !

>> No.5461810

>It's likely they've been working on it since before then.
The new order of barbarian text is a guy X telling a story he heard from guy Y at late 60s.

So this was planned at least since late 60s.

We can know guy Y is really a elite insider because of all the stuff he planned and became true, stuff that became true even after the guy X text (new order of barbarian) was released late 80s or early 90s, like extreme amount of terrorism at europe, or SJW calling you a misogenist if you are against the elite plans, or "be gay NOW" kind of stuff, or the thing we are talking about here, digital coins.

>> No.5461891
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Nope but it will lead to a lot of NEETs joining country clubs and annoying old money.

>> No.5461965

Yes, but they've been working on the issue at large for a long time.

>> No.5462001


>> No.5462295

Bitcoin will make the world a dystopia like Brave New World, but Bitcoin Cash will make the world a utopia.

>> No.5462572
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N akamoto
SA toshi

>> No.5462988

lost me at soccer becoming popular in USA

>> No.5463105

Bit offtopic but does ea earn most with nfl sportsgames in US and soccer in EU? Wonder if it's equally clear divided.

>> No.5463124

youre insane but i like your penmanship

>> No.5463189

>reddit spacing
>reddit terminology
fuck off go back

>> No.5463224

This whole thread reeks of reddit just fuck off back to your shitty forum where you get good boy points for agreeing with eachother

>> No.5463618


>> No.5463682

Found the good goy shill. Gas yourself.

>> No.5463783

Ethereum is going to be the system that enables new levels of control beyond anything we've seen so far. Future generations will curse the name of Vitalik, mark my words.

>> No.5464440
File: 84 KB, 400x337, bitcoin foot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great Thread Boys. The Strong Survive!! West is The Best.F the NWO

>> No.5464480


In this structure, credit, presented as a pure element called "currency," has the appearance of capital, but is in effect negative capital. Hence, it has the appearance of service, but is in fact, indebtedness or debt. It is therefore an economic inductance instead of an economic capacitance, and if balanced in no other way, will be balanced by the negation of population (war, genocide). The total goods and services represent real capital called the gross national product, and currency may be printed up to this level and still represent economic capacitance; but currency printed beyond this level is subtractive, represents the introduction of economic inductance, and constitutes notes of indebtedness. War is therefore the balancing of the system by killing the true creditors (the public which we have taught to exchange true value for inflated currency) and falling back on whatever is left of the resources of nature and regeneration of those resources.

Mr. Rothschild had discovered that currency gave him the power to rearrange the economic structure to his own advantage, to shift economic inductance to those economic positions which would encourage the greatest economic instability and oscillation. The final key to economic control had to wait until there was sufficient data and high-speed computing equipment to keep close watch on the economic oscillations created by price shocking and excess paper energy credits - paper inductance/inflation.